DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
This series has completely jumped the shark.
9 April 2019
Legends of Tomorrow used to just be silly, now it's just ridiculous. Storylines have gotten totally convoluted and make zero sense. The cast no longer feels as bloated as it once was, but now it's like they're throwing in everything but the kitchen sink just to keep making things happen. The show is riddled with gigantic plot holes and completely lazy writing. Like, what the hell is the point to having a time-traveling spaceship, when you have a bureau that can just press a button with a little device and they can just time travel that way? The whole thing seems arbitrary and pointless. And in half the episodes now the heroes never use any of their powers. Aren't they supposed to be superheroes? Episodes just keep making huge jumps in logic and expecting the viewers to just accept it. They don't provide explanations for absolutely anything. It's like the writers know that things have gotten so silly, that they just don't care anymore. Compare it to a series like Doom Patrol. That show is super silly, but at least things make sense on some level, and you know people writing for it truly care. It's like Legends just doesn't give a crap. Performances used to show promise, now they're just cringe-worthy. What happened? I'm a huge DC, sci-fi, and time travel fan, and I really can't stand the show anymore. Whatever corner they've turned, it hasn't been for the better. It's time these Legends ride off into the sunset.
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