The Critic (1994–2001)
Critically Incorrect Hillarity
19 January 2021
This show is another of my favorite animated shows of all time, but also, it's another under the radar gem that sadly as time went on has become forgotten. Much like any cult film or any film that wasn't a box office hit but should've been, it's a shame this show never really got to join the long line of older audience animated programs that we have today from "King of the Hill", "Futurama", "South Park" etc.

This show came out at a time when animated prime time shows/older audience animated shows weren't commonplace except for the show "The Simpsons" which was big and great in the 90's, so yeah having another beside that one was really tough act to follow; though there was also another older audience themed show which also was released about the same time which was "Duckman" another under the radar gem.

The background animation is great, I really love how the show really captures "New York City". Though I'll admit seeing the twin towers still up it really gives me that big nostalgia and sentimental feeling of the 90's, a decade that wasn't as troubled as the two decades we've lived through right now. Really makes you realize how good you had it back then. Anyway, I really like how the show got most of the locales from the city are there, if you life or have visited "New York" then you'll recognize them, it really gives the show a sense of geography. The show you can say is a bit of a fantasy as we see its sort of an alternate New York where it's one foot in reality but one foot away.

I really love the theme song, which is another of my favorite theme songs, it's a kind of simplistic tune but it surprisingly works as its relaxing and has an optimistic feel to it. As if saying despite what happens one day, there is always tomorrow.

But of course, what powers the show is the characters and the humor.

Jay Sherman played well by one of my favorite comedic actors Jon Lovitz; and of course, the character is designed to slightly look like him. He is just hilarious as he has some of the best lines in the show but how he just delivers certain line in a sly smart ass or dead pan manner. His character is loveable as he really is a decent guy that is not just doing something, he loves but at the same time he is responsible as he is raising his son as best he knows how. But also, he is trying to be and bring more to his life. Just like the movies he reviews this guy hits and misses throughout life. I really like the fact that this is a character in a career that is more my field as I am a movie critic, I always like that because it makes the characters slightly relatable let alone are actually in an interesting career, where in most sitcoms a character is in a field, I know nothing about or is generic background noise by its nature.

This guy has his wins but as we see he also has his failures but that doesn't bother him because at least he tried. He's kind of a sad clown as this guy just gets so much grief almost more than the number of bad movies he has to watch. The guy is the typical film snob but in a harmless sense. And whenever he gives a bad review to most of the films, he's not being a jerk he is just being honest to how he feels about certain films, though seeing those clips of the films myself I can understand his unfavorable reviews. But it's always funny when he roasts them he does it with style; I could easily imagine him roasting the recent "Star Wars" trilogy (episodes 7-9 to be exact).

Jay's Father, he's just really funny from how eccentric he really is, but never boring; this character could have easily been the father of Andy from "Parks and Recreation". It's just funny how this guy is always constantly just doing different things like in one episode he imitates the Hanna Barbara cartoon character El Cabong. Or another where he is driving at high speed and they think they're in the "Donkey Kong" game. I know it's nuts, and yet there is a method to this as he's a person just living the moment and doing whatever he simply feels like because life is short after all.

Jeremy voiced by Maurice LaMarche, this guy obviously parodies Mel Gibson but also the cool best friend archetype, sort of like who Fonzie is to Richie. Really like how despite his fame and good things just spontaneously happening to him he really doesn't let it get to his head (well maybe a little). And unlike Fonzie he's not always a bright bulb but he really does care about his friend Jay Sherman and really does help him out when needed.

Duke Philips voiced by the late Charles Naper is a Ted Turner like executive boss. This character is just dryly hilarious he's another of my favorite animated villains that I feel is underrated. This is a guy you just love to dislike, he's not evil per say but more a person in a gray area as he really does want to contribute and help people but the problem is so wrapped up in his ego that each cause always seems to be one big inflation of it. He also really wants to run a good company but at the same time is kind of doing some sabatoshing as he is constantly contributing to Jay's pile of grief.

The humor in this show is just fraking hilarious, from, the Film parodies are just hilarious, there are so many good ones. I'll just mention a couple of them I really liked "Speed Reading" which is a parody on "Speed" it's just hilarious on the concept, I still wonder what the rules are like how the bomb can be able to sense how many words a minute the person reads, is there some sort of speaker sensor. Let alone what happens when he finishes the books.

Home Alone 5 and Rabbi P.I.: The "Home Alone 5" is one you must see for yourself to laugh at, and that little skit is actually better than the actual sequel we got which is just sad. "Rabbi P.I." Obviously on Arnold Schwarzenegger action films, just seeing those clips I would watch that movie.

"The Red Balloon 2": This one is just great as it once again parodies on sequel fever. Making an action film sequel into a famous long ago short film wouldn't that be something. One highlight of this is Alan Rickman having a cameo voice and what he says just cracks me up.

Though other than parodying movies it also parodies and satires on film industry and counterculture. A little on what goes behind the scenes and the fight for ratings and what entertainment sells, the conflict between quantity and quality in films, just a lot of things if your familiar with the movie field. But most importantly the dialog in the show is just hilarious, there are just so many clever and memorable lines that you must hear yourself to laugh.

Like any hidden gem film this show is worth checking out, in my book this show is a critical success.

Rating: 4 stars
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