A few things
15 October 2021
So first, I was in college when the original came out. I really liked it. I had also loved the book. And yes, I'm old. Lol. What I don't understand is complaints about reboots that aren't like the original. Why? That movie has already been made. You can't duplicate it, so might as well go in a different direction. Side note, the original had one of the best horror chase scenes, in my opinion, so it's worth a rewatch every Halloween, or any other day of the week. I do like this lead actress (she'll always be Bethany) ...though she does seem a bit old for the role she's playing, as well as a couple others, but that's fine. I understand them not wanting a 17/18 yr old doing these kinds of scenes. Okay, so the drugs, sex and wokeness....those seem to be a theme and area of disdain in these reviews. Teenagers have sex and do drugs. My mom grew up in the 60s and her and her friends definitely did. It's not a new generation thing by any means. It's also the 21st century. Kids are a great deal more aware and woke, if that's what you want to call it. They may go a bit over the top but this is the horror genre. Horror has always done that and has very often played upon these themes. I'm a big horror fan so it didn't feel out of place to me. Or like it was trying too hard. Just typical. And finally, I've also seen this trend of bashing shows after viewing only one episode. Maybe give it at least 3 episodes? Sometimes you just want a fluffy horror that doesn't make you think too much. It's not an 8, but it could hover around a 6 (maybe even 7) if you're not expecting too much.
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