Fire Island (I) (2022)
Corny as All Get Out, But It Works
11 August 2022
"Fire Island" proves that Jane Austen wrote something so good with "Pride and Prejudice" that it's almost impossible to screw it up.

This very gay adaptation sets the story among a group of young(ish) men during one last vacation week at Fire Island before the house they usually stay at is no longer available and they can't go anymore. I wasn't sure why they all felt like they could never go again -- I mean, they're all old enough to have jobs -- surely there is a house or apartment somewhere they could all go in together to rent? But this isn't that kind of movie.

I was put off initially by how flamboyant and exaggerated the depiction of gay men is in this movie, but it gradually won me over. It's like a naughtier version of a Hallmark movie where everything looks pretty and you know how everything will end so you can just sit back and enjoy the fact that you won't have to put up for too long with any dramatic tension whatsoever.

My biggest problem with the film is that I never liked the Lizzie surrogate in this movie. He's kind of a jerk and never really stops being a jerk. Lizzie was stubborn and quick to jump to conclusions about people, but she was also extremely winning. Not so here.

And I was so glad that at one point the main character's friend told him to stop talking like a podcast. Up to that point I was seriously like "is this how younger people talk nowadays, and how annoying if so." "Hetero-normative industrial complex" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue in casual conversation.

Grade: B+
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