Black Adam (2022)
Fast paced action and kinda fun
22 October 2022
In the superhero movie genre I would rank this somewhere in the middle, which of course also means that this is a fantastic movie from a DC-perspective. DC have really been digging below the bottom of the barrel, and with only one exception every other single movie have been horrible.

This is not horrible. Actually this is kinda entertaining, it is fun, and the movie flies by in a very brisk pace. The more or less constant fighting is pretty great, and they even manage to get a few one-liners in there. Even the CGi is good (mostly), which can only mean that DC finally got rid of their awful special effects team.

But this is not really great either. This is a very single-minded kind of movie. Evil bla bla bla curse lots of slow-mo accompanied by superhero bombastic music and lots of crashing buildings, lots of disposable henchmen. Sure there is a underlaying theme of "who is really a hero?" and a few tiny tidbits of story, but mainly this is like a huge wrestling match with pretty unpretentious smashing. Since everything move so quickly we also have no time to breath or get to know these characters. I wish there was 20min more with some background stories, but nah, smash more, blow up more stuff, woosh, blam, slam.

If you have no intention of seeing anything but a big long slugfest with a lot of CGi and you do not care about story or character development, then you are likely going to love this. From that perspective, and from a DC perspective, this movie is pretty good, almost great. But if you weigh in actual movie value such as script, characters, and storytelling well... then not so much.

I give this a 7/10 just because I was entertained and since I am happy to see a DC film that do not suck like a boring black hole. But to be honest that score is too generous. Worth the ticket price though; so I recommend!
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