sharing a laugh and a dance
5 January 2024
Greetings again from the darkness. Augusto and Paulina are a real couple facing real challenges in the real world. Their challenges aren't related to where to head for dinner or whether Augusto will leave the toilet seat up or down. No, their daily challenges are whether Augusto will wake up and recognize his wife, or even know his own name. Chilean Documentarian Maite Alberti climbs inside this relationship to show us the real impact of Alzheimer's Disease, and does so expertly and intimately.

Augusto Gongora was a professional News Reporter/Journalist during the Pinochet regime, and Paulina Urrutia was a successful actor ... both well known in their country. We even see clips and archival newsreels of Augusto's work. However, filmed during COVID, almost the entirety of the film is focused on these two people taking each day as it comes ... the good days and the not-so-good days. And perhaps 'moments' is a better measure than days, as this cruel disease can shift quickly. Paulina handled much of the camera work so the director and crew could keep safe distance during the pandemic, and the result is a few blurry shots, none of which detract from what we are meant to see.

Paulina helps Augusto with his memory of work and kids. She helps him take a shower. She reads to him when they take walks, and she cringes as he rides a bicycle. She helps him with his eye protection as they view the eclipse. They even treasure the time they can dance together. There are many times they share a laugh, and there are times Paulina cries alone or Augusto appears lost. Mostly they have their tender moments which define the relationship that they so want to hold on to ... all while surrounded by Augusto's lifelong collection of books that fill the house - most of which he can no longer read.

Theirs is a love story. And it's real.
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