Randy Rides Alone (1934) Poster

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Alternate title: The Forgotten Massacre At The Saloon
Spondonman9 January 2005
Another Wayne/Canutt/Hayes Lone Star entry, mostly enjoyable with the usual few tedious scenes thrown in. How any 52 minute movie can have tedious stretches is down to the love interest and various characters having to walk from one location to another. Riding is much more exciting after all!

It has a good start, with Wayne entering a saloon only to be greeted with a blood-bath, or was it just a good night previous? Chin-bald Hayes plays 2 characters, one the top baddie and the other a good-guy mute who has to write his words down on scraps of paper - more tedium. The key moment in RRA is after the heroine has said no to him as the good guy he starts to scribble an answer down to try to change her mind. Then he and the scriptwriter realise it won't do any good with only 5 minutes left so he petulantly blurts out "I'm fed up with this" and becomes his True Evil Self to her.

Some nice outdoor photography, nice print, nice scenes of the skinny Duke ambling around Alone before he's suddenly smitten with love. He improved his fight techniques in the coming years!
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Very different for the Duke
BrianG18 September 1999
John Wayne made a slew of B Westerns for major and minor studios in the '30s before he hit it big with "Stagecoach" in 1939 for RKO. This was made for Monogram, a minor studio, and directed by Harry Fraser, a quirky director who spent his entire career grinding out B (and D, and Z . . . ) movies for long-forgotten studios like Resolute, Atlantic, PRC and Screen Guild. Working at a cheapo studio like Monogram would be considered the start of a downward slide for most directors; for Fraser it was a step up the career ladder, and he was ready for it. This could well be called one of, if the first, gothic Westerns; such things simply did not exist in 1934. It's eerie, atmospheric and has an especially shocking (for the time) opening scene. Randy (Wayne) rides into town after a long, dry trip and stops by the local saloon to wet his whistle. As he approaches it, he hears the tinkle of a piano coming from inside. Entering the establishment, however, he's greeted by a grisly sight: the piano is a player piano running by itself, and there are dead bodies lying everywhere. This film shows what can be done with almost no money but a lot of imagination and talent. This kind of movie wouldn't have been made at any of the big studios, but the independents could get away with a lot of things the majors couldn't (and wouldn't) do. This is an extremely offbeat, well done little film, not at all like Wayne's other westerns of the period. It's too bad Harry Fraser was never able to capitalize on the success of this movie (reportedly it made quite a bit of money and Wayne got along especially well with him); it would have been interesting to see what he would have been capable of with a bit more money and some major studio backing. Instead, he stayed pretty much where he was and ended his career making trash like "The White Gorilla" and "Chained for Life", about a murder committed by Siamese twins (!). Sorry, Harry.
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If you can get through the slow stretches this is a good little western
dbborroughs2 December 2006
John Wayne rides into a saloon and finds the player piano running and everyone in the place dead. The safe has been broken into as well. As Wayne investigates the scene the sheriff and posse arrive and promptly arrest Wayne vowing to get his gang as well. Breaking out of the jail with the help of the saloon owner because she knows he didn't do it Wayne is off to find out who did.

Though held by many as a classic, I'm not too sure of its status. Its certainly got some good moments and at least one classic moment in it, but its not really a classic sort of film. The opening of the film where John Wayne walks into the saloon and finds everyone dead is one of the creepiest sequences I've ever seen in any sort of film. There is something unsettling about the whole affair that really gets under your skin. Its the type of thing that makes you sit up and pay attention, I just wish the rest of the film was on on par with that one scene.

Unfortunately this 53 minute film also has a great deal of filler. There are frequent stretches were people just ride between locations. This doesn't include the chases which seem to spring up every five minutes or so. Its deadly and it kills the pace of the film which would be a taut 30 or 35 minute with out them.

Worth a look for that one scene if nothing else.
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One of the Duke's Better Early Westerns
bsmith555211 November 2002
"Randy Rides Alone" is one of the better entries in John Wayne's Lone Star westerns made in the early to mid 30s. And if you've ever wondered what George "Gabby" Hayes looked like without his whiskers, then this film is for you.

Wayne plays undercover investigator Randy Bowers who is sent to investigate a series of robberies committed by Marvin Black (Hayes) and his gang. He comes upon a half-way house which has apparently been robbed and everyone in it killed. But heroine Alberta Vaughn has escaped by hiding in a secret back room. Bowers meanwhile, is arrested for the carnage by the sheriff (Earl Dwire). Black masquerades as Marvin the Mute, the General Store owner, a respectable townsman. Bowers escapes jail and manages to infiltrate the gang and well, you probably can guess the rest.

John Wayne was in the midst of learning his craft in this series. This entry is better than most, particularly the "Singing Sandy" pictures. Hayes before he became "Gabby", played a variety of roles in the series. Sometimes he was the villain, other times the father of the heroine and sometimes a forerunner of the grizzled sidekick that we would soon come to know. Veteran stuntman Yakima Canutt also worked regularly in the series doubling just about everybody. He also played the parts of henchmen in several of them. In this one he's Hayes chief henchman "Spike".

Not a bad "B" western for its time.
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A priesthole in the wild west
bkoganbing17 September 2005
Watching this film today I got the feeling this thing was missing about 10 to 15 minutes or so from the beginning of the story. John Wayne rides up on this trading post/saloon out in the middle of nowhere to meet with the owner about some robberies. All he sees is the signs of a massacre, some dead bodies, signs of a fight and no one alive in sight. That's because the owner's daughter is hidden in a secret room, the kind you find in old English murder mysteries.

The reason you find those hidden rooms in those kind of stories is that they were formerly priestholes. Catholic families clinging to the old faith in 16th century England built these things to hide those on the run from royal authorities because of their faith. Not something you see in westerns, but a good gimmick.

Unfortunately because of bad editing or writing or both we never know exactly what brought Wayne to this place exactly. But this was a B western and not even a good one at that.

Gabby Hayes is in this and he's clean shaven and playing a mute part of the time. An unusual circumstance for the garrulous Gabby.

If you want to bother and find out what happens and see a whiskerless Gabby Hayes then see this film.
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One for Hayes' vociferous fans!
JohnHowardReid24 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be deceived by the re-issue poster which prominently features George "Gabby" Hayes (sic). Oh, Hayes is in the movie all right. In fact, he plays two key roles, but neither is a "Gabby". One is the very reverse – a mute who writes copious notes on scraps of paper. You won't recognize the other "Gabby" either. Nevertheless, Hayes is excellent in both roles, and part of the reason for wanting to see this film is to enjoy George Hayes's dual, offbeat performances. John Wayne fans, however, are going to be a bit disappointed. True, he's in good form but, despite the fact that he's playing the title character, he isn't in the film for long stretches. Therefore, as you might expect, there's not a great deal of action and what there is – a couple of chases from fixed camera positions and a tame fist fight with Yak Canutt – is not all that inspiring, thanks to Harry Fraser's dull direction. Even the locations fail to impress – aside from the waterfall into which Yak, doubling for Wayne, does a spectacular dive! Still the story and its characters are mildly intriguing – and everyone remembers the chilling and really weird opening sequence. In fact, this is the most effective scene in the movie. The heroine is a bit of a write-off – and she has a large part too! Aside from Hayes, and perhaps Canutt, the support cast is totally uninteresting. However, all in all, although not one of Wayne's most exciting Lone Stars, "Randy Rides Alone" does have its points of appeal.
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Full of mistakes that are often associated with B-westerns, but the film is still pretty watchable.
planktonrules21 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Like the other John Wayne B-westerns I recently saw on the Encore Channel, inexplicably someone has added a recent musical accompaniment. Using electronic instruments, loud and often inappropriate music punctuates scenes like a 2x4 upside your skull! Why, oh, why?!

The film begins with Randy (John Wayne) arriving at a bar--only to find all the people inside dead and the safe ransacked. Soon, the Sheriff and a posse arrive and arrest--and they just assume he killed everyone--though there really isn't any reason to believe this. You just need to assume he and the rest are total idiots, as the idea of one man killing everyone AND Randy's gun still loaded would sure seem to indicate he was not the murderer.

The bar owner's niece (the only really smart person in the film) realizes Randy is innocent when he provides documentation that he's a secret agent and helps him escape from jail. Wayne does NOT want the rest of the town to know his identity, however, as he wants to try to investigate the actions of the evil gang responsible for the killings.

Interestingly, Gabby Hayes plays a baddie--something he did occasionally in earlier B-movies but simply never would have done during his later years as a crazy coot sidekick. Here, however, he wears his false teeth and is clean-shaven--and those unfamiliar with this persona from his earlier films might have a hard time recognizing him. I liked the plot device of having him pretending to be a harmless mute shop owner, though the fact he was evil was telegraphed by the message Randy finds scrawled on a wanted poster only a minute or so into the film--so they really tipped their hat, so to speak, too early.

In addition to the goofs listed on IMDb, I noticed a few others. When Mat the Mute wrote his notes, you see him very rapidly writing. Yet, when there's a closeup, it's obviously a different person writing at half the speed. Also, after Randy jumps in the river and then discovers the gang's hideout, he's miraculously dry in the next scene. Oddly, however, the gang offer him a set of clothes to change into, so they didn't totally blow this scene.

Despite the goofs and the film seemingly too rushed and too straight-forward, it is pretty good for an early B-western. The plot isn't bad, the ending is nice and violent (yay, violence!) and the leading lady was clever and not a total idiot! Not great but still watchable after all these years.
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A look into the 30's film-making
LebowskiT100026 July 2006
I've never been a fan of westerns, which is probably why up until last night I'd never seen a film starring John Wayne. Of course it doesn't help that our lives only overlapped by a year, so I didn't have a great deal of opportunity to see any of his films (in the theater at least). I received this film in a VHS films lot that I won from ebay, so I finally popped it in last night and gave it a whirl.

I went in expecting a really low budget, really old western...needless to say, my expectations were pretty low. All in all, I'd have to say the film really isn't that bad. I don't have any other John Wayne films to compare it to, so thus far it's my favorite. I can however, compare it to other westerns, and frankly, it was no "Tombstone", but it was worth my time.

The story is nothing fantastic, but it's has it's moments. The acting was just fine as far as I could tell and overall production value was OK, granted it was made in the 30's, so again, I wasn't expecting much. One scene in particular made me laugh out loud. Whenever the halfway-house is shown from a bird's eye view it is CLEARLY a scale model, it's hilarious how bad it actually looks...but again...30's.

In any case, I have no idea who to recommend this film to, but I will say that it's really short (60 minutes) so it won't take up too much of your time and it's kind of fun to see a film this old to appreciate films of today and how far they've come, not to say that this is bad, but just to further appreciate film-making.

Hope you enjoy it.

P.S. I just realized that this film has the honor of being the 3rd oldest film I've ever seen (as of 7-26-2006).
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"My orders were to work alone."
classicsoncall25 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Randy Bowers (John Wayne) comes upon the Half Way House at just the right time to take a break from the trail, and discovers a slew of dead bodies inside, among them a man he was supposed to deliver a message to - Ed Rogers, proprietor of the establishment. He's observed by the dead man's niece Sally (Alberta Vaughn), from behind a hidden room, where she remained unobserved during the carnage.

"Randy Rides Alone" was directed by Harry Fraser. He uses a filming technique here as in other of his films, where he fast forwards the action from one location to another, usually involving a rider on a horse. It's pretty well done and appears quite innovative in these 1930's era Lone Star Westerns.

Pre-Gabby George Hayes is on hand, sans whiskers, and this is the first time I've seen him as a villain. In fact it took a few scenes to realize it was him in a dual role, first as hunchbacked businessman "Matt the Mute", communicating via pencil and paper, only to turn into Marvin Black, leader of a gang of outlaws. Black's gang was responsible for the murders at Half Way House, in an attempt to coerce Sally into selling out to Matt/Marvin. Another staple player is here as well, Yakima Canutt as a Black henchman named Spike. Interestingly, Yakima portrayed a villain named Sam Black in another Fraser/Wayne oater, "Neath the Arizona Skies".

There's a fair amount of time-killing horseback riding back and forth between Black's Gang and the Sheriff's posse, as John Wayne's character maneuvers to expose the bad guys. In the end, he saves the day by securing Sally Rogers' thirty thousand dollars, at the expense of destroying the Half Way House, where he exchanges some sticks of dynamite for the loot in a safe. Greedy Marvin Black attempts to open it with his six-shooter, and the explosion is a fitting end for the villain. In his best "Aw shucks" attitude, John Wayne falls under the spell of the pretty Sally Rogers, and alas, Randy rides alone no more!
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The Villainous Gabby Hayes
FightingWesterner16 November 2009
John Wayne enters a saloon to find a player piano tinkling the ivories to a room full of dead people and is promptly arrested! The real culprit is Hayes, who masquerades as kindly Matt the mute (!) and had the men killed as part of a land grab scheme.

There isn't as much action in Randy Rides Alone as there is in some of the other John Wayne/ Lone Star productions, though there are a few good stunts courtesy of Yakima Canutt, the one where he leaps forward off a rolling horse being a particular standout.

What really makes this good is the irresistible chance to see one of the few performances in which the clean shaven George Hayes plays a black-hatted heavy.

Waynes quip, "That's the end of Matt the mute.", is priceless!
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Not a goof
ohroonoko28 May 2021
Someone reported this as a goof but it isn't: "

"When Wayne pulls the wanted poster off the wall in the first scene, the bullet holes are in the poster but not in the wall behind."

Randy (Wayne) clearly notes that there are no holes in the wall; he touches the wall.

The wanted posters were posted to a tree at the gang's hideout and used for target practice. After the holes were shot out, the boss signed them, afterwards which they were left behind at crime scenes to taint the sheriff.
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A Fun Old Time Western
essers24 April 2014
This was a fun old time western that was well plotted and fast moving.

John Wayne enters a "deserted" bar that is host to dead men. It is eerily empty except for a player piano running through its program and a set of eyes peering through a picture. This was pretty cool stuff for a 1934 early talkie.

Shortly we find that the set of eyes belong to an attractive young female, Alberta Vaughn, who is sole owner of the tavern now that her father has been murdered. We are introduced to other major players. . The most interesting is Matt the Mute. He is played by Gabby Hayes who doesn't resemble the Gabby Hayes that we are used to. He has no beard. There are a few other differences that would give too much plot away.

We shortly find out that John is on the side of the good guys. Good triumphs over bad as it should in all good old westerns. Throw in the great stunt rider, Yakima Canutt and Earl Dwire, who looked like his character of the old time sheriff. And you've got a fun old time western.
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Never shoot open a strong box
weezeralfalfa28 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the few Lone Star Wayne westerns in which George(later "Gabby") Hayes was the chief villain rather than working with Wayne in bringing the baddies to justice. As in the other film in this series I have seen where Hayes was the chief villain, he is barely recognizable as the same person who played an oldtimer during this period as well as later. After he left Lone Star, he would(to my knowledge) be seen exclusively in his oldtimer role. As the villain, he was usually clean- shaven and lacked his distinctive oldtimer toothless manner of speech and improvised vocabulary. In the present film, he is seen in two incarnations: Matt the Mute, a bespectacled hunchbacked old man about town with a generous mustache, looking rather like TR, who can hear but not talk, and clean-shaven 20-20 visioned Marvin Black, a notorious outlaw leader who lives in a hideout behind a waterfall, some miles out of town. Black usually lives up to his name, dressed in all black, including his hat, in contrast to the rest of his gang and to Matt the Mute. As Matt, he often learns information relevant to his outlaw schemes.

Wayne rides into town as a government special investigator, with the goal of infiltrating the Black gang. No one knows of his real status except for Sally, the niece of the recently murdered proprietor of the Half Way House. Black's present goal is to steal a large stash of cash believed somewhere in the Half Way House and to arm twist Sally, as the heir, into selling this establishment to him. Wayne is suspected by the town folk of the murder of Sally's uncle and others, although Sally knows this is false. She facilitates his escape from jail; however, he has a tough job not being gunned down by either the posse or the outlaws.

Having seen quite a few of Wayne's Lone Star "B" westerns, I would rate this as one of the better ones, in terms of plot, although it lacked the comic element sometimes present. The beginning and end were particularly memorable. Newcomer Wayne walks into a watering hole in the middle of nowhere to find everyone dead, the player piano still making music and a pair of eyes moving behind a portrait with the eyes cut out. However, the ending would have been much more effective if the audience didn't know beforehand that Wayne had replaced the contested Half Way House money with dynamite.(Today, we would probably categorize Wayne as a bomb-rigging terrorist). Also, Sally seems unusually calm in seeing her Half Way House blown to smithereens, possibly including her fortune in cash. I've noticed that, whereas the male actors are mostly the same in this series of westerns, the female lead usually changes each time, giving Wayne quite a collection of film wives. Most of them are portrayed as basically helpless damsels in distress in the setting of the Wild West, and many look like they could have just stepped out of the Zeigfield Follies.
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George Hayes as the Boss Villain in this OK Effort!
Chance2000esl21 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There were many 'spooky' westerns made in the 30s and early 40s, and although this has a strong beginning, it isn't one. Randy Bowers (John Wayne) stopping at a 'Halfway House' saloon, finds it to be full of dead bodies, the bartender's corpse draped over the bar holding a gun, eyes watching Randy from behind holes cut through eyes in a picture, and a player piano playing "The Loveliest Night of the Year."

It was the result of a robbery by the Marvin Black gang, to get Ed Rogers' $30,000. Randy is an investigator who "works alone," who wastes little time in getting arrested, escaping (with Ed's daughter Sally's help) and literally landing in the midst of the Black gang's hideout behind a waterfall. It all moves along fairly quickly. Only one too many chases after Randy slow it down.

We even get George Hayes, clean shaven and playing two parts-- Marvin Black, the vilest villain, as well as the Good Citizen, Matt the Mute, who communicates via handwritten messages. Having him play two opposite roles was a good idea, but the writing down of messages thing gets old real fast, even for him, as he finally gives up doing it near the end saying to Sally, "Ah, I'm fed up with this!" You can find George playing a vile, vile, double crossing villain in the serial "The Lost City" (1934).

I think this is the only 'Lone Star' film in which the title relates to, or is mentioned in the film! Sally offers her hand to Randy and says, "He's not alone anymore!" Then cut to their arms around each other as they look out facing a lake. Sally's running off with Randy seems too abrupt and not sufficiently prepared for. Too much time spent on horseback escaping the sheriff.

Not that bad considering everything, but not that great either. I'd really give it a 4 and a half.
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"And you call yourself a badman!"-- Hayes to Canutt after he bungles a robbery.
dougdoepke30 May 2008
Above average fare from the Lone Star crew of worthies-- Hayes, Canutt, Dwire, and of course Wayne. Lindsley Parsons did several scripts for Wayne and Lone Star, but this one's arguably his best. Wayne's an undercover agent on the trail of an outlaw gang whose latest robbery ends in a massacre of saloon patrons and staff. The opening is a grabber as the camera surveys the corpse strewn floor, while a player piano bangs away in the background, eyes peer from holes in a painting, and a secret panel opens. The outlaw gang has a neat hideout in a hollow behind a waterfall. Their digs even includes, of all things, its own jail where the leading lady ends up! Some good hard riding, including (alas!) a trip-wire spill that looks dramatic, but I wonder if the horse survived. Canutt comes up with usual spectacular stunt as Wayne takes a fall from a ladder high up a rock face. Can't help but notice that Alberta Vaughn looks much too young to stack up as an adult leading lady, but manages okay in the acting department. The movie's unusual for rare use of a miniature as a special effect. It's pretty well done and money well spent since the ending makes unexpectedly good use of it. All in all, it's good clean fun, as they used to say.
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Sally and the Stranger
lugonian26 September 2023
RANDY RIDES ALONE (Monogram Pictures, 1934), directed by Harry Fraser, stars John Wayne in his seventh "Lone Star" western presentation. With story/screenplay by Lindsley Parsons, production values still on a low-budget scale, but plot summary is tightly edited with everything told under an hour. Overall, it's still an interesting little item with a mixture of western and mystery.

The story introduces Randy Barlow (John Wayne), a lone cowboy riding through town to meet with Ed Rogers. Coming to the saloon called the Half-Way House which Rogers owns, Randy enters to the sound of piano playing music only to be surrounded by a massacre of dead bodies, one of them being Rogers. Unknown to him is a picture on the wall with moving eyes watching his every move. Moments later, the sheriff (Earl Dwire) and his deputies enter with Matt the Mute (George Hayes), who had earlier notified the sheriff of the gunshots. He insists the cowboy be arrested as a possible suspect connected with a gang of killers. While in jail, Randy is met with Sally Rogers (Alberta Vaughn), the niece of the deceased, whom she believes is not the guilty man. Sally arranges for Randy's escape and for him to meet with her at sunup. Sally is informed through a letter of introduction by the Adams Express Company in Denver, Colorado, that Randy is a government agent sent by Ed to investigate Marvin Black, a man pressuring him to sell him the saloon. After Randy is pursued on horseback by a posse, his escape leads him to the cave hideout of Marvin Black where he finds sally being held hostage. Supporting players include Yakima Canutt (Spike); Tex Phelps and Perry Murdock.

What makes RANDY RIDES ALONE watchable is the prescense of the unrecognizable George "Gabby" Hayes years before his bearded sidekick roles in a straight role playing a mute speaking through his written messages. Though never addressed verbally as Randy, Wayne's character is only known through camera closeup to his letter of introduction, otherwise to others he's simply a nameless cowboy who rides alone. Alberta Vaughn, the heroine in the story who hides in secret panels, whose distrust is on everybody except for a the cowboy stranger in town. Some good stunts with interesting finish make this worthwhile viewing.

A long unseen western turned up regularly on public television starting in the early 1980s, leading for its rediscovery on video cassette and later the DVD process. Cable television broadcasts include American Movie Classics (1996-2000), Turner Classic Movies (TCM premiere: May 1996) and Encore Westerns. Although clocked at 53 minutes, some sources time RANDY RIDES ALONE at 57 minutes, though jump cuts don't seem visible in existing prints. Beware of RANDY RIDES ALONE often shown with inferior intrusive underscoring added during its long muted sequences. (**)
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Why they were called "B" movies.
var-14 February 2002
I had seen this movie when I was a boy (Before WWII) and was surprised that the local library had a copy. Saw it again after some sixty years and forgot how bad it was. This is an example of a movie that was not a "A" movie. No editing, poor script, weak acting and not much directing. Should not even be as high as a "B" Had a laugh at how jaded I've become over the years. Seems to me I thought it was good when I originally saw it.
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Quirky,slow-moving,with spots of unintended humor
ronnybee211224 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a good example of a typical early 'B' western. Obviously 1934 was long ago and it should be mentioned that 'talkie' movies had only been out for 5 or so years at the time this was made. Watching the movie,a few things are apparent.

The bad: *There is an inordinate amount of time-wasting and film-wasting in this movie. For example, the thing about the 'deaf/mute' having to write everything down wastes a fair bit of time.

*There are long spells of the camera panning across the landscape,focusing in on people and so forth in a manner that seems to simply waste film..You are naturally thinking that these shots are leading up to something but you are often wrong..

*In many of the 'horse-chase' sequences it is clear that the film is being sped-up,like on the 3 stooges skits !

To be clear,this is an editing problem and no fault of the cinematographer/ camera crew.

*Some of the dialog is stilted,some of the acting is pretty wooden,and so forth.

The good: *The stunt work is great,some of it is actually amazing.

*The actual camera work itself is pretty good throughout, with a lot of interesting shots,unusual camera positions,odd angles and so forth.

* Much of it is indeed funny. Some of it is intentionally funny,and some of it may be funny to you because of the little flaws.

Bottom Line?

What really strikes me after watching this movie and reading all the previous reviews is this...This movie could have been a much-better movie if it had simply been carefully edited ! If this film were ever-so- carefully trimmed it would still not be a masterpiece,but it could be a heck of a lot better !

It's worth considering at least.

All in all,this is a great study of some earlier 'talkie' film-making,and a fascinating early look at some actors that would become 'Western Icons' in the decades to come !

This isn't quite fantastic or spectacular,but I found it interesting and I liked it. 7/10.
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A Product of Its Time
Uriah4330 April 2014
This movie begins with a lone cowboy by the name of "Randy Bowers" (John Wayne) riding to a saloon on the outskirts of a small town out west. When he enters he notices 4 or 5 dead bodies and a safe that has apparently been ransacked. Unfortunately for Randy a posse arrives while he is looking at some remaining documents in the safe and he is arrested for murder. What neither he nor the sheriff realizes however is that there was someone still inside the saloon who was watching everything that happened. Not only that, but as the movie progresses it becomes even more obvious that things aren't necessarily as they seem. Now, as far as the merits of this movie are concerned I must say that, even though it has John Wayne as the main character, this film was clearly produced before his rise to super stardom. Although he manages to hold his own as far as acting is concerned the rest of the cast were not nearly as competent. On that score it certainly didn't help that the script was extremely weak as well. Less critically, I have attributed the fact that this movie was filmed in black and white and lasts only 53 minutes as simply a product of its time (1934). Even so, I still have to call it like I see it and I have rated this movie accordingly. Slightly below average.
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Randy vs Marvin
utgard1423 April 2014
Wait, John Wayne plays a guy named Randy? Seriously? If there was ever a guy who looked less like a Randy than John Wayne, I haven't seen him. Oh and the bad guy's name is Marvin! Anyway, so cowboy Randy walks into a saloon and discovers everybody inside murdered. While he's looking around, the sheriff and a posse show up, assume Randy is the killer, and arrest him. Randy manages to escape, however, and begins looking for the real killers. The lead bad guy Marvin is played by Gabby Hayes. When Marvin, who's been disguising himself among the good guys, has meetings with his gang he takes time to change into an all-black outfit, complete with the standard black hat. Classic. After the opening few minutes, which were interesting, this becomes a pretty routine horse opera. The only thing missing is that no girls were tied to railroad tracks. Wayne does fine but it's all standard programmer stuff so don't expect much.
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TEXICAN-26 November 1999
This is a very good western. I have enjoyed all the early John Wayne adventures that I've seen.

You have some twists with this show. One being Earl Dwire as a sheriff not a crook. The worst part of the show is that they tip you off to who's the bad guy early on, which destroys that part of the mystery. Oh, and Yakima Canutt's shirt looks like something that Roy Rogers passed on. Other than these complaints, it's a well made Saturday-Afternoon- at-the-movies type western.
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Offbeat oater with good atmosphere
shakercoola26 January 2020
An American Western; A story about a man who enters a saloon and discovers a massacre has just happened. The local law enforcement arrive and arrest him for murder. A witness comes to his aid, though bandits provide a further threat to his safety before he aims to find who is behind the crime. This thin-plotted B-movie has an eerie, atmospheric first act which sets the tone well. It's a routine storyline, but effectively directed and its script is satisfactory. There is also some fine stuntwork to keep the interest.
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Serviceable yet unremarkable
Leofwine_draca12 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another brief western cheapie with John Wayne. The plot's a bit more involved in this one than in some I've seen. Wayne arrives in town and ends up on the site of a massacre, at which point the law promptly arrive and arrest him for the crime! Thankfully he's busted out of prison by a love interest and goes gunning for the real culprits. Serviceable enough, if unremarkable.
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The Villain Strikes Back
StrictlyConfidential2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Randy Rides Alone" was originally released back in 1934. Actor, John Wayne was 27 years old at the time of this picture.

Anyway - As the story goes - A young man is wrongly accused of committing some gruesome murders and is jailed by the local sheriff. Believing him innocent of the charges, a young woman frees him from jail in order for the man to track down the real killers.

For the most part this was a fairly entertaining cowboy picture. You really have to cut it some serious slack in order to get the full value out of watching it.
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