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Cooper and Kerr in a Hitchcock-Like that is Hitchcock-Lite
dglink22 January 2015
During after hours in a nearly empty London office, a man is murdered and a sack of cash stolen. George Radcliffe, an American associate, is working late and witnesses the murderer's escape. Later, he is the key witness in a trial that sends the accused man to prison. But was he guilty? Where did the money go? Michael Anderson's 1961 thriller, "The Naked Edge," is a nicely done mystery that echoes Hitchcock's "Suspicion" in many respects. Hitchcock is also linked to the film through screenwriter Joseph Stefano, who earlier wrote "Psycho" and adapted the novel "First Train to Babylon" for this film. At age 60, Gary Cooper was at the end of his career and near the end of his life. Although looking tired as Radcliffe, Cooper manages, like Cary Grant in "Suspicion," to maintain his nice-guy image, while suggesting something darker and enigmatic. Lovely Deborah Kerr matches Joan Fontaine as the loving, but doubting wife. Kerr is at the center of the film as clues surface, her suspicions grow, and she seeks the truth behind both the murder and her husband's inexplicable behavior.

A stellar cast of stalwart British actors support the stars; led by Hermione Gingold and the priceless Wilfred Lawson, the list includes Michael Wilding, Peter Cushing, Eric Porter, and Diane Cilento. The black-and-white cinematography by Erwin Hillier captures appropriately gritty images of working class London and shadowy atmospherics that enhance the climactic suspense. Only William Alwyn's music tends to overwhelm early in the film, when the composer telescopes the action and loudly punctuates critical moments. While Anderson is not Hitchcock, and "The Naked Edge" is not "Suspicion," the director manages to maintain a brisk pace, build tension and suspense, and reach an exciting and satisfying climax.

Well done throughout, "The Naked Edge" will grip viewers and keep them absorbed to the end and beyond, when a voice-over warns the audience not to divulge the ending. Of interest for more than just a great American star's final role or for another opportunity to admire the always radiant Deborah Kerr, the film is a taut thriller that delivers. Although Hitchcock-like and Hitchcock-lite, "The Naked Edge" is worthwhile, even if dedicated crime buffs will likely outpace Kerr and guess the outcome.
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Cooper's final bow...a melodrama with a high hysteria quotient, yet many strong attributes
moonspinner551 April 2009
Not-bad adaptation of Max Ehrlich's novel "First Train to Babylon" turned out to be Gary Cooper's final film (he died before its release). An American Air Freight sales manager in London testifies against a fellow employee in a murder/robbery trial; five years later, with the manager and his spouse now living in luxury, the wife begins to suspect that her husband was the killer the entire time. Hurt by a seemingly lower-end budget--and by a script that doesn't always make sense--this is still a most unusual project for Cooper, who manages a fine performance. Film builds to a fine pitch of suspense in its concluding sequence (which Adrian Lyne might have studied for his "Fatal Attraction" closer). Deborah Kerr stays wide-eyed and white-knuckled throughout as Cooper's wife; she's also quite good, though the godawful shlock music by William Alwyn underlines all of her suspicions with a thundering of drums that could wake the dead. So, is Cooper guilty or not? The finale provides an amusing frisson or two--and a twist which the ghostly voice-over informs the audience to please not betray. **1/2 from ****
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Gary Cooper's swan song gives Deborah Kerr the chance to shine
humboles28 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I won't recap the plot as other reviewers have done so quite adequately. Those who think Gary Cooper (who might well have suspected his days were numbered as he'd just undergone an op for prostate cancer) turns in less than his usual powerful performance are incorrect in my view. He underplays in his typical style, but I discern no failing of his powers. True, his role lumbers him with having to respond to his wife's perfectly reasonable suspicions in a way that is consistently ambiguous, and one might argue he feels hurt that he should have to explain his innocence to someone who should trust him implicitly, so he's purposely evasive — except he's already argued against that very position early in the film, accepting that sometimes one can demand proof even where convention dictates it shouldn't be necessary. The obvious conclusion is that it was a plot device to keep him firmly in the frame for the murder throughout.

Yes, the music is rather blaring and obvious at times - a common feature of British thrillers in the '50s/'60s. The composer, William Alwyn, was quite the polymath, and very experienced - he'd written around 70 film scores in the preceding 20 years. Perhaps the style was what was ordered, and not entirely of his own choosing.

This is a must-see for fans of Gary Cooper and of Deborah Kerr, who here is both radiantly beautiful, and effective in her role. Overall, I enjoyed the movie which, like many Hitchcock films, has some creaky moments and plot inconsistencies, but certainly keeps the tension going right to the end.
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First-class, underrated psychological mystery thriller
gridoon202420 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A visually elegant psychological mystery thriller, with stylish direction by Michael Anderson, an intelligent script by Joseph Stefano, and strong performances by two acting legends, Gary Cooper and Deborah Kerr. Some sequences are Hitchcockian (the one at the edge of a cliff in particular), but in its examination of (mutual) trust, doubt, and love, the film may also remind you of Claude Chabrol at his prime. And a great twist to cap it all off. *** out of 4.
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Great Hitchcockian thriller!
perfectbond3 June 2003
The suspense of this film evokes the work of Alfred Hitchcock. It doesn't quite live up to such a comparison but nonetheless the plot and character interactions should rivet most viewers to the film. Creative shot selection (especially the preparation of the wife's death), fine performances (especially from Deborah Kerr), and a compelling plot create an entertaining movie experience, 7/10. I think this was Gary Cooper's last screen performance.
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It's a shame I can't give this movie a better review because I really wanted to like it.
marxsarx4 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***** Mild Spoilers Ahead *****

"The Naked Edge" is the last film that the famous American actor Gary Cooper was in, wrapping up a career which lasted for over thirty years.

In "The Naked Edge", Gary Cooper portrays a business man who has been accused, but acquitted of murder. After the trial, Cooper's character becomes very wealthy through investments in the stock market. His wife(Deborah Kerr) opens a letter which contains blackmail threats against her husband. She begins to suspect that her husband may have truly committed the murder and begins to do some investigating of her own. What she discovers leads her to conclude that he was the murderer. Her husband is aware of her conclusion and it begins to look as if he may kill her too!

Deborah Kerr, as usual, delivers a terrific performance. Gary Cooper does his best with the dialogue and the role he is given, but it isn't enough to make this film believable to the discerning viewer. The dialogue between the characters is contrived to leave every situation open to the possibility that Gary Cooper is the murderer. The result is that the film quickly becomes annoying. I felt jerked around as a viewer. The film would have turned out better if the director would have been stabbed instead of the victim in the movie! It's not nice to patronize your audience when you are making a serious mystery or suspense film. It's too bad, because both principal actors, Deborah Kerr and Gary Cooper deserved better. I'm not going to go into how irritating the musical score was in this movie. Let's just say it takes melodramatic background music in a film to new lows.

It's a shame I can't give this movie a better review because I so wanted to like it. Thankfully, the superb acting talents of Deborah Kerr and Gary Cooper can be seen in many other great movies which they starred in. Sadly, I rate this movie only a 70/100.
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More Hitchcock than Hitchcock himself
Catharina_Sweden7 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What is most remarkable about this movie, is that if one did not know it was not so, one would believe it was a Hitchcock movie. It is even more hitchcocky, than the real ones! The plot was interesting and intelligent, and I am glad Gary Cooper turned out to be the good guy after all! He looked very old, haggard and ill, though. It was heart-wrenching to see him like that, as he used to be so handsome, strong and vital. I wonder why it was necessary for him to make another movie at this stage of his terminal illness?

Deborah Kerr was beautiful, ladylike and stylish and with that kind, innocent quality, as always.

I like movies about moral questions, that make me think "what would I have done?". The truth is, that when I was younger, I would probably have reacted like Martha. I would have felt, that I had to know. But today? Today I would probably have turned a blind eye, kept quiet, not risked the good life I had finally achieved (or rather: that my husband had achieved for me), and the life with the man I loved.

This is not because I have turned more callous, because I do not believe that I have. But because I have realized that I do not anymore have so many good years left, and that if I lost everything now it would be too late to achieve it new. So I would hold on to what I had. And I would tell myself that no matter what it was not MY guilt - I had not committed any crime, and I had not encouraged any either.
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A superb thriller
esamer28 September 2018
This movie is a very superb and well made thriller. Im surprised it got such a low rating considering its entertainment value. From the beginning the movie starts us right away with the premise. From there we are taken through a very suspenseful ride in trying to figure out wether a woman is right in suspecting her husband for murder, accusing the wrong man for murder, or covering up for the murderer. As the movie develops, different clues keep popping up and were made to really think and engage. As the movie gets closer to it's climax, the suspense gets more intense. The acting is very convincing and I found myself truly sympathetic for Martha in her efforts to figure out the truth. . Add the great camera work and shadow effects, this movie is now on my list of favorite classic movies. Don't let the other users discourage you, they are simply trying to compare the movie to other films that are not meant to be compared to. Watch it for yourself and see how fun the ride truly is.
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Unbelievable, but enjoyable
PeterJackson12 June 2000
The last film of Gary Cooper is an enjoyable thriller-drama. It's not great cinema, but I was surprised by the pace of it. With most of those "old" films, I have trouble to sit them through. But this one kept my attention from beginning to end.

The story is about a man(Cooper) who's a witness to a murder and thanks to whose testimony the killer is locked away. But did this guy really commit the murder? Years later, Cooper's wife(Kerr) starts to suspect her husband. Slowly, everything begins to point in HIS direction. Is she still safe with the man she loves? Will he kill her(too)?

As I said, this film is very entertaining. The story however has some major holes in it and the ending is a bit of a let-down. You'll have to see what you make of this film with the ending in mind. This could have been done much better. Cooper is very good in his last role as the husband, but Kerr was less convincing as his wife. There are also some rather colourful, but sometimes annoying supporting roles. I can recommend it, as long as you don't expect to much of it. But if you don't like old films, this is a good movie to help you with that. The filming is very up-to-date. 6/10
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Another Hitchcock Wannabe
bkoganbing15 August 2004
Gary Cooper's last film is a Hitchcock like tale of a man who wrongly identifies the killer of his boss during a robbery. It was an inside job so we have a closed pool of suspects. Years later a mail pouch that was lost during another robbery and a blackmail letter is delivered to Cooper. Wife Deborah Kerr now thinks her husband did it and becomes fearful.

This sounds a lot like Hitchcock's Suspicion and in fact the whole film is a case of Hitchcock wannabe. I won't identify the real culprit, but if you watch the first half hour, you'll know. Very little suspense involved at all. Cast does the best it could with the material they were given.
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Fantastic suspenseful thriller
HotToastyRag29 October 2017
This movie might have been called The Cutting Edge for all the boundaries of 1961 it pushed! It utilizes innovative camera and editing techniques that echo Alfred Hitchcock's scary scenes from Psycho, alludes to sex in a way few films had been able to do since the fall of the Hays Code, and put the word "naked" in the title!

Even the first shot of the film is unusual, making you wonder, "Why did they show that? What am I missing?" for the first of many times as the mystery continues throughout the film. A bead of sweat is shown running down Gary Cooper's face. He's in court, ready to testify as a key witness to a murder. His accounting condemns a man to life imprisonment, and the guilt rattles him after the trial. Years later, he's a successful businessman, and he and his wife Deborah Kerr are living a life of luxury. He receives a threatening letter, making Deborah doubt his testimony all those years ago. . .

The Naked Edge is one scary movie! I'm not his biggest fan, but Gary Cooper gives a more energetic performance than he usually does. Although Deborah's character isn't written to be the smartest tool in the shed, she does a good job exuding her fear and doubt without turning it into a melodrama. Usually, Gary plays likable, earnest roles. This is the only movie I've seen where Gary Cooper plays a bad guy! This one's pretty scary and very suspenseful, so rent it on Halloween and cuddle up to your honey—or don't. . .

DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, there's one part of the movie that might that will make you sick. There's a scene where Deborah Kerr gets lost and when she runs up and down the streets, the camera is hand-held. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"
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Gary Cooper's last movie and unfortunately not one of his best
sol121819 June 2004
Heavy handed drama where every move and action, no matter how insignificant it is, is followed by a loud blast of orchestra-like music that almost blows you out of your seat. In many cases the music is aided by quick and ultra-sharp close-ups that makes you think that your seeing a Mel Brooks comedy of an Alfred Hitchcock film like the 1977 movie "High Anxiety". These techniques are done over and over in the movie "The Naked Edge" that after a while you forget what the story is all about in the first place.

Gary Cooper in his last movie, before he died on May 13, 1961, looks drawn and tired as George Radcliffe a witness to the murder of his boss Jason Roote, Martin Boddey,and the robbery of 60,000 pound-sterling from the London office of the Jason Roote Air-Fright corp where he works.

It was Radcliffe's testimony that sent fellow worker Donald Heath, Ray MacAnally, away for life. Radcliffe seems to be hiding something about the crime that happened at the Jason Roote office from his wife Martha, Deborah Kerr. That's the main core of the story in the movie "The Naked Edge" but you have to suffer through almost 90 minutes of ridicules Hitchcock-like dramatics to get to the truth in the last ten minutes or so of the movie which, the films totally contrived ending, didn't seem worth sitting through.

Even top stars like Gary Cooper and Deborah Kerr as well as Eric Portman and Peter Cushing couldn't save this turkey. We see at the start of the movie George Radcliffe testify about a murder and robbery at the Jason Roote office in a weird dream-like flash-back where Roote is murdered, off-screen. The killer, unrecognizable in dark shadow, takes off with a sack of the companies daily c.o.d's amounting to 60,000 pound-sterling. Searching for the killer the police find Heath in the boiler room drunk but the money is nowhere to be found.

Identified by Radcliffe as the murder Heath is convicted and sent to prison for life. It's right after that were bombarded with clues and innuendos to who the real killer is. It's not until almost the end of the movie that we finally find out just who he is when Radcliffe finally regains his lost memory of the event. Watching the film is like going 15 rounds in the ring with a 30 year-old Rocky Marciano that in the end leaves you totally punch-drunk from the pounding to your five senses that the movie gives you. The blasts of music and eye-popping close-ups as well as the strain on your brain make any kind of sense of what your seeing on the screen moot.

A key piece of evidence shows up five years after the Roote murder that's in a letter that was lost in the mail addressed to Radcliffe that's being used to blackmail him for the crime. Radcliffe also came into a large sum of money just after the Roote murder which he tells his confused and surprised wife Martha that he made in a "Killing" in the stock market.

You sit through the rest of the movie wondering if Radcliffe did or did not kill Jason Roote and stole the 60,000 in pound-sterling. Radcliffe at the same time does everything possible to convince you, and his wife Martha, that he did and almost drives her to commit suicide.

The really off-the-wall and obnoxious ending in the movie is far worse then the murder/robbery in the film "The Naked Edge". It just about does you in and leaves you in an almost comatose state of mind.
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On the Edge of Barely Acceptable
bnwfilmbuff19 April 2017
A sales manager (Gary Cooper) fingers coworker (Ray McAnally) for the murder of his boss and theft of a large sum of money. After the trial, Cooper tells wife Deborah Kerr that he is purchasing a business with a large sum of money he made from a killing in the market. With the prodding of blackmailer Eric Portman, Kerr grows increasingly suspicious that her husband was guilty of the murder and theft. Cooper was horribly miscast: He was too old for this role - he looked ridiculous next to Kerr discussing how they were struggling to make it. Coop at the time was around 60 years old and looked much older; by contrast Kerr was about 40 and looked younger (and was lovely to boot). Thus he's never believable in the role. The direction of this movie left much to be desired. The scenes become tedious replaying themselves over several times. Music blares at points when high suspense is supposed to build. The courtroom scenes were stagy and failed to build any drama. The ending was less than satisfactory feeling rushed and not tying in the loose ends. Nevertheless, the cast is good and turned in fine performances with the exception of Cooper, who struggled with the dialog, and Michael Wilding who is mostly wasted. And the plot is interesting enough but the script and execution are lacking. Some of the cinematography of London is very good and in general the film has an appropriate dark noirish atmosphere. However, there's a good reason why this is a forgotten thriller.
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Good thriller!
hennystruijk24 March 2019
Deborah Kerr is great as always.... Cooper tries his best right to the end--he would die very soon after this film. Great supporting cast... Only negative is the music--which detracts and adds nothing......
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British-American suspense drama...
AlsExGal1 January 2023
...featuring Deborah Kerr as the wife of American businessman Gary Cooper, both living in London. Cooper's boss was murdered and a large amount of cash stolen, but Cooper supposedly caught the culprit before he could escape. He testifies in court, and the man (Ray McAnally) is convicted. Cooper soon uses a stock windfall to go into lucrative business with Michael Wilding, and they all prosper. Several years later, Kerr discovers a blackmail letter threatening to accuse Cooper of the murder from years ago, and while he denies guilt, Kerr isn't certain, and she's always wondered where he really got that money for his business deal, as the stolen loot was never recovered.

This is mainly remembered for being Cooper's final film. He was seriously ill while filming, and he looks uncomfortable through most of it, which actually fits with the role. Kerr is the main character, though, and she does well as the increasingly worried and paranoid wife. The supporting cast is excellent, but Michael Anderson's direction lacks pace or verve. This was a flop when released, but it's not that bad, and many stars had much, much worse final films.
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Good, but the ending is too hurried
andrew-119-979903 February 2014
There is a stylistic feel to this film, a clever use of dark and light tones and an impressive use of camera angles and close ups which does give more than a nod towards Hitchcock, though perhaps at times it is a little overdone. The story itself is a good one, with a number of clever twists and turns, and the two leads give good solid performances.

I did enjoy this film; the sort I felt could bear more than one watching. Unfortunately, the ending is too obviously hurried in its attempt to tie up all the loose ends, and this, for me, is what lets it down.
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Cooper Evades The Tax Man & The Law -The Hard Way
DKosty12314 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The plot here starts in a court room where Cooper testifies and gets an innocent man found guilty in court. The man screams that Cooper lied and he did it. Of course that would be much too easy. Meanwhile, after the verdict, Ratcliff (Cooper) tells Mrs. Ratcliff (Deborah Kerr) that he has made a "killing" on the stock market and is going to invest the money to make them rich, going into business with a large investment.

From there the time passes and 6 years later Kerr finds a blackmail letter addressed to hubby that accuses him of being guilty. He hasn't done anything and has not acted on the letter. Now the Black-mailer shows up. And then....

Cooper is luck this one is in glorious black and white because he is not looking well. That's because all his cigarette smoking has caught up with him and he has advanced Cancer. He is taking an oxygen mask between takes. At times it shows, and this would be his last film. Legend has it he was not told it was Cancer until after filiming was over in 1960. Still his death did not help the film when it was released and it lost money.

Another thing which did not help, this film came out about 7 months after Hitchcocks Psycho. While this film is good, when you try to compare it with that masterpiece, it definitely falls short. In this era, 7 months later Psycho was still playing in movie houses. While this film is okay (Kerr has a strong role), it being advertised with the audience being admonished not to tell anyone the ending, well that had been done in 1959's Anatomy of a Murder. This film was not good enough to overcome these handicaps and sell tickets in the box office.

It is worth a look now especially if your a Cooper or Kerr fan.
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Gary's best performance?
ilprofessore-14 December 2020
May I respectfully disagree with many of the posters here, who, knowing that Cooper had cancer while he made this film, claim that his under-played performance proves that he lacked the necessary vigor to do the character of the beleaguered husband justice. Quite the opposite! Cooper, who was famous for under-acting, most perfectly portrays a long-loving long-suffering husband who understands why his wife suspects him, but has decided (until the end) not to tell his wife the truth. If you watch his performance carefully scene-by-scene, you will see how skilfully he manipulates the audience: Cooper makes us believe he might be guilty or ... if you wish, might not. A tour-de-force of keep-them-guessing acting in the classic Hitchcock manner. Is he evil out isn't he? Much credit must be given here to the masterful direction of Michael Anderson, another neglected English director of exceptional talent with camera and actors who ended up doing too much minor work in Hollywood, as well as the superb contribution of Berlin-born cinematographer Erwin Hiller, a protege of FW Murnau and Fritz Lang.The B&W photography is astonishing. A plot full of improbabilities, yes, and the music keep spelling out what we can see, but all in all, an excellent job of suspense in the glossy English manner.
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Psycho Copy Flat - The Naked Edge
arthur_tafero17 September 2018
There were several Hollywood actors (and actresses) who were prisoners of their screen personas. Gary Cooper was one of them. He was always the aw shucks good guy with limited acting range. The same principle held true for actors such as John Wayne (good tough guy). Randolph Scott (Western Hero), Cary Grant (romantic good guy, and Scott's roommate, by the way, and several others. Only actors like Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, Humphrey Bogart, and a few others, make the transition from screen good guy to bad guy (or in Bogart's case, from bad guy to good guy).

The story tells of a man who witnesses a murder and sends the killer to prison. His wife, well-played by Deborah Kerr, begins to suspect he is the killer. I will not reveal the ending, but I think you can already guess it.
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Deborah Kerr is torn asunder by her increasingly agonizing suspicion of her husband Gary Cooper as a murderer.
clanciai23 February 2015
In Gary Cooper's last performance you can see that he is almost washed up, acting like an old age Roark (from 'The Fountainhead') stiffer than ever with very little stamina left, although still acting in a most difficult part and that convincingly, as even his role is a character dangerously perpetually on edge, while Deborah Kerr makes up for his doubtful ambiguity in her superb rendering of a married lady who just can't make things add up, wavering between an increasing suspicion of her husband's possibly having committed an heinous murder while at the same time refusing to believe it could be true. Another asset is Peter Cushing's brilliant acting as the prosecutor. The film begins with the murder trial with Gary Cooper sweating from the beginning, he himself can't make things quite fit while he is perfectly convinced that he couldn't be wrong, while the triumph of the film is the very clever story. By the accumulating inconsistencies a suspense is mercilessly built up and increased all the way to the bitter end in a virtuoso thriller more like Hitchcock than any Hitchcock. The real turning point though is the marvellous scene with Diane Cilento as the victim's wife, whom Deborah Kerr visits with traumatic consequences, which really triggers her suspicion and conviction that nothing in this story fits. After the climax in the end with all battles fought to the bitter end, everything falls into place however with perfect logic. This is a marvel of a thriller, and not even Hitchcock could have made it more exasperating in its irrevocably constantly increasing unbearable suspense. This is Michael Anderson's best film, and you regret that he didn't make more films like this one.
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The Naked Edge
CinemaSerf8 June 2023
Gary Cooper is "George Radcliffe" whose testimony at the Old Bailey sends a young, alcoholic "Donald Heath" (Ray McAnally) to jail for murder. Years later, his wife Deborah Kerr ("Martha") receives a letter in the post that was sent at the time, but delayed by a mail robbery, trying to blackmail her husband for the murder. Despite wanting to disbelieve this, she cannot quite dismiss the idea and the more uncertain she becomes, the more uncertain we become... There are some good supporting performances from Eric Portman, Hermione Gingold as "Lily" and Diane Cilento as "Mrs. Heath"; a well written/delivered dialogue and Michael Anderson does manage to keep us guessing for much of this superior, quite intriguing drama. Rarely screen anywhere nowadays, but it does hold the attention and Cooper is really rather good.
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"Do Murderers Make Love Differently...?"
richardchatten31 March 2019
As other reviewers have observed, despite the fact that screenwriter Joseph Stefano had come fresh from 'Psycho', the Hitchcock 'The Naked Edge' most resembles is actually 'Suspicion', a pretty minor Hitchcock. Like the black & white psychological thrillers then being made by Hammer, 'The Naked Edge' actually owes more to 'Les Diaboliques' than 'Psycho' (right down to the gimmick of the stern warning at the end for the audience to keep the final 'revelation' to themselves).

Although a cut above the nonsense currently being dashed off by William Castle, it seems a pale shadow of the Hammer model that had begun with 'The Snorkel' in 1958, despite the dream supporting cast, most of whom actually appear only fleetingly (ironically Peter Cushing is in this but wasn't himself in any of the Hammer ones of the early 60's). Cooper & Kerr reside in a vast pad just off Regent's Park that looks like the chateau in 'Marienbad' (and could probably be afforded today only by a Russian oligarch); while the grotty, rat-infested one-room flat occupied by Diane Cilento looks palatial to modern eyes.

Erwin Hillier's immaculate gothic black & white photography is throughout undermined by Michael Anderson's by turns fussy and pedestrian direction and by William Alwyn's noisy score which attempts to compensate for the fact that there's far too much talk; and that the elegant simplicity of 'Psycho' had been wholly lost on them.
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Sound direction with Hitchcockian touches, plush photography
adrianovasconcelos22 December 2020
Michael Anderson does a great job with this Hitchcockian melodrama, that even boasts a musical score reminiscent of Bernard Herrmann.

THE NAKED EDGE was, sadly, the against type epitaph to Gary Cooper's memorable career as an actor. Although he was dead by the time the finished film hit the screens, and he shows signs of some physical decay, Coop retains his economy of gestures and the expressive eyes. I found it odd that Kerr's name should come first in the opening credits, after all Coop had won two Oscars by then, while Kerr never picked up the statuette. At any, Coop and Kerr complement each other's acting, he as the hubby who appears to have something to hide, she as the doubting wife. The always dependable Portman as the heavy, Cushing as the prosecution lawyer, and Diane Cilento as the wife of the wrongly accused man complete the great cast.

Interesting to compare Cilento's instinctive defense of her husband with Kerr's instinctive condemnation of hers.

The story is not that great or unusual, and you can easily spot some credibility holes, but it is very atmospheric. The sole drawback is that it pads the narrative with repetitive shots of similar facial expressions, and it could have done with 10 minutes less, especially the part where you see Cooper go into Portman's place, and then only shoes and trousers for a good 8 minutes, and suddenly everyone is back at Cooper's and Kerr's.

Ultimately, despite its flaws THE NAKED EDGE rates a must-see film noir, a definite must-see for the fans of that wonderful actor, Gary Cooper.
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Kerr, the music and the director ruin this one....
planktonrules28 January 2016
When the film begins, George Radcliffe (Gary Cooper) is in court testifying in a murder case. Another man is subsequently convicted of the murder and the story jumps ahead several years. Now Radcliffe is rich and successful...and his wife receives an anonymous blackmail note. The note would seem to indicate that George was the real murderer! Well, instead of going to the police like any sane woman, she whines and way, way overacts for the entire rest of the film and I don't think I've ever seen Deborah Kerr more shrill and awful. She's not an actress, she's an over-actress!!! She overacts so badly it's embarrassing and I am shocked the director didn't tone down her performance so she only seemed like a totally crazy person (this would have been an improvement!!). But to make matters worse, in some of the subsequent scenes, the music goes nuts...absolutely nuts...with strains that sure sound inspired by the soundtrack from "Psycho". The problem is that NOTHING IS HAPPENING in these scenes and the music is totally inappropriate!!!

"The Naked Edge" could have been a very good film. It's obvious that the director was going for a 'Hitchcockian' sort of picture but there are just to many problems with his direction and it comes off as second rate (at best). Now the problem is NOT the script. After all, Joseph Stefano wrote it...and he's the same guy responsible for "Psycho" and many of the best "Outer Limits" episodes. The story, aside from the overacting and bad music, is actually VERY good....even if it is highly reminiscent of "Suspicion". No, the problem is something that I would pin on three things...and sadly, it's Gary Cooper's last film and he deserved better.

With different music and a different actress (or different direction) it could have easily earned an 8 or possibly a 9. The film is like a beautiful mansion that has dry rot and extensive termite damage hidden within the walls and foundation.
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I Really Enjoyed This Film.....
timboie-4168413 November 2018
This is a gripping and underrated thriller. It draws you in and holds you tight until the end.

I thought Cooper and Kerr were well matched and that Kerr played exactly the woman the character would have to be, i.e sheltered, very frightened, way out of her depth and near suicidal.

I thought the scene where she's watching a concert on TV was particularly telling, I felt that she's waiting there, expecting Cooper to come and kill her, indeed, surrendering to this fate as the only way out. That's why she has the TV so loud, so she can't hear him approaching and to drown out her own thoughts.

The scene where she's desperately trying to get out of the flat blocks complex was good too; certain that her husband's the murderer she can see the outside world but can't become part of it.

The tension was taut and maintained throughout. Sometimes with these old black and whites I check to see how long's left as they can drag a bit. Not this one, it was totally absorbing.

Being a British film, the censors were a bit less strict than those in the U.S. You actually see a little blood and there's some sexual talk that I don't think you'd hear in an American film of this era.

As with any old film, there's some quaint reminders of how things were back in the day. The remote control Kerr has (as she flicks between the 2 channels! Yes, the UK only had 2 in 1961) had a long wire to the TV on it and there's an ashtray in every room - even the library!

The music is way over the top but that's my only gripe with this superb little gem. See it - it's free on You tube.
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