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A Hell Of An Apartment For Only $400 A Month!
ferbs5414 October 2007
Boasting an all-star cast so impressive that it almost seems like the "Mad Mad Mad Mad World" of horror pictures, "The Sentinel" (1977) is nevertheless an effectively creepy film centering on the relatively unknown actress Cristina Raines. In this one, she plays a fashion model, Alison Parker, who moves into a Brooklyn Heights brownstone that is (and I don't think I'm giving away too much at this late date) very close to the gateway of Hell. And as a tenant in this building, she suffers far worse conditions than leaky plumbing and the occasional water bug, to put it mildly! Indeed, the scene in which Alison encounters her noisy upstairs neighbor is truly terrifying, and should certainly send the ice water coursing down the spines of most viewers. Despite many critics' complaints regarding Raines' acting ability, I thought she was just fine, more than ably holding her own in scenes with Ava Gardner, Burgess Meredith, Arthur Kennedy, Chris Sarandon and Eli Wallach. The picture builds to an effectively eerie conclusion, and although some plot points go unexplained, I was left feeling more than satisfied. As the book "DVD Delirium" puts it, "any movie with Beverly D'Angelo and Sylvia Miles as topless cannibal lesbians in leotards can't be all bad"! On a side note, yesterday I walked over to 10 Montague Terrace in Brooklyn Heights to take a look at the Sentinel House. Yes, it's still there, and although shorn of its heavy coat of ivy and lacking a blind priest/nun at the top-floor window, looks much the same as it did in this picture. If this house really does sit atop the entrance to Hell, I take it that Hell is...the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. But we New Yorkers have known THAT for some time!
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See this movie on Halloween......
MarieGabrielle19 January 2006
No, this is not a great movie. But I give the casting director extra stars for the cast, Ava Gardner, Eli Wallach, Chris Sarandon, John Carradine, Burgess Meredith, a very young Christopher Walken (he was quite handsome then), Beverly D'Ángelo, and Jerry Orbach, among others.

The film quality of the 70's adds that special touch, the chrome, shag rugs and gaudy artwork. The apartment Cristina Raines rents for $400.00 per month would probably cost $7000.00 now, so it is fun to see Brooklyn Heights, and days when New York was a little cleaner, filmed during the turbulent 70's when we had Son of Sam, movies like the Exorcist, Amityville Horror, Helter Skelter, and the like.

I am not sure if this is a pro-Catholic film, as one reviewer said. The church is certainly portrayed as Cristina Raines' only salvation; I will have to read the book to see if that is the case.

At any rate, you will enjoy parts of this movie. Beverly D'Angelo is quite strange, Cristina Raines is believable, the scary scenes are a little weird, but if you are up for it, this is an okay movie.
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Incredible Film and Somewhat Obscure
gavin694218 October 2011
Not ready for marriage, a fashion model (Cristine Raines) moves into an unbelievably nice Brooklyn Heights apartment, where scary occurrences turn into a much more frightening turn of events.

I have to first call out the cast: Chris Sarandon (so young he is unrecognizable), Jeff Goldblum, Christopher Walken (in a far too small role), Eli Wallach, Jerry Orbach (also quite young), Burgess Meredith, John Carradine... and more (including a very, very small cameo by Richard Dreyfuss). If you think a film with both Walken and Goldblum is a bad idea, you may as well just walk away now.

The biggest thing for me is how I did not know what this film was or had even heard of it. How has it escaped my attention? With that cast, the great plot and solid storytelling? This is really a must-see for horror fans. It has been ranked in the top 100 of the scariest horror films. I have seen 1000s of horror films, and I would debate putting it in the top 100, but it is not a stretch by any means.

Before Dana Barrett opened her refrigerator and found Zuul, this story was out there of another apartment complex with another kind of doorway...
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A thoroughly insane horror film with an all-star cast
lonchaney209 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What a nutty movie. Every so often I have the good fortune to find one like it. It sort of plays like an American version of an Italian horror film. By that I mean it's chock full of gratuitous lesbianism, traumatic childhood incidents, surreal sequences (such as a birthday party for a cat, an exhibitionist masturbation scene, and pretty much anytime Burgess Meredith is on screen), moody visuals, stylish direction (though not up to the dizzying heights of a Bava or Argento), and a somewhat overbearing soundtrack (rather reminiscent of Pino Donaggio in this case).

The whole film has this bizarre, off-kilter atmosphere. Besides the things mentioned in the previous paragraph, there's the way the film is cut. Scenes come and go quite abruptly at times, so you're always left a little on edge and slightly confused. There are some really awkward editing gaffes that add to this milieu, such as when Chris Sarandon's character is reading an inscription only for his voice to continue as we cut to a shot where his mouth is closed. Likewise there are some weird moments of obvious ADR (at least when you're watching it with headphones) that stick out like a sore thumb. Combined with the atrocious acting (especially from lead Cristina Raines) and you've got a film that doesn't seem quite real. I would normally criticize these things more, but they strangely lend themselves to the film's dreamlike atmosphere. I think only a couple of actors really ran with that strangeness - Eli Wallach and Burgess Meredith.

Perhaps some of the confusion results from cramming a novel into a 90 minute movie. Certain plot points, such as Eli Wallach's detective character trying to prove the guilt of Michael (the aforementioned Chris Sarandon) are eventually dropped (though this particular one is at least touched upon in the finale). And you can't help but wonder what the significance of "Black and white cat, black and white cake" is! I've mentioned plenty of the film's flaws, but there are a number of legitimately good sequences. One was popularly shown on Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments (I won't spoil it here) and deservedly so. For those who have seen the show I must say that scene has a gory punchline that Bravo didn't hint at! The movie really clicked for me during the scene with Michael and the lock picker. And you can't forget the infamous climax (with some especially controversial casting - I always appreciate a little political incorrectness in my movies).

If at any time I sound like I'm criticizing this film, it is only lightly. I highly enjoyed! Though very flawed it is certainly not "so bad it's good". Mostly it's pretty good in its own right. Of course I have a weakness for oddball horror cinema, so this might not appeal to everyone. For fans of Italian horror films this is essential! How often do you see an American horror film that locks into the same milieu without even trying? P.S. Did I mention the cast? It seems like everybody is in this movie! Eli Wallach and Burgess Meredith chewing the scenery, Jeff Goldblum before he fused with a fly, Christopher Walken before he became the obsession of college students everywhere, Arthur Kennedy of The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue, John Carradine (okay, that's not so surprising...the guy made it his business to be in pretty much everything), Martin Balsam, and even Jose Ferrer! Usually horror films don't come with such classy casts.
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One of the best portals into hell
macabro35727 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Man, I really love the new DVD that Universal put out. I've never seen THE SENTINEL look this good since I had to put up with crappy, grainy VHS tapes for years. Unfortunately there are no extras beyond a trailer that looks pretty worse for wear. And AVOID the Goodtimes DVD at all costs. It sucks.

Anyway, troubled fashion model Alison Parker (Cristina Raines) moves into haunted NYC brownstone, only it's more than just haunted. It's also a portal to hell and the Vatican keeps an old blind priest (John Carradine) to keep watch over it and make sure the devils and arch-angels don't escape.

This has an all star cast full of old-timey actors like Ava Gardner, Arthur Kennedy, Jose Ferrer etc... as well as cameos of upcoming 80s stars including Christopher Walken, Jeff Goldblum (who's voice was mysteriously overdubbed) and Tom Berenger. And you won't even recognize Jerry Orbach from LAW & ORDER. I had to do a double-take when I didn't quite place where I'd seen him before.

Nice gore scenes of Alison slicing the eye and nose off her dead father's rotting corpse that's been possessed by the devil. And there's a neat ending where disfigured, deformed people try to haunt Alison into committing suicide so she won't be the next one to guard the portal. It seems Alison's troubled past makes her a prime candidate by the Vatican to become the next sentinel.

An excellent, creepy 70s classic from director Michael Winner that shouldn't be missed. I also recommended it for those who want something a little more imaginative beyond the usual stupid teenager slashers and horror comedy.

7 out of 10

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Burgess Meredith Has a Devil of a Good Time in this Film
BaronBl00d21 April 2008
Christina Raines plays a lovely model in New York who seeks out a new apartment and begins to meet strange neighbors and reveal a secret about the building and herself slowly building up to quite a climax by film's end. This film has all kinds of neat plot elements from the Roman Catholic Church vs. the Devil, to the gateway to Hell, to bizarre rituals, to a growing conspiracy, and finally to a host of talented famous actors and actresses flooding the film. We get Ava Gardner, Burgess Meredith, Chris Sarandon, Jerry Orbach, Deborah Raffin, Arthur Kennedy, Jose Ferrer, Slyvia Miles, Beverly DeAngelo, Eli Wallach, Martin Balsam, Christopher Walkin, William Hickey, Tom Berenger, Jeff Goldblum, and who can forget John Carradine as the old priest. Many of these actors ham it up - particularly Burgess Meredith giving a fine comic/demented performance as one of the neighbors with a little bird and a cat. Meredith is memorable as is Balsam and Chris Sarandon. Some of the performers have virtually nothing to do like Jose Ferrer in a thankless role even if it is nothing more than a cameo. The Sentinel is a fine horror film with plenty of psychological elements and some truly terrifying scenes. The end scene is repulsive and yet chilling. I do find fault with some of the gratuitous sex and violence in the film, particularly that whole scene with DeAngelo and Miles. Was that really necessary? I think not. Also, the father/daughter stuff was a bit much as well, but overall the film works and has a winning pace. Director Michael Winner does a workmanlike job and is effective creating tension and scary movie moments. The scenes with Carradine are particularly effective.
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The only horror flick in history with FOURTEEN name stars!
uds325 November 2001
"Campy" doesn't adequately describe THE SENTINEL, I'm not sure what does! If for no other reason, but to see actors of the caliber of Martin Balsam, Ava Gardner, Jose Ferrer, Arthur Kennedy, Christopher Walken, Chris Sarandon, Eli Wallach and Burgess Meredith all making fools of themselves, is an opportunity you simply cannot pass up in this dumb tale of yet another gateway to Hell!

Cristina Raines plays Alison Parker, a willowy model who decides to move in to a spooky Brooklyn apartment building, remarkably similar to that which Rosemary and her baby recently vacated. Looks like the place is managed by the same body corporate! Tenanted mainly by the aforementioned actors, Miss Raines soon discovers that things are just not kosher somehow. Scenes decidedly campy and less so, blur both her and the audience's lines of reality. Worthy of an academy award alone is that where Raines is seated opposite D'Angelo watching her masturbate. The camera remains on her face as she begins to crack-up in obvious embarrassment at D'Angelo's antics - who wouldn't have? It's arguably the shot of the century!

Michael Winner directs with his usual "God knows what this is gonna turn out like" philosophy. Responsible for such good films as THE MECHANIC and such losers as DEATH WISH 4, its a 50:50 proposition with ANY of his pics!

Horrific or laugh-out-loud funny? you choose! Outrageous fun though, however you look at it!
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Ridiculous and tiresome
Groverdox14 June 2016
"The Sentinel" is a ridiculous, tiresome exercise in repetitive shock tactics that are never anything more than laughable.

It's one of those tiresome "woman moves into apartment, woman goes crazy" movies that was done so much better in "Rosemary's Baby" and "Repulsion".

There are two main problems: one, the lead actress just doesn't really work, has no presence and blends into the screen, and two, the movie is just boring shock tactics that are never shocking in the least.

Aside from that, the movie is teeming with characters and character actors, including John Carradine, Ava Gardner, Eli Wallach, Christopher Walken, Beverley D'Angelo, Jeff Goldblum, Tom Berenger...

There is so much pointless exposition from these actors about nothing in particular, adding nothing at all to a central story that didn't need these complications.
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black and white and white cake
moonspinner5514 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Bizarre horror movie filled with famous faces but stolen by Cristina Raines (later of TV's "Flamingo Road") as a pretty but somewhat unstable model with a gummy smile who is slated to pay for her attempted suicides by guarding the Gateway to Hell! The scenes with Raines modeling are very well captured, the mood music is perfect, Deborah Raffin is charming as Cristina's pal, but when Raines moves into a creepy Brooklyn Heights brownstone (inhabited by a blind priest on the top floor), things really start cooking. The neighbors, including a fantastically wicked Burgess Meredith and kinky couple Sylvia Miles & Beverly D'Angelo, are a diabolical lot, and Eli Wallach is great fun as a wily police detective. The movie is nearly a cross-pollination of "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Exorcist"--but what a combination! Based on the best-seller by Jeffrey Konvitz, "The Sentinel" is entertainingly spooky, full of shocks brought off well by director Michael Winner, who mounts a thoughtfully downbeat ending with skill. ***1/2 from ****
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Very bizarre and yet so trashy
sunznc20 January 2011
Where does one begin in reviewing The Sentinel? The movie starts out with cheesy, made-for-TV music and a sweeping view of Central Park in New York. During the first half of the film the dialog is poor, the acting bad and the editing off. One second an actor has a smile on his or her face and the next split second they are serious.

Some of the scenes are laughable-so poorly done and choppy and with abrupt endings.

The film is sort of a horror/melodrama and uneven at best. There are actors that are very good here like Ava Gardner, Burgess Meredith and Sylvia Miles who make the lesser known actors look like amateurs!

The second half of the film becomes even more bizarre and yet very interesting when we learn that this young model is living over the entrance to hell which is actually ridiculous.

It's hard to get too involved in a lot of this because of the absurdity of it all. And yet the actors take everything so seriously.

But during that last 30 minutes of the film things become very bizarre indeed. Real deformed people were used in the film which stirred some controversy.

There are some very interesting moments in this film that are really very intense. Especially when Chris Sarandon explains what is happening. However,........this is really a low budget mess and very little thought was put into the script. With all of these great actors no one came forward and tried to improve this? Unbelievable.

It's too bad because a lot of time and money went into this film. A lot of talented, seasoned people are here yet the lead actors seem ill prepared and their dialog is horrible. Horror fans will love the blatant gore but most people will dismiss this as trashy.
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Star-studded cast cannot save this crummy movie
highwaytourist7 April 2011
"Rosemary's Baby" meets "The Exorcist" in this trashy and derivative freak show, which tries to cash in on every occult movie cliché imaginable. In it, a beautiful actress/model who's in a shaky relationship moves into a glamorous apartment at very reasonable rent, only to discover it's haunted by various weirdos. She has the usual health problems (migranes and fainting spells) and the freaks who are her neighbors are becoming increasingly menacing. Many of the scenes are meant to be shocking, but are merely embarrassing and hard to watch. Sylvia Miles and Beverly D'Angelo have a particularly vulgar scene. The one thing one wonders is how did they get all these high-powered stars to take on supporting roles. Also, one is surprised by how many actors with bit parts who were unknown at the time have since gone on to successful careers. It's a virtual galaxy of the stars of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. There are so many, it's distracting. However, playing "spot the star" is far more entertaining than anything that happens in this film. The main character had attempted suicide once and has thoughts of it again. If I had been forced to watch this film repeatedly, I might have attempted suicide. The climax to the film was particularly unpleasant without being scary. The only pleasure besides the cast would be the big budget, which brings a professional veneer to a graze Z script. What an overwhelming waste of Hollywood talent and audiences time.
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Although Underrated by IMDb User Rating, 'The Sentinel' Is One of the Best Horror Movies Ever
claudio_carvalho4 August 2004
Alison Parker (Cristina Raines) is a successful top model, living with the lawyer Michael Lerman (Chris Sarandon) in his apartment. She tried to commit suicide twice in the past: the first time, when she was a teenager and saw her father cheating her mother with two women in her home, and then when Michael's wife died. Since then, she left Christ and the Catholic Church behind. Alison wants to live alone in her own apartment and with the help of the real state agent Miss Logan (Ava Gardner), she finds a wonderful furnished old apartment in Brooklyn Heights for a reasonable rental. She sees a weird man in the window in the last floor of the building, and Miss Logan informs that he is Father Francis Matthew Halloran (John Carradine), a blinded priest who lives alone supported by the Catholic Church. Alison moves to her new place, and once there, she receives a visitor: her neighbor Charles Chazen (Burgess Meredith) welcomes her and introduces the new neighbors to her. Then, he invites Alison to his cat Jezebel's birthday party in the night. On the next day, weird things happen with Alison in her apartment and with her health. Alison looks for Miss Logan and is informed that she lives alone with the priest in the building. A further investigation shows that all the persons she knew in the party were dead criminals. Frightened with the situation, Alison embraces Christ again, while Michael investigates the creepy events. Alison realizes that she is living in the gateway to hell.

Although underrated in IMDb User Rating, 'The Sentinel' is one of the best horror movies ever. I have seen this film at least six times, being the first time in the 70's, in the movie theater. In 07 September 2002, I bought the imported DVD and saw it again. Yesterday I saw this movie once more. Even after so many years, this film is still terrific. The creepy and lurid story frightens even in the present days. The cast is a constellation of stars and starlets. You can see many actors and actresses, who became famous, in the beginning of career. Fans of horror movie certainly worship 'The Sentinel', and I am one of them. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): 'A Sentinela dos Malditos' ('The Sentinel of the Damned')

Note: On 02 September 2007, I saw this movie again. Note: On 03 November 2013, I saw this movie again. Note: On 15 September 2019, I saw this movie again.
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Less of a plot, but more like an intro to one that never develops.
mark.waltz25 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
And that's what makes this supernatural horror movie so interesting is that it gets the imagination rolling as to what could happen beyond this had there been a sequel. Unlike "The Exorcist" and "The Omen", there were no sequels, although there has been a remake. This is also one of the biggest cast of well-known faces (of the past and the future!), and everybody plays an important part no matter how big or small their role is.

The troubled heroine here is New York fashion model Christina Raines who is gifted with the opportunity to move into an apartment in the luxurious Brooklyn Heights area that is only $400 a month. Too good to be true it seems, and it is, especially when after meeting all of the other tenants (with the exception of a James blind priest), real estate agent Ava Gardner tells her that a good majority of the apartment building has been vacant for 3 years. This leads her to a mystery to find out why she saw people that don't even exist, and this creates a mystery that is aided with the help of her boyfriend Chris Sarandon and best friend Deborah Raffin.

Such legendary actors as Jose Ferrar, Burgess Meredith, Arthur Kennedy, Martin Balsam and Eli Wallach turn up in supporting roles. Meredith absolutely hams it up joyously as a tenant who apparently doesn't exist who owns just a black and white cat and a yellow bird from Brazil. Then there's the eccentric Sylvia Miles, doing a Bette Davis impression, living with her obvious girlfriend played by a very young Beverly D'Angelo.

While Raines doesn't seem shocked by their relationship, she's instantly turned off by D'Angelo's sudden fondling of herself that is extra ordinarily crude in the way it's presented yet necessary to set up more of the mystery surrounding the remainder of the other characters who pop up in a party thrown for her by Meredith out of the blue. The tension builds up greatly until all is revealed and Raines faces her destiny.

It will be a delight for fans of modern Cinema to recognize several future stars including Jeff Goldblum, Tom Berenger and Christopher Walken. Also, fans of the New York based soaps will be delighted to see some of the regular faces of daytime popping up in roles as well. This could have been hokie, and certainly some parts indeed will make you laugh, but overall, this is delightfully spooky and a great follow-up to "Rosemary's Baby", "The Exorcist" and "The Omen", and certainly a lot better than any of the sequels to all of those films.
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Very Uneven
Zoopansick22 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
**SOME MINOR SPOILERS BELOW** I don't think the Sentinel is a very good movie, which is too bad because he had a great cast and is a film in a genre I'm interested in (religious thriller). However, there are just too many characters for its own good and the movie shifts its focus too many times. For example the movie starts out (and should stay firmly focused, IMHO) following Miss Parker. It has her buying the apartment with weird tenants and even a bizarre flashback of her father (which really goes nowhere and seems to be there for purely shock value). At about 1/3 of the way in "scary" stuff starts happening, but that just consists of someone moving around in the apartment above her. So a private investigator is hired by her boyfriend to look into things. He ends up dead and the police come in to investigate. The officers who are played by Eli Wallach and Christopher Walken suspect foulplay. However, though the story follows them for awhile they simply fade out and are not seen from again (which begs the question, why even put these 2 characters in the movie?) The movie then follows the boyfriend as he investigates the history of the priest character and finally some of the mystery gets unravelled. Ultimately everything winds up at the building, but it is never adequately explained "why" Miss Parker is chosen instead of just some other random person, from the best I could tell it doesn't matter. The climax itself is more grotesque then scary and there really aren't that many scary moments at all in the entire film. The Sentinel could have been better if it did away with the subplots with the cop and maybe toned down the role of the boyfriend and just focused on the lead. It is afterall only an hour and a half, and when you think about it there really wasn't that many scenes of scary stuff at the building, some weird stuff, yes, but not scary. If you are interested in religious thrillers see Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, or the Exorcist they are all better movies and contain a much more interesting story.

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Creepy Absurdity
cmh7821 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers

This film certainly had its share of scary moments, and a lot more that were plain creepy. But too much of it was just over the top, and the preposterous ending sabotaged the entire film. Here is Christina Raines, our heroine, emoting frantically as All-The-Demons-Of-Hell come traipsing through the apartment.

Burgess Meredith hands her a dagger and suggests that she kill herself, telling her that if she does she will spend eternity in hell and open The Gates Of Hell and release all its demons into the world.

I can just imagine what is going through Raines' character's head at that moment: "Hmmm - let's see, what are my options here? I can kill myself like Burgess Meredith suggests, in which case I will spend all eternity in Hell with my father whom I hate and those weird lesbians who masturbate over the crumpets at tea, while at the same time unleashing all the Hordes of Hell on the world. Or not. Give me a minute, now, this is a tough one. What to do?

What to do?..."

Gimme a break.
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The Apartment Complex from Hell!
Warrior72818 October 2001
I really liked this movie! One of my favorite undead movies of all time infact.

Don't expect a ton of special effects, but do expect some genuine chills and memorable visuals.

If you like Clive Barker-esque horror, you'll like this movie.
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Or: Why "ROSEMARY'S BABY'S" Neighbors Need An "Exorcist"...
cchase5 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ahh, yes, the all-star blockbuster. Take a so-so concept, stuff it into a script and load it down with every single freakin' special effect that the Wizards of Hollyweird can conjure up, then round up the usual suspects: hot up-and-comers, has-beens, wanna-be's and never-wuzzes, and stick 'em all in ensemble roles of various sizes in front of the unforgiving eye of the cameras. And hope to gawd that some of them aren't too old to remember their lines.

Leave it to the bishops of Box Office to apply the concept to horror films at last, as was the case with the post-EXORCIST thriller THE SENTINEL. Novelist Jeffrey Konvitz decided to try and one-up Ira Levin's ROSEMARY'S BABY scenario of creepy (and ultimately satanic) neighbors in a New York brownstone. The result was a controversial best-seller that some claimed bordered on the plagiaristic, and an equally controversial, top-heavy/star-laden vehicle co-written and directed by DEATH WISH's Michael Winner, but for many unsettlingly different reasons.

Cristina Raines (NASHVILLE) plays successful model Alison Parker, who is pretty much over- stressed and over-worked, (I won't add "overpaid." I mean she IS a model, so that would be redundant), not just by her 24/7 schedule, by also by her insistent , 'wanna-get-married- right-NOW' boyfriend Michael (Chris Sarandon of DOG DAY AFTERNOON and the classic SOB.I.G. movie LIPSTICK). One of the ways she decides to try to get away from it all is to move into her own place; a big, beautiful brownstone in Manhattan which she's able to get dirt-cheap, (that should've been the BIG red flag - cheap real estate in New York!), from the mysteriously accommodating broker Miss Logan (Golden Age screen vet Ava Gardner, fresh from the storm drain in EARTHQUAKE.)

Things seem fine at first, but ah, yes...then comes the noises and the loud pounding from the apartment upstairs at night. And what about the REALLY strange neighbors like Gerde (Sylvia Miles) and Sandra (a VERY early Beverly D'Angelo), the nice "single friends" (read: lesbians) living together, and kindly old Mr. Charles Chazen (a nicely creepy Burgess Meredith), who seems maybe a little too concerned with Alison's welfare? And that's not to mention other assorted squirrelly cohabitants (You'll never hear the phrase "Black and white cat, black and white cake" again without wanting to laugh milk through your nose and possibly vomit simultaneously.) Especially the old blind priest living in the penthouse...

Things really start to go downhill when an apparition-laden nightmare of Alison's morphs into a grisly murder, (in one of the movie's most underwear-staining scares), and both Alison and Michael, with some assistance from Alison's BFF, Jennifer (Deborah Raffin), begin to piece together the puzzle that reveals the brownstone's dark origins, as well as the murderous agenda of its other-worldly inhabitants, not to mention Alison's connection to them, which as it turns out is anything but coincidental.

Although there's nothing controversial about the overstuffed cast, which seems to feature every actor of diverse genres looking for work at the time, (Arthur Kennedy, Jose Ferrer, Martin Balsam, Eli Wallach, John Carradine, and even early appearances by Christopher Walken, Jeff Goldblum and Nana Visitor!) Winner and company went back to bombastic basics and pulled a "Tod Browning" enlisting real-life physically-challenged actors to appear in THE SENTINEL'S climactic everything-and-everybody-goes-to-Hell sequence, which I guess any ballsy director would do, finding himself unable to access Linda Blair and a case of green-pea soup. It does definitely leave you with arctic fingers playing your spinal cord like a zither, knowing this juicy little tidbit of info as you watch. And it does feature a technique to which filmmakers have only begun to return very recently: live on-set makeup and special effects that don't involve CGI, (which was pretty much non-existent back then.)

THE SENTINEL has that kitschy, late-Seventies cheese factor, but does manage to distinguish itself from time to time with some gasp-inducing moments like the one mentioned above, not to mention that queasy feeling of dread that horror writers find it easy to play upon, of isolation and things that go bump-and-shriek in the night. After all, what living-single-in- the-big-city person hasn't lain in bed in the dark, and listened intently to the sounds of what they HOPE is "the building settling?"

Konvitz followed up THE SENTINEL with an inevitable sequel, THE GUARDIAN (not to be confused with the William Friedkin supernatural thriller namesake), that was never adapted for the screen. =sigh of relief=
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Not a great movie but for some reason, entertaining
ebeckstr-14 October 2021
I remember seeing the "world television network premiere!" of this movie in 1978. I loved it, and having watched it a few times since then, I have to say, it is not a great movie, insofar as it goes. It does, however, maintain suspense and mystery, a consistently creepy atmosphere, in the sense of foreboding and doom up through the end. And the ending has to be seen to be believed. I gather it was very controversial, and really still is controversial. Words like tasteless and exploitative appear in reviews. At the very least, the concluding scene is pretty shocking.

Besides the suspense, mystery, and creepiness, this movie has an amazing cast from top to bottom. Lots of great character actors, and other actors who had not yet become gigantic stars but soon would. Although, wow, is this a white movie. There is not a single cast member that I can recall, I don't even think a single extra, who isn't white.

Besides the latter flaw, others include, not surprisingly, a script that does not know anything about Catholicism even though Catholicism is an important part of the plot (i.e., the outdated and all too common incorrect understanding that attempted or completed suicide is a mortal sin that automatically damns you to hell - that belief ceased being a thing after Vatican 2, many years before this movie and the novel on which it is based came out); and other flaws with how damnation is represented (the novelist and/or screenwriter seem to believe that someone with goodness and love in their heart can still wind up in hell, which is a dumb idea for the sheer illogic of it). I just really dislike writing that doesn't do basic research or lacks logic.

In spite of those flaws, when all is said and done, anyone who is a particular fan of 1970s American horror probably ought to see this.
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Gates of what?
JasparLamarCrabb3 November 2005
An extremely high quotient of freaky character actors propels this silly and wildly over-directed horror film. Cristina Raines is a model who rents an unusually large NYC apartment only to find out that the building happens to be on the exact same location as the gates of hell! Raines, who's not really a bad actress, is pretty dull but the film features such a wacky supporting cast that they make this otherwise lousy movie bearable. Burgess Meredith, Sylvia Miles and Beverly D'Angelo play her neighbors, Chris Sarandon is her oddball boyfriend, and Ava Gardner --- looking pretty tired --- plays a real estate agent. Arthur Kennedy, Christopher Walken, Eli Wallach and John Carridine are in it too. The director, Michael Winner, had a reputation for choosing the worst possible material. With credits like THE SENTINEL,THE NIGHTCOMERS, various versions of DEATH WISH and two woefully ill-advised remakes: THE BIG SLEEP and THE WICKED LADY, it's no surprise Winner's career has evaporated.
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One of my all-time favorites
kdanek179 November 2005
I was an usherette in an old theater in Northern California when this movie came out. As good as it is on DVD, it's even more eerie and terrifying on the big screen. Although it has been about 9 years since I have seen it, it is still one of my all-time favorites. At the risk of sounding trite, "They just don't make 'em like this anymore!" If Sixth Sense freaked you out at all, this movie is definitely for you! Great storyline, incredible cast of characters, ominous setting; even the soundtrack has a haunting quality to it. I highly recommend you not watch it alone. What a brownstone apartment was renting for in 1977 alone, will have you gasping (it would be at least 10-times that price today).
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The gates to Hell
dworldeater4 February 2020
The Sentinel is bizarre 70's horror that is best described as a cross between Rosemary's Baby and The Amityville Horror. Although it is not nearly as good or essential as either, it is an interesting flick to say the least. Directed by Michael Winner,who did some great action movies and westerns and frequently collaborated with Charles Bronson is out of his element directing a horror movie and it shows. The Sentinel has a huge ensemble cast of great actors and stars, but the film has a hard time being cohesive and maintaining a consistent tone and narrative. There are some good performances here, but overall feels a little over the top and cheap when compared to top 70's Satan themed films like The Omen and The Exorcist. But this movie is wild and worth watching and referenced in the much better film, Tom Hanks starring horror/comedy classic The Burbs.
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cwillis_m13 May 2003
"The Sentinel" is a freakshow, literally. I'm not sure if it's in good taste to have actual deformed people playing demons (or whatever they are). But how much good taste can a movie have when Beverly D'Angelo's character masturbates in front of Cristina Raines' character (I would imagine when Raines looks embarrassed in that scene she probably wasn't acting)?

But aside from all this, "The Sentinel" does include some of the most horrifying scenes I've seen in a movie. It really is creepy. My rating: 5/10
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One of the Scariest and Campiest Films Ever Made!!!
DrkUnk1 November 1999
Bored with the normal, run-of-the-mill staple films to watch this Halloween that I've seen over and over again, I took a chance on "The Sentinel", hoping it could get my horror juices flowing again. Mind you, I had just come back from seeing the Dark Castle remake of "The House on Haunted Hill" - complete and utter crap. Thankfully, "The Sentinel" BLEW ME AWAY! In a riviting story about a model who moves into a creepy building in Brooklyn Hights, the film offered everything that I hope to find in a good movie - (1) Campy and fantasically juicy characters, exchanges and dialogue, including hilaraious turns by Christopher Walken, Jeff Goldblum and especially, Martin Balsam, as an absent minded professor - (2) Horrifying Terror! Not to give a frame away, but there are scenes in this film that chilled me to my pancreas - (3) Fantastic gore, terrific make-up and wacky (if very uneven) direction from Michael Winner, which flows rather nicely with this unreal treat. If you loved "Evil Dead 2", "Dead Alive" and "Deep Rising" - this will be your queen of favourites. Just to emphasize my love for this film - after I watched it for the first time, jaw-dropped, I rewound it and watched it again. It is now one of favourites of all time. Do yourself a favour and check it out!
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the road to "The Sentinel" is paved with wicked horror goodness
Jonny_Numb25 June 2006
Cashing in on the "demons-meets-clergy" trend of the late '60s/early '70s that most prominently included the triptych of "Rosemary's Baby," "The Exorcist," and "The Omen," "The Sentinel" is an addition that's just as good (albeit the most overlooked of the lot). In a way, it combines the best elements of those films and tosses in a dash of Polanski's "The Tenant" (which came out the same year) for good measure. A New York model unable to commit to her lawyer boyfriend takes up residence in a moss-coated townhouse that initially seems like the perfect locale; she meets a wily old coot of a neighbor (the brilliant Burgess Meredith), plus the other off-center tenants. Kept awake by loud noises above her apartment, she soon discovers that a mute priest and herself are the only residents in the otherwise deserted building. From there, director Michael Winner ("Death Wish") kicks this supernatural thriller into gear, and there is a devilish glee to the hallucinogenic tortures he inflicts on his heroine. Aided by a brilliant ensemble cast, a subtle storyline, and excellent makeup FX by Dick Smith ("The Exorcist"), "The Sentinel" is a genuinely creepy horror flick.
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Unbelievably bad acting and directing
texan9517 December 2006
Maybe it was watchable in the seventies.... I don't remember. But I know it's a stinker at this point (2006). You can see why Raines had a short career in films, and why Michael Winner never directed a quality movie. It's really embarrassing to watch. Even if the costumes didn't look like they were out of every bad seventies porn flick, the acting and directing (or lack thereof) would doom this film. Please watch it and tell me where I went wrong here... Tell me it's not really this bad. Even the good actors (Burgess Meredith, Jerry Orbach, Ava Gardner, et al.) look bad because of the writing and non-directing. Chris Sarandon does OK (not sure why), but he's paddling upstream most of the time, trying to rescue scenes from Raines' wooden and forced acting. And I've never been much of a fan of his, oddly. I haven't seen the remake, but I'm going to watch it in hopes of driving the memory of this disaster permanently from my poor abused mind...
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