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Wow this movie is funny.
Mr. Pulse22 December 2000
Mind you, it's not supposed to be, but it is. As a wee tot, I watched this movie in the theatre (Being a huge wrestling and Hulk Hogan fan). All I remember from the night is we were the only ones in the theater, and that I didn't really like it very much. I blacked the rest out, and for good reason.

A poor film on par with the greats like "Gymkata" and "The Pumaman," "No Holds Barred" is a movie set in the high stakes world of pro wrestling. Well maybe the stakes aren't all that high...and quite frankly I feel dirty just calling these people "professionals" at anything. And really, except for the first scene, there's no wrestling to speak of. So I guess movie is about the marginally low stakes world of amateurish beating-the-c***-out-of-people. Sounds good, right?

Hulk Hogan plays Rip, the champion of the WWF (Never let it be said that Hulk Hogan was typecast, this and movies like Thunder in Paradise showed how he challenged himself with deep roles that really pushed the limits of his talents). Essentially he's playing himself, but with a wardrobe that's more black and blue than the Hulkster's red and yellow. He also has this hand gesture he does. It's kinda like the ozzy devil sign people make at rock concerts, except you stick your thumb in the air, and you curl your index finger in. My friend claimed that it was supposed to look like an "R." Try and see for yourself. If that looks like an "R," well, then, Mars needs women. But anyway.

Kurt Fuller, with his overacting detector obviously on the fritz, plays a TV exec with his slightly homoerotic heart set on getting Rip, who's evidentally bigger than Elvis, on his network. He won't have any of it (And exits the office with a triumphant hand gesture to no one but the camera), and so the movie follows Fuller trying to boost ratings and get back at Rip. He does so when he creates his brilliantly titled "Battle of the Tough Guys." Marketing genius, this guy.

From the numerous hand gestures, to the rather idiotic fight scenes (All played as if wrestling is very real and deadly serious) to the overacting, to the far too frequent shots of Hulk in nothing but undies, this movie has everything you'd ever want in a dumb movie. It's frivolous, not too taxing on the mind, violent, and includes the phrase "What's that smell?" "DOOKIE!" "Dookie?"

A classic for all time.
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Body slam...
fmarkland3222 February 2007
Hulk Hogan stars as a champion wrestler (A real acting stretch...) named Rip, who is forced to defend his honor, his title and his girlfriend from a greedy corporation that wanted him to sign for their network (Because wrestling sells!) however when Rip declines, the network gets a circuit fighting championship called (and i'm totally serious) "Battle of the tough guys" who's champion Zeus (Played by Tiny Lister Jr) maybe the deadliest man alive. Rip refuses to fight, until his brother is attacked and put in a hospital. No Holds Barred is pretty much what I expected from Vince McMahon production starring the least versatile actor in the action genre (Hogan) it is basically lots of unintentional humor, tons of awkward sequences, a couple okay action sequences and tons of stupidity. In other words it's not unlike wrestling itself, so I give it a fair rating mainly because anyone renting this knows what they're getting. The movie is cheap but well made enough for what it is and really wrestling fans will probably enjoy this. I myself found this to be ultimately hilarious. They're are moments of such absurdity that you only chuckle to yourself. (Such as the way Hogan jumps 20 feet in the air after being stuck in a limo, how he forces a guy to crap himself and of course the way Hogan recites from his cuecard. (I.E:"I'm not going to be around when this check clears!") No Holds Barred is a lot of fun, true, though it's mainly because of how ridiculous it is. Fans of camp should really enjoy this clever clinker.

* * out of 4-(Fair)
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Rip this!
BandSAboutMovies14 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've never understood No Holds Barred. It had the entire WWE machine behind it - watching an hour of their program in 1989 was akin to watching an hour commercial for this movie - and this was the movie they put so much effort behind? A movie that makes wrestling and its top star both look like morons? I get that the rest of the world sees pro wrestling like this, but when I realized that this was how the company itself saw it, it was pretty sad.

But yeah, I still went to the drive-in and watched it. They sold me.

Imagine if Vince McMahon decided to make an entire movie about Ted Turner.

Well, stop dreaming and start watching, because Brell (Kurt Fuller) is Ted, owning an entire network that is being toppled by pro wrestler Rip Thomas (who is Hulk Hogan other than the fact that he wears blue instead of the yellow and red, brother). That's right - all his network needs to start failing is to go up against Rip, until they start making their own wrestling program called Nitro...I mean Battle of the Tough Guys.

On this show, Zeus (Tiny Lister, Friday), an ex-con and former student of the same man who taught Rip takes over the world of wrestling from the No Count Bar. Brell is the kind of guy who replies to people making fun of his penis size by sending killers after Rip and rapists after Rip's PR person Sam (Joan Severance).

There's also a scene beats up a henchman so badly that the guy craps his pants. I mean, wouldn't you after a gigantic human being basically flies out of a limo?

Beyond getting to see Gene Okerlund, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Howard Finkel and Joey Marella on the big screen, this movie also features Jeep Swensen (he'd go on to play Bane in Batman and Robin), Bill Eadie (Axe from Demolition and the Mask Superstar) and one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, Stan "The Lariat" Hansen. In fact, when the movie came out, there was a big rumor that Hansen - who achieved most of his fame in Japan - was about to leave Giant Baba's All Japan Pro Wrestling to come to challenge Hogan. It never happened. They did fight a year later in a match between AJPW and WWE in Japan just days after Hogan lost the belt to the Ultimate Warrior.

There's another Japanese influence to the movie, as Hogan doesn't use his American legdrop finisher here as Rip, but instead the clothesline-like Axe Bomber that he used to win so many matches in New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Zeus, however, did come to WWE and claimed that he deserved to be the star of the film. After a Summerslam 1989 match between Hogan and Brutus Beefcake against Zeus and Randy Savage, the feud culminated in a PPV called No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie, an event that played the movie and then a blowoff tag team match.

No Holds Barred was produced by star Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon, only to be distributed by New Line Cinema after completion. When the first draft of the script was turned in, Hogan and McMahon disliked it so much, they checked into a Florida hotel and stayed up for 72 hours straight - cocaine - rewriting the script together.

Thomas J. Wright, who directed this, was also the artist who painted the artwork featured on Night Gallery. He was also the second unit director for Howard the Duck and Staying Alive.
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very38 April 2004
it was late one halloween night I had fallen asleep with my TV on and I woke up like 2 in the morning, opened my eyes and this movie was playing. I was a little groggy, but was then awake and couldnt get back to sleep and figured might as well watch this. the thing that surprised me, is, this movie is standard fair as far as fish out of water fighting against incredible odds to win something movies go, but I just LOVED the look of this movie. it was filmed very beaituflly, with some very surreal scenes. such as that rough bar hulk went to and got intoa fight, the look of the bar with the lights shining thru the walls and the colorful look of it really caught my eye. from then on, the strange thing was, while I wasnt incredibly taken with the plot, I thought the film itself, as far as the scenes was and cool.
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The first real Hulk Hogan movie....and a harbinger of what was to come for hogan's acting career.
Devilsdance91124 February 2011
Ah 1989: we were coming to the end of the "go-go 80's" Reagan had been booted from office by term limits Rescue 911 debuted the slasher flick genre was winding down and WWF (now know as WWE) was the undisputed king of televised pro wrestling in most of north America.

Anyone who was a child during the 80's and early 90's knows how popular Hulk Hogan was but did he really need this seventeenth rate vanity project.

While he was WWF champion on and off (mostly on) for eight years feuding with such legends as Andre The Giant Randy Savage "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and many other mainstays of 1980's WWF his popularity and ability to draw huge money was undisputed then Vince McMahon decided that it would be a good idea to make No Holds Barred as a way to further Hulk Hogans career popularity and wring just a little more money out of the cash cow that was Hulkamanina.

Unfortunately this decision would backfire even further when after the release of this movie they actually brought "Zeus" (AKA Tommy Lister) into the WWF for cross promotion purposes in the form of a "real life feud' between Hogan and the movie villain Zeus which had it not failed so spectacularly (it died a quick death very shortly after Survivor Series 89) would have most likely led to a Zeus VS Hogan match at Wrestlemania 6 which supposedly would have been billed as "No Holds Barred-The Final Showdown" or some other silly name.

The movie itself is pure 80's schlock at its worst with hammy over and underacting (especially from Hogan and Lister) hideous writing exceptionally low production qualities (which is not a surprise considering they had a reported budget of between $8-9.000.000).

I saw this in theaters when I was seven years old and I thought it was stupid then, unfortunately after more than twenty years it hasn't gotten any better and probably never will.
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Pretty bad
aleksandarmiljan17 August 2015
Although I'm a huge World Wrestling Federation, Hulk Hogan, wrestling in general & these kind of movie fan (Stallone, Arnold, Van Damme), as an adult I find this movie unacceptable. It really is a pretty bad flick, no acting at all, used to love it when i was 6-7 and maybe I could recommend it to a 6y old, but times are different now and I'm not sure even they would like it. Hulk Hogan is bad, as always, Tiny Lister the same, but Joan Severence eclipsed them all, her 'acting' is something really special. Director Wright is a TV- director and it shows all the way. It is a movie made for a special purpose (wrestling feud), def. fulfilled it's original task and should stay in the late 80's.
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No Brains Evident.
anaconda-4065824 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
No Holds Barred (1989): Dir: Thomas J. Wright / Cast: Hulk Hogan, Tiny Lister, Kurt Fuller, Joan Severance, Bill Eadie: Here is a screenplay so stupid that it would make better toilet paper than quality entertainment. Title indicates that rules will be broken but the whole point is exploited to death. It stars Hulk Hogan playing himself against Tiny Lister as Zeus in a much awaited wrestling bout. He turned down promoter Kurt Fuller so in a tantrum he hires Zeus to beat the tar out of Hogan. Zeus is one of the biggest jackasses ever to enter a film. He grunts, yells, beats on his chest. Plot is ridiculous and unrealistic when factoring in the fact that the law would not likely support such an event. director Thomas J. Wright could have saved money and just film any high school bully taking out his aggression on some poor dote on the playground. Aside from an embarrassing performances from Hogan who really should stick to wrestling, Lister is in a category all by himself, and his defeat is less than exciting. Fuller plays the typical irritating promoter who starts controversy and then cowers until fatal consequences. Joan Severance plays the ever familiar lame ass damsel. Bill Eadie appears as Rip's opening opponent but fans best remember him in his superior role as one half of the great tag team Demolition with partner Smash. It is meant to appeal to legions of Hulk fans so others should tear it in separate directions. Score: 0 / 10
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the ultimate cheese machismo movie
DonShin23 July 1999
... in search of the cheesiest "so bad it's good" movie, I've repeatedly laughed at the first fifteen minutes of various films, only to be left disappointed and bored at the end. Not this time!!! My eyes teared up, my belly and my cheeks ached from laughing so hard throughout the movie. Sure, Hulk Hogan is a subpar actor and the plot is utterly predictable, but everyone dives into this movie knowing all this - all anyone wants to see when renting this is Hogan breaking out a can of whoopass, with a bunch of "YEAH BROTHER"s and "WHATCHUGONNADO"s flying from his infamously goateed mouth. And while the Hulkster on the screen pales a bit in comparison to the Hulkster in the ring, seekers of the ultimate cheese will certainly not be disappointed by this backhand gem of a flick. A laugh riot.
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Hogan fans dig in. The rest beware! (Major Spoilers)
callanvass28 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a die hard wrestling fan, so I decided to bite the bullet here. This was WWE's first attempt at a foray into Hollywood. They don't exactly excel these days with it, but this was a big venture for Vince at the time. He thought he could do both WWE, and Hollywood at the same time, and what better guy to do it than Hulk Hogan? He's already made an appearance in Rocky III, he seemed ready. This was not the case. The movie bombed in a big way, and it's an intolerable cheese fest. Hulk Hogan essentially plays an exaggerated version as himself, and Zeus (Tiny Lister) is laughably wooden, and especially OTT with his facial expressions. It also has many lapses in logic. Rip's kid brother gets crippled by a henchman, and there are no repercussions. Zeus is practically indestructible, and feels hardly anything until the very end. He comes across like a Cyborg, more than anything else. Kurt Fuller hams it up so much, it gives you the impression he knew he was in a piece of junk, and decided to have fun with it, by hamming it up like no tomorrow. Joan Severance has an awful romance with Hogan, and would fade into B movie role obscurity not long after this. And wouldn't you know it? Hulk Hogan does what he did for many, many years, and still does to this day on rare occasions. He takes an inhumanly beating, and Hulks up, shrugging off any previous pain to defeat the baddie. The scary thing about this is that despite how much this movie flopped, and how awful it was, Vince decided to make an angle out of it on WWE Television in 1989. Here is the most ludicrous thing about it. Tiny Lister was singed to a WWE Deal, and appeared on WWE T.V, because he was bitter about having second billing to Hogan. And he used the Zeus name from the movie and not his real name! It was a major clusterfuc******k of epic proportions.

Final Thoughts: I love cheesy movies, but this one is far too stupid and annoying to enjoy. Die hard Hogan fans will wanna see it, and chances are, you already have. The rest needn't bother

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What do you expect
mattyhavok9 January 2020
Its Hulk Hogan. It's an enjoyable movie if you realize its Hulk Hogan playing himself. Love the Hulkster but he can't act. But this is probably his best movie overall. It's basically a Hulk Hogan match played out for a movie. He makes his big comeback and wins in the end. That's why it works. It's the Hulkster. And shout out to Stan Hansen for his role. I was laughing my ass off during his scenes.
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Terrible & Funny 80s Kitch
nebk14 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has some of the best or depending on your viewpoint worst overacting and cliches put down to film in the 1980s. Hulk Hogan is Rip, a wrestling champion with a heart of gold and he doesn't want go join the TV Network of an evil corporate scumbag called Brell and things escalate from there.

Among other great things this has Hulk wearing several sort of reject satin sleeveless ninja outfits in multiple colours sort of like he actually wore in the 1980s. There is growling by Hulk as well as the villain named Zeus played by another wrestler who went on to appear in many better movies than Hulk could ever dream of. Some of the audience also growls and grunts and most of the villains are one dimensional.

It has a bad plot and bad yet funny and grammatically incorrect dialogue such as:

He's did it again (He is did it again. Really?) "I won't be around when this check clears" after force feeding the bad guy his cheque. "God I hate it when you're hurt, or scared" to a woman that's been attacked and almost sexually assaulted. These and some other verbal gems make this movie what it is today. Utter crap.

There are impossible feats of strength exhibited by wrestlers tholroughout. Like kicking the limo back door so hard from the inside that it makes the driver in his partition completely lose control. Jumping through the roof of said limo as if it is made of plywood and paper. The Hulk also mistakes a mirror for a bad guy at one point because a projector is projecting his image into it and he makes a bad guy pee himself among other things. And there is a romantic scenario and a few sexual jokes and allusions towards masturbation just to make it appealing to the adult viewers I guess. The levels of machismo are also off the charts where Rip doubts himself when he refuses a challenge by Zeus to fight. That lasts until his brother is injured by Zeus and then it's on. The bad guys kidnap Rip's love interets and he is beaten until she escapes and then he fights back and wins. It has to be seen to be believed.

In short this movie might have been enjoyed by 8 year olds in 1989 which is how old I was when I saw it but in 2020 it is ridiculously and completely bad. It might make you grin a few times in the beginning but it is by no means a decent film even with the unintentional humor. Possibly a 3 out of 10
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The only pro wrestling movie!
Eraser818 May 2002
Back in 89 Hulk finally got his first starring role and you can tell he had a lot of fun with it. He plays Rip, the WWF champion with a heart of gold. But when Rip doesn't switch networks, the greedy promoter Brell gets down and dirty, and eventually finds the massive Zeus to lure Hogan into their trap.

Overall, a fun movie to watch, especially if your a big Hulkster fan like myself.
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So Bad It's Awesome
JakeRfilmfreak20 June 2023
Now everybody knows that Hulk Hogan is not the greatest actor in the world, and his stay in Hollywood was short and mediocre. But for some reason I can't help but love his movies, and No Holds Barred is no different.

The plot is something that you would of seen at a wrestling event, and as a matter of fact Zeus did appear at certain WWF/WWE shows back then to promote this.

Yes, it's a laughable mess with little to no rhyme or reason behind it, other than they wanted Hulk to star in a movie. But to me this film is a classic masterpiece of bad dialog, acting, and storytelling.

I love this movie in the so bad it's good way, so if you're into those kinds of films than you should definitely check this out.
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No brains required
Fluke_Skywalker4 October 2015
No matter how low your expectations are going into this absurd late 80s Hulk Hogan vehicle, it's quite likely to limbo right under them.

Hogan is the "star", but he actually gets very little screen time, disappearing for large chunks of the film while the focus is on the villain of the piece played with a "Hey, it's a paycheck" glee by Kurt Fuller. When he is on screen, Hogan struggles playing a character that is more or less the same one he'd played for nearly a decade in the WWF.

None of this would've mattered much had the film at least given us some entertaining wrestling moments and perhaps a few good montages set to cheesy rock music, but it can't even seem to do that right.

'No Holds Barred' is awful even by the standards of low budget late-80s wrestling movies, of which it may be the only one.
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The best movie i've seen
king-3410 August 1999
Hulk Hogan does it again a great movie with great acting, directing, and lighting. Hulk Kills people in this movie he electrocutes one guy. Hulk will be in the acting scene for another 50 years i'm sure. Hulk is a hungry young actor in 10 years he will blossom into a rose of an actor. No Holds Barred will take us into the next Millennium.
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No Hols Barred comes to DVD for the fist time
rgblakey16 September 2012
Several years after his appearance in Rocky III, the WWE (then still the WWF) wanting to boost Hulk Hogan's film career produced the 1989 film No Hold's Barred. In an unprecedented promotion, they co-produced a rivalry during their TV promotions alongside the film's release between Hogan and Zeus, played by Tiny Lister. Now for the first time it has been re-mastered and released on DVD.

No Hold's Barred followed Rip is the World Wrestling Federation champion is loyal to his fans and network. When a corrupt network head wants him to wrestle for his network and he refuses, they call in the mysterious Zeus to challenge Rip in a no hold's barred match in The Battle of the Tough Guys. While this movie failed to deliver the box office they were hoping for, there isn't a wrestling fan alive from that period that hasn't seen and had a fun time with this film. Filled with over the top wrestling action and cheesy dialogue reminiscent of most of the action films of that time, this film took the already power of Hogan and amplified it to an almost ridiculous level. Hogan much like everyone in this film give pretty lame performances that makes the film almost come off as a comedy. The action itself is decent enough pretty much sticking to the wrestling aspect throughout, with the exception of one memorable scene where Hogan goes from struggling to get out of a limo, to "hulking out" busting through a metal covered sunroof, ripping off doors, and smacking down thugs. All this leads to one of the most ridiculously great line exchanges in film involving the word dookie.

This is not a great movie by any means, but somehow is so bad that it takes a wide turn to cheesy fun. Hogan spends most of the movie in the wrestling tights, cementing forever how the world will remember him. This was a smart move at the time as what better way to further his acting career than by having him play himself. There is no way wrestling fans or fans of cheese cinema cannot enjoy this film. If you have never had the chance to check it out give No Hold's Barred a chance, it's more than just a wrestling fan, it's the start of a strange career for Hulk Hogan outside the ring, but also launched the career of Tiny Lister who most may remember from the Friday films, The Fifth Element among many others. Like it or not, you cannot deny this is a one of a kind film that has to be seen to believe. You will not be disappointed in the fun and odd joy it will give you.
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WWF The Movie
buccola1317 June 2019
What's that smell? Dookie? No, it's No Holds Barred.'

This movie is a massive pile of garbage. Just about everything is done wrong. The acting, the directing, the script, the stunts, the silly violence, the blatant parallel to WWF vs NWA, No Holds Barred is a terrible let down. I was a huge fan of Hogan and the WWF, and as a ten year old this movie never interested me. The following Zues storylines were big for a while, but he can't act or wrestle, and Savage carried him as far as he could. Speaking of Savage, he would have been much better as the lead villain in this movie.
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psycho_charlie66629 January 2003
This movie changed my life! Hogan's performance was nothing short of incredible, and I still haven't recovered from his exclusion from the 1990 Oscar nominations. And as brightly as the Hulkster shines in this movie, you can't discount the brilliant writing and direction that vaults this masterpiece in to the highest strata of achievement in film. If you haven't seen this movie, drop what your doing right now and get yourself a copy. I guarantee it will blow your mind. And if you don't like it, then I just have one question for you.... Watcha gonna do when the 24 inch pythons and Hulkamania runs wild on you!!!!
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Bad idea wrapped up in stupid
wmlharding22 April 2006
A thinly veiled attempt to push Hulkamania to the film going non-wrestling fan. What could be worse than Hogan in the movies? Bad actors in the wrestling ring, and this film produced both, as Tiny Lester made his way to the WWE that summer in the mother of all promotional blunders. See the dictionary under Oops. As a card carrying member of the stupid kids of the world paid to see this in theaters and when I came out I immediately checked into H.A. - Hulkamaniacs Annoynimous. I am proud to say I have been off the Hulk for 17 years now and have never had a craving since. Since this was made to bring in more fans to the juggernaut that was the WWE in Hogans hey day one has to wonder if there weren't more fans like me who turned to other past times that did not poison ones mind like this offense to celluloid did, such as huffing gas or Russian Roulette.
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When there's No Holds Barred.
BlackJack_B22 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
No Holds Barred was Hulk Hogan's ode to himself (with Vince McMahon's deep pockets). It came out in 1989 and actually finished second to Star Trek V in its first week in the box office. It did make a profit after its theatrical release, video release, and PPV but it doesn't hide the fact that the film is terrible. However, like Hogan's later film Mr. Nanny, it is a laugh riot. I thought Mr. Nanny was the funniest thing I'd ever seen at the time.

Hogan basically plays himself, only he is known as Rip. Rip is the hottest thing on T.V. and his WWF appearances garner the highest ratings for his network. In a eerie portent of things to come (Hogan would later jump to rival WCW), a network boss tries to convince him to come over and work for him. Rip refuses and Brell (Kurt Fuller) will do whatever it takes to get him to appear on his network. He attempts to kidnap him, he tries and gets his sexiest executive (Joan Severance) to seduce him, and he comes up with some reality T.V. show where he tries to find the toughest man in the U.S. He discovers Zeus (Tiny Lister), a crazy ex-con who dismantles his opponents and is dubbed "The Human Wrecking Machine". One day, Rip's steroid-free brother Randy visits the set of Zeus' show and he gets his head kicked in. That is the impetus for Rip to finally face off against Zeus in a TNA-style ring.

To be honest, the film is awful but it is funny. Hogan beating up robbers at Vi's Diner, Hogan seducing Severance, Hogan's "dookie" scene, etc. Yes, there are some cool wrestling scenes and I'm sure Vince enjoys seeing two hosses bashing each other but today, those matches are so boring and tame. The dialogue is some of the worst and the acting is over-the-top. Also, the film has some brutal violence. Men are being brutally beaten up and left for dead and it's done in a very graphic manner. This film isn't for kids. However, for those who cherish bad films this is a must see. Hogan's films always are among the worst. At least Hogan helped Tiny Lister Jr. get his foot in the door in Hollywood as he has had plenty of small roles since then.

Maybe the funniest thing was seeing WWF wrestlers appearing on insets during their matches saying that you should go see No Holds Barred right away. It's sad that Vince had so little self-esteem that he had to force his superstars to rave about the film or else be depushed. Still, the film shows what a marketing genius Vinnie Mac was in the 80's.
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This Is Cinema History...
lorddrewsus18 July 2020
Niche AF, and twice as cheesy. Hogan pulls off a less than stellar performance like most of his segments in WWF. That is why you should watch this. If nothing else the dated music and hand gestures make it great. Also, that limo destruction about 14 minutes in, is great.
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MichaelMovieLoft13 June 2003
I remember when they made a big deal about this when it was coming out. They showed clips every week on WWF TV and everyone was excited. It debuted opening weekend at number two behind Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Then it did a nosedive. Critics HATED this film. I don't remember seeing one good review. Everyone agreed it was bad and sometimes grotesque. I didn't know they meant back then but now I do since the movie makes references to gay bars, women getting slapped hard and nearly raped and a disgusting looking bar restroom with overflowing urinals lol. When I was younger, I didnt care for that. It was Hulkamania, brother!!!

Now I find this pretty bad, but still fun to watch once in a while when its paired with Bodyslam (which has a better storyline). First off, Hulk Hogan's acting skills just aren't great. he is one dimensional like the character he plays in the wrestling ring. And actually, Rip and Hulk are not to far off from each other. Kurt Fuller is a good actor, but he is not good at playing the bad guy. He is better at comedy and nervous drama characters. He is just not believable as Brell. There isn't much character development in this film and the ones that suffer are the characters of Randy, Rip's brother and Charlie the trainer (In wrestling its unheard of a trainer escourting a wrestler to the ring lol). Tiny Lister plays Zeus the way its supposed to be played, so there isnt any problem there. Joan Severence is passable and for all you softcore hounds, she does have a lingerie scene lol. By the end, you figure, what's the point?

For this one (as with other wrestling films or films that feature wrestlers as the main star), turn your brain off. You'll enjoy it more if you do.
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The definitive (and only) pro-wrestling movie.
motherfu24 September 1998
What's the only difference between this film and pro-wrestling? The movie is more predictable. Also, Hulk Hogan is not as good an actor on the big screen than he is at, say, WrestleMania. But if you're looking for mindless pro-wrestling dramatics, by all means, remember the name: NO HOLDS BARRED!
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Deathrow_nzl18 July 2008
I'm surprised to see this with such a bad rating

OK the acting sucks The Story line isn't the greatest But It is funny. I actually Think this is a good movie for Kids I remember watching this when I was 10 My mate owned this movie. I'm not saying its the best But 3 stars Come-on I gave it 6 out 10 Cause its aim at kids 7 to 13 not adults. It is also very fun to watch.

any way that is my peace, Just think when you vote "would you enjoy this when you were 10 years old." If the answer if yes then

be a bit more generous with your vote If your sure you would think it sucks

fine give it a crap vote
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Succeeds in it's mission...
markovd11131 March 2023
Let's face it, "No Holds Barred was a movie made to cash in on the big wave of Hulkamania and for the kids who were fans of Hulk Hogan, it must have been a dream come true. For anyone else, "No Holds Barred" is a painfully stupid watch with plot so unbelievably dumb and requiring such huge amounts of suspension of disbelief to even partly accept it as a reality. It does resemble a movie, but that's almost all it has going for it. To anyone who saw this as a kid, it may be nostalgic, but to any wrestling fans or people looking for a "so bad it's good movie" this is not it. It has a few scenes of that kind which will make you laugh in disbelief, but other than that, it has nothing going for it. Watch only if you are gigantic wrestling/Hulk Hogan fan or don't mind killing your brain cells. 5/10!
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