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Two beautiful Mexican women conquer the Old West
MartianOctocretr513 August 2007
Two insanely beautiful Mexican women decide to exact revenge on some pistoleros, hired guns for a U.S. banking concern, who shot each of their respective dads. One is a spoiled rich girl, the other a poor girl, and these two unlikely allies unite forces. They meet some guy who trains them how to shoot, and the fearsome Bandidas are born, free to plunder the Mexican desert in sexy outfits and chase the bad guys. They set out to even the score by robbing banks.

Does the premise make sense? Of course not. It's just a convenient set up of odd circumstances so Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz can do a Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid send up, except with high heels and thick Spanish accents. They trade barbs pretty humorously, and make a good screen comedy team. The action is fun, and of course, way over the top. The expert of the new science of forensics (this is set about a century ago) is the luckiest guy in the old west; he gets to kiss both of them.

Campy slapstick fun. The whole cast has a good time, and makes the satirical and playful mood amusing. Good brainless popcorn entertainment.
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Harmless Fun!!!
mechanicalanimal19 February 2006
Bandidas is a conventional, predictable cinematic product and yet, it manages to be a laughing out loud experience and a great time at the movie theater.

The story of the two opposite mexicanas played by Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz kicks off when both meet personal tragedy and seek for revenge (first, for themselves and them for the whole people of Mexico).

Hayek and Cruz are great to watch as the film highlights their comedian and physical talents quite well.

Technical work on the film is also top notch and Steve Zahn/Sam Shepard's supporting roles bring both masculinity and humor to this laugh-fest.

Overall, this movie will not win any Oscars but it will definitely win the heart of the audiences.
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Nice movie to have a break out of ordinary life.
gunther-vermeir18 January 2006
This is a typical "just fun to watch" movie. Nothing for hardcore movie freaks, more but i find it rather well done. Not to much clichés, some gags are very good and some nice lines of text... The action is also in balance and sometimes rather funny. The 2 Bandidas are of course quit sexy and nice looking, but especially Penélope Cruz (Maria) performs well and has that very groovy "archtype" Spanish look that makes you wonder where to hide if she ever get's mad at you. The story and characters are not so well developed, but that's hardly a problem for this type of movie. So if you are looking for a fun movie to relax with and have a good time with your girl/boy/pet and you like some humor and action, check it out. But don't expect a "cinematic masterpiece".
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cute and fun
a_ngox18 March 2006
I can say this movie is worth watching. It is really entertaining and can fill your day with laughter. As you probably expected already that Bandidas was made as a light and entertaining movie. The story is definitely easy to catch with a big support by Salma and Penelope's acting and fresh jokes.

You could say that Bandidas is a story of two females Zorro. Under any circumstances they always managed to get a hold onto something - in some unique ways. Salma and Penelope played really well, and definitely HOT! Frankly speaking, Maria (Penelope Cruz) was a farm girl which did not have much education. On the other hand, Sara (Salma Hayek) was a uptown girl freshly graduated from European university. Both of them did not share any common traits or life, except the bad guys killed and almost killed their fathers. Joining their forces and power together, they were robbing the enemy's banks.

If you would like to have a good time without any brainstorming activities, Bandidas will suit you just fine. Hope you guys enjoy it as I did!
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With gorgeous vistas, "Bandidas" is a fun to watch!
Nazi_Fighter_David31 October 2007
"Bandidas" is set during the Mexican Revolution…

Cruz stars as María Alvarez, a gun-happy superstitious peasant who learns that her land has been sold to Tyler Jackson (Dwight Yoakam) by a corrupt Mexican banker Don Diego Sandoval (Ismael 'East' Carlo) until some higher authority intercedes…

María always knew what she wants and she always knew she feels, however when she dared to accuse Don Carlos as a corrupt and a thief, as a result of that her father is wounded in his ranch and his house is burned to the ground…

Sara Sandoval (Salma Hayek), who has been away at school in Europe for ten years, has left as a girl and came home as a woman…The only problem of Don Diego is now to convince her to stay… But Sandoval is poisoned following a real estate agreement with the avaricious Jackson…

So the two girls—joined by destiny—decide to be trained by Sam Shepard, to shoot well and to learn the rules of robbing banks… So they teamed up to get the people back on their land, and to come up with a plan, something that will benefit the people and destroy these murderers…

But after Quentin Cooke (Steve Zahn) an expert from New York City is kidnapped by the two she-monsters, the ruthless Jackson brought in more reinforcements, real killers hunting the two girls like animals… So every bank was seen more guarded now… Sara saw herself desperate, running out of ideas… Inside of herself she knew that she was raised to be a spoiled lady, not a renegade…

Penélope and Salma have great chemistry, and they are totally adorable together… The film has many memorable moments: the church catfight; the horse climbing a ladder; the two beauties in prostitute red cloth; Hayek getting off her chest her bloody corset which has been squeezing her gut her whole life; Salma teaching Penélope how to kiss a man right and how to capture that nuance
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Simply put, not a great film...
smartaleck8710 March 2006
...but come on, did you really expect it to be? This movie is what it is: an action comedy (in the loosest sense of the word "action") about two hot Hispanic chicks robbing banks together. It's PG-13, so there's not going to be any real heavy subjects tackled (and sadly, Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek don't do anything more than shake hands). You have to go into a movie like this with a certain level of suspension of disbelief. Every single Mexican speaks perfect English (yes, even the farmers), Cruz and Hayek pull off a couple near-Matrix-level stunts, and there are other implausibilities.

Even so, occasionally this movie is funny, and though it's bogged down by the usual clichés, there's a mild surprise or two in there as well. This is lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon kind of movie. I wouldn't buy a ticket to see it in theaters or purchase the DVD, but if you have a friend who's renting it or a free pass to the movies, you could see a lot of worse movies.
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BANDIDAS: Unexpectedly Good! Irresistibly Charming!
tripxyde2 June 2006
Set in Mexico in the 1800s, a violently strong banking corporation is moving in on Mexican lands, trying to muscle out the Mexicans off their own land. A spoiled brat lady and a farmer's daughter find themselves victims of such oppression, and together have bonded to unite in a cause against the banking corporation. Eventually, the two became bank robbers, bandidas who rob the oppressors to avenge and restore the rightful property of their people.

This movie is based upon the idea of its producer, the highly respected film director-producer Luc Besson, who was responsible for films like Leon: The Professional and The Fifth Element. Bandidas is directed by Joachim Roenning and Espen Sandberg.

Being a big fan of Sergio Leone's classic Spaghetti westerns (like the Clint Eastwood classics "A Fistful of Dollars, The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly, and the Charles Bronson revenge epic "Once Upon A Time in the West"), I appreciated the manner in which the director employed subtle Sergio Leone shots and sequences, not to mention a little of Ennio Morricone's music to spice up the little moments of Sergio Leone homage. But, of course, the film has the fast pace of a typical enjoyable action-adventure. There is one action sequence wherein the technique of bullet-time (as pioneered by the Matrix movies) was smartly used in a well done, impressive sequence.

In terms of brands and generalizations, the closest in comparison to this movie, being a popcorn action chick flick, is Charlie's Angels. But while the Charlie's Angels and its sequel may have been crammed with absolute unoriginality and badly-recycled tricks, Bandidas, on the other hand, is quite healthy with its own potentials. First of all, these 2 main characters are very attractive, not only in terms of beauty and sufficient cleavage exposure, but also in terms of their on screen chemistry, their chuckle-worthy bickerings and arguments, not to mention their vibrant aura on screen.

Penelope Cruz, for instance, who plays a somewhat simpleminded farmgirl acts convincingly dumbed down, to have the appeal which reminds you of Joey and Phoebe from the Friends TV series. Salma Hayek as the sophisticated and educated brat shows a radiant and spunky side of her on this role. i cant believe how delightfully ageless Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz are on this movie. While their nagging arguments may sounds a bit annoying in the trailers, I eventually grew to realize that when you watched the movie in its entirety, their noisy arguments are indeed hilarious and oftentimes cute. Although it's such a forgettable role, country singer Dwight Yoakam pulled off a satisfactory performance as the main villain of this movie. Sam Sheppard also appears as the Bandidas' mentor. And the film also stars Steve Zahn, who plays a quirky young scientist who obviously is trying to pioneer the science of crime forensics.

There is a thought-provoking pro-Mexican, Anti-American colonialism plot in this movie, which I suspect may be the reason why this film isn't out on US theaters yet; it isn't even listed to be set for release in US theaters anytime soon. Which is a shame, since this film really deserves a spotlight attention. Sure, it's a mere popcorn flick, but it's good as one.

Do not be fooled by the film's lack of, or unappealing sense of marketing; this film really is big and deserves a summer blockbuster treatment. It's unexpectedly good! It's irresistibly charming! BANDIDAS is the summer big action-adventure that not many have known of yet.
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Cruz & Hayek as two hot bandits in this enjoyable adventurous flick
Chrysanthepop8 September 2007
The hot Salma Hayek and lovely Penelope Cruz star in this action-adventure flick. Interestingly enough, we see Hayek as the sophisticated intellectual lady (while she's more known for her on screen tough streetgirl image) and Cruz as the tough farmer girl (while contrastingly she's more popular for her sophisticated lady image roles). Both actresses do a fine job, providing us loads of laughter. Their off-screen friendship reflects their moments on screen and both actresses must have had a blast during the making of 'Bandidas'. 'Bandidas' itself is a typical action-adventure-western comedy flick with some wonderful cinematography that guides us through beautiful landscapes (with two beautiful women). The background score nicely contributes. Sheperd and Zahn provide further comic support. Yoakam is the weak link as he's just not convincing and pretty wooden. Some of the funniest scenes include the cat-fight, the training scenes, the ways Maria and Sara dis each other. Some dialogues are just laugh out loud. the screenplay could have included some more interesting moments as it does tend to drag at some point. As a guy, I really enjoyed 'Bandidas' but I don't see why women shouldn't enjoy it ;)
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Glewe1 March 2007
Since I watched this movie the other day I am wondering what this was all about. Somebody hires two of the sexiest women alive, puts them into too much and too thick costumes and throws them into a soup of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Zorro. So how successful can that be? A movie with Cruz/Hayek needs much more beauty and skin, no couple can ever reach the aura of Redford/Newman and Zorro is just too cool to be incarnated by a lady. All goals failed.

The story is lame, the villain looks and acts like a clown and the only character that could have saved a little value, Sam Shepard, does not have enough scenes to do so.

A waste of beauty and money.
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Turning Spaghetti Westerns into Ebullient Farce!
gradyharp12 January 2007
BANDIDAS may not set new standards for film-making, whether those standards are for westerns, comedies, action flicks, or slapstick, but it is just as awful lot of fun to watch! The script by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen is pretty shallow and at times borders on maudlin, but it is also peppered with some little one-liners that allow the stars to show off their comedic talents.

Directors Joachim Roenning and Espen Sandberg are neophytes and wisely allow the star qualities of Salma Hayek and Penélope Cruz to reign and have a good time both as opposites (Hayak comes from money and education and Cruz comes from the farm) and as partners is bank robbing - done of course in the Robin Hood manner. The bad guy is the reliable Dwight Yoakim and the fall guy is the always lively Steve Zahn. The quasi-good guy who trains the divas to be robbers is portrayed by Sam Shepard. And that is about all the viewer needs to know to realize the movie is in good hands.

No, the story isn't particularly ' find themselves - dividing their concentration between settling evil vendettas and vying for best kisser role with Steve Zahn. This is a comedy, folks, and a good lighthearted outing for two of our best actresses. Worth an evening's viewing! Grady Harp
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Hot girls, bad action, stupid movie
bazman99022 February 2006
Well this movie is one of those movies that you only want to see when you're in you're house and you have nothing left to do so you turn on the t.v. and you see a movie with hot chicks, bad action, stupid sense of humor and really bad script. Please it is not worth to buy a ticket to see this kind of movies. And if you do let me tell you that Mexico is so not like that and those two girls are not even Mexican (SAlma Hayek was born in Mexico but she is not Mexican anymore). So if you want to spend a good time. Go and see another movie. It is about a rich girl and a poor girl that get together to beat an American thief that stole the lands of their fathers so they begin stealing banks to get some money to the poor people (how original)...
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Just a funny movie
redwhiteandblue177619 September 2017
Some people rate movies as if all movies were made to win the best picture of the year. Apparently they don't think movies can be made just to be fun and entertaining. This is one of those movies. OK, there are goofs. OK the plot is pretty simple. But there are tons of great sight gags, fun special effects, great dialog, and a couple of "supper smart" horses that make this a really fun shows. I always like to read the reviews by people who "hated" the movie and rated it 1 or 2. Sad they can't just watch sit back and enjoy movies like other people. Bandidas is just a funny movie. If you haven't seen it, watch it.
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"Always count your bullets, senoritas"
bensonmum226 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sara Sandoval (Salma Hayek) and Maria Alvarez (Penélope Cruz) are two very different women. They may be from the same area of Mexico, but everything else about their upbringing couldn't be more different. Sara comes from a wealthy family and has just returned home after having completed her studies in Europe. Maria is the daughter of a dirt poor farmer and has received little in the way of a formal education. But these two women are brought together when an enforcer (Dwight Yoakam) representing a NY bank comes to town to buy up land for the railroad. His methods include killing Sara's father to take control of his bank and seriously wounding Maria's father to get his farm. How are these two women going to right the injustices and get revenge? The pair come up with a plan – why not rob banks?

If you're looking for a deep, meaningful movie that explores life's mysteries – Bandidas is the wrong movie for you. I've seen the word "cute" used several times to describe Bandidas and that's better than any I can come up with. This is a light, fluffy, silly, popcorn movie from the word go. I mean, seriously, can you imagine a more unlikely pair of turn of the century, would-be bank robbers than Salma Hayek and Penélope Cruz? But that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. For me, it's all about suspending reality and just having fun with it. It doesn't hurt that Hayek and Cruz are two of the most stunning actresses working today. But their appeal here goes far beyond their looks. They have a definite chemistry on-screen that's very natural. And the constant bickering between the two is often quite funny. Yoakam and Steve Zahn provide solid support. Yoakam's bad guy performance is especially well done.

Overall, I don't have much to complain about. For me, Bandidas made for an entertaining way to spend 90 minutes. I don't want to get into my spiel about the importance of entertainment to me in rating a movie, but Bandidas is a good example. It's just a fun movie!
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Waste of talent
Blindspot22 June 2006
I was sucked into this movie by the promise of watching a film with two great actresses and Steve Zahn, who can be hysterical. I got sucked in despite everything my brain was telling me. And I should have listed to my brain.

The plot was so contrived and flat, if it wasn't for the sheer magnetic attraction of the two leads, I'm sure I wouldn't have finished it. Yes - Salma and Penelope are nice eye candy, but that in and of itself is not a reason to make a movie. I would have preferred they wait until a proper script was available and shoot a interesting film with three dimensional characters instead of the wooden furniture in this dreck or a termite farm. Of the two, I have to say Penelope edged out Salma with charm and an interesting character, but its like being the last one to drown on a sinking ship.

What I'm hoping for the future is that producers don't say "oh. well we've already done a movie with Penelope and Salma." and discard the idea of doing a proper movie with their talent.

And don't get me started on anachronisms and stereotypes. Ugh.

Nothing to see here...move along, move along.
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I had a lot of fun. Period.
ediayoi2 March 2006
This is not about Salma being Mexican or not (altough is sad, that a Mexican said that in his comment). The movie is pure entertainment, some laughs, some action, a lot of gorgeous girls (two in fact) and what really matters is the fact that you leave the movie theater smiling. Salma is really funny in this comedy, she is relaxed and sexy, her look is very natural, you will be able to appreciate what a beauty she really is. Steve Zahn is hilarious, it's the kind of role he is perfect for. You know it's not the great script, but the movie is well directed, nice scenery, decent art direction and cinematography. Landscapes of ancient Mexico are great, Real de Catorce is an amazing place, the perfect "ghost town". Come on, just go and prepare to be a little relaxed, and enjoy.
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simply enjoyable
rene203018 March 2006
This is simply enjoyable to watch which is all the more an accomplishment as it has a lot against it. The mayor downside being that all through the movie you have the feeling that you have seen this all before. The setting, humor and interaction does remind you of "The Mask Of Zorro" (best example being the horse). The storyline is not that interesting and gives you the idea that it has just been written to create the setting and atmosphere. The acting is also no Oscar material but is very adequate. So it doesn't quite sound like a must see movie.

Then why should you see this one? I can't put my finger on it but somehow the whole package seems to work. Of course as a healthy guy I have to say that Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz as main attractions do raise my interest. Furthermore Steve Zahn has always had my sympathy as he always seems to be able to be much more than likable in the parts he plays. And finally, the directors come up with one or two original gags and camera shots that at least I hadn't seen before.

This is not Oscar material, but if you want to spend a comfortable hour and a half watching a movie this one will suit you fine.
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spotter-811 February 2012
This is essentially a Western buddy movie, only with two stunning Latina actresses instead of Paul Newman and Robert Redford. While there's a serious underlying story, there's also considerable humor, much of it physical and not a little of it having to do with the considerable physical charms of Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz. This movie was aimed at being entertaining, not at being Oscar bait, and it is very entertaining indeed. The two women start out seeking revenge for the deaths of their fathers, and though they come from very different social strata (Gee, doesn't that sound familiar?) they join forces to achieve their goals. This leads to a great deal of interplay between the two of them. You may have seen that before in any number of buddy movies, but having it occur between two women makes it all seem fresh. This is the sort of movie I'd watch more than once.
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Forgettable plot; unforgettable jubblies.
BA_Harrison25 March 2008
Bandidas might have a lousy script, and very little in the way of decent action or comedy, but it does have four (big) things going for it: two of them belong to Salma Hayek and the other two belong to Penelope Cruz.

Yes... the main (or only) reasons for watching this rather lame western are tucked down the front (and sometimes bulging out) of the stars' tight cleavage-enhancing costumes. The buxom beauties' magnificent mammaries steal the show, making the film just about worthwhile.

Hot 'n' spicy Hayek and comely Cruz play two feisty señoritas—one a spoilt rich brat (Hayek), the other a peasant girl (Cruz)—who, with the help of a police forensics expert (played by Steve Zahn), become bank robbers in order to save their country's land and wealth from an unscrupulous employee of an American railroad company.

Expect plenty of dull shootouts and dreary bank heists, interspersed with welcome scenes in which the stars' heaving bosoms strain to contain themselves within tightly laced corsetry (phew!). The highlight of the whole film sees the tasty twosome tie down a semi-naked Steve Zahn and pose for a series of sexy photographs, in an attempt to blackmail the lucky blighter! (personally, if these gals were to offer me a similar 'Kodak moment', the results would be on my MySpace page before you could say 'Ay, caramba!').

Bandidas gets 1 point for each of the stars' breasts, plus an extra point for the incredibly silly Matrix-style knife/gun-fight at the end, giving it a rating of 5/10.
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Hard to resist.
Hey_Sweden12 April 2016
In turn of the century Mexico, two very feisty young ladies who are worlds apart come together for a common cause. They've each lost a father thanks to the machinations of a greedy, conniving, evil robber baron, Tyler Jackson, played with gusto by Dwight Yoakam. At first, spoiled rotten bankers' daughter Sara Sandoval (Salma Hayek) cares only for a personal vendetta, but farm hand Maria Alvarez (Penelope Cruz) opens her eyes to the bigger problem of the exploitation of the Mexican people by people like Jackson. A big city criminologist, Quentin (Steve Zahn), follows the trail of the ladies as they embark on a bank robbery spree.

"Bandidas" is good, amiable, fairly light entertainment, that bears the marks of co-writer and co-producer Luc Besson. Directed by the team of Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg, it's a gorgeous widescreen combination of Western, comedy, and action film. It might be too silly for the tastes of some people, but others are sure to find it likable, funny, and charming. Certainly it succeeds as a showcase for the appealing leading actresses, who are at their sexiest and liveliest. Their banter flies back and forth, and they even fight over the nerdy Quentin, who becomes a believer in their cause.

Zahn offers a good counterpoint as the straight man to their antics, and it's an amusing bit of irony that HE'S the one who gets naked in this story. Delivering solid supporting performances are Denis Arndt, Audra Blaser, Ismael 'East' Carlo, Gary Carlos Cervantes, Jose Maria Negri, and Humberto Elizondo. Sam Shepard gets a particularly delicious role as the retired bank robber who teaches Sara and Maria the finer points of that line of work.

It may not be all that memorable, but "Bandidas" IS a pleasant diversion for a little over an hour and a half.

Seven out of 10.
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tomimt17 August 2008
I had two main reason watching Bandidas through: Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz, who are both stunningly beautiful and talented women. But I have to say, that their looks and inner chemistry was the main thing here, as the movie tries and tries and tries, but it rarely succeeds in what it so hard tries to be: a fun action adventure about two girls in the west.

Sure enough, the film does have adventure and action in it, but it all is, before the end, pretty dull and witless. The only light spark in the comedic section is pretty clear reference to old European comic book hero Lucky Luke in a form of a horse that rivals Lukes horse Jolly Jumper in wit.

The plot of the film doesn't give out much of surprises, actually any is the right word, as the whole thing moves forward with steadily predictable space. It has evil bankers, righteous police, heroic underdogs and even a bit of love and through out its whole length pretty much everything happens in a comfortable, or annoying depending on how you see it, fashion.

The best action scene of the film is spared to the end, in where we are treated with nicely filmed slow motion gun fight in a tight train cart, but other than that the main attraction of the tale are the two stunning beauties. Sad thing really, as with some polishing this might have been turned out to be more than just a mediocre western action comedy. It's not like it didn't have all the right elements.
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Very Good Movie for the Genre
costas265 March 2006
I have seen this movie today and i must say it cheered my day.It was funny(many laugh out loud moments), the action was very very good for its genre (Western), a good plot to go by and it accomplishes to give you that old Western feeling.Penelope and Salma were magnificent and a perfect on-screen couple.For what it is (Action Western),it deserves an applause...I don't know why some people didn't like it, Considering it is PG-13, Genre Action Western Comedy (and not a drama or social movie that goes for an Oscar) it's top in its genre.It's got what it promises and even more.It is a very fun movie and unlike what another poster said , it does deserve the money to buy a ticket and go see it.
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The Mighty Are Fallen
wricketts11 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bandidas isn't just bad, it's depressing. God alone knows what possessed these two wonderful, smart actresses to star in this obscenity, but what you need to know in order to swallow Bandidas is that feminism never existed. No, no. You and Gloria Steinem dreamed the whole thing up one night after you'd thrown back a few too many Brandy Alexanders. You look at Selma Hayek and you remember the person who did a terrific, intelligent movie like Frida and you wonder. Boy do you wonder. The filmmakers try so hard to pretend that Bandidas is the new Thelma and Louise, but the difference is -- well, the differences are legion. But one of the big ones is that T & L were actually friends who respected each other. Cruz and Hayek's characters are together because they're chasing the same MAN, and the height of their bonding comes when they engage in a kissing contest. (Lord help me; I wish I were making this up.) T&L was a serious movie with light moments. Bandidas is a superficial, trivial, insulting farce that tries to have a serious message. For shame, Selma. For shame, Penelope.
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Is That Bandana Gucci or Prada?
tccandler26 February 2006
It may be a premature statement, writing this in February of 2006, but "Bandidas" is one of the most entertaining films of the year. Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek are wonderful together as the sexy bank-robbers hell-bent on revenge and justice.

I suppose you could call this film a guilty pleasure. There is nothing substantial here... It is merely a lightweight action adventure with barrels of laughs and two primo-examples of eye candy. But of the 200+ entertainment-only movies in 2006, it is virtually assured that this film will be one of the better examples.

I was reminded a great deal of the cheerful tone and style that was evident in the Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster comedy, "Maverick". Add a sprinkle of "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and you are rewarded with this Luc Besson penned screenplay.

After a short opening, displaying the investigative skills of Steve Zahn's character, the film introduces us to Penelope Cruz's Maria playing Tic Tac Toe with her horse in the dirt. It is one of many scenes in "Bandidas" that hearkens the silliness of Laurel & Hardy. Maria is a small-town Mexican farm girl who confesses that all she really knows about is horses and chickens. She is a dreamer and an idealist.

Her counterpoint is Salma Hayek's Sara... An educated heiress who has just returned from University in Europe. She is a thinker and a realist.

When Dwight Yoakam's evil land robber swoops in to take the money and land away from the locals, killing Sara's father and severely injuring Maria's, the girls team up to avenge their people and get the land back. By robbing the banks owned by the railroading thieves' American investors, the girls cause slapstick havoc across the Mexican landscape.

After getting some 'training' from Sam Shepard's character, which includes a gratuitous push-ups scene in the local stream, the girls feel ready to try some elaborate heists.

None of this is remotely realistic. At no point will you ever really be able to suspend your disbelief. This film plays more like a Laurel & Hardy film than anything else. We are only supposed to enjoy the interaction and comedic timing of these gorgeous babes (best friends in real life -- and it shows) as they pretend to fire guns, splash through any on-hand body of water, blow stuff up, and seduce Steve Zahn on numerous occasions. In fact, considering one specific scene, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Steve Zahn did this film pro bono.

There are some truly inventive and hilarious moments in this film. Consider the train shoot-out... a slow-motion sequence that was brilliantly shot with a special effects technique that I hadn't seen before. Also consider the wit of the 'banjo-tuning' scene. It was perfectly timed.

This film has tons of memorable moments: the church catfight; the horse climbing a ladder; the brothel kisses. It is packed with entertainment value and deserves a bigger audience than it will ultimately get. Penelope and Salma have great chemistry, exuding illegal amounts of sex-appeal and equal doses of hilarity. "Bandidas" is silly fluff that typically gets panned by critics like me... but I went with this one because it doesn't take itself at all seriously and because I never once thought to look at my watch. This is a breezy 93-minutes that will leave your face aching from smiling so much.

TC Candler
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Bank robbery made beautiful.
michaelRokeefe18 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Action/comedy with eye candy. BANDIDAS is a fun to watch romp about a rough around-the-edges, but winsome, peasant Maria(Penelope Cruz)teaming up with a beautiful and sophisticated heiress Sara(Salma Hayek), whose father has just been murdered by the vile, ruthless Tyler Jackson(Dwight Yoakam). Jackson has swindled control of land and money with further plans to rob one bank after another to build his empire. The two beauties decide to seek revenge against the villainous baron Jackson, by robbing banks before he can get to them. The two lovelies prepare themselves with pointers from the expert bank robber Bill Buck(Sam Shepard)and are joined in the robbing spree by a trained criminal scientist(Steve Zahn). Quite humorous in spots, but mainly it is the jiggle and wiggle that garners attention. The only thing I can think to make this movie better is to have Hayek and Cruz joined with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Cote de Pablo(NCIS)as saddle pals.
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The movie stinks...
eltonsebastian8 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Couldn't bare to watch the entire film here. Fell asleep. Right from the beginning first minutes you can tell it's a silly comedy with people being blown away so casually. Now YOUNG GUNS has people being blown away and those moments are taken seriously. There's comedy and there's reality. Here it's all fluff and silly comedy.

Two stars thrown together in a terribly made movie with a useless done to death plot. Having the two speak English all the time when they are supposed to be Mexican makes no sense, particularly when their strong Spanish accents are really stressing their lines. I'd rather read the subtitles and hear them speaking Spanish, with them speaking English ONLY when interacting with Americans. In Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid when they go to Bolivia, they had to learn Spanish words in order to rob a bank. Here in this unrealistic fantasy movie every Mexican in Mexico speaks English. Even farmers. Yeah right. The PG rating says it all. A movie for morons or to get younger people into the cinemas that don't like to read subtitles. Finally the action scenes are way too generic. This doesn't feel like it was written by Luc Besson at all. The same man who gave us the TRANSPORTER, UNLEASHED, and LEON THE PROFESSIONAL could not have written this crap. Someone must have altered his script.
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