Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) Poster

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Recipe for a mediocre sequel:
outofmana22 January 2013
1) A much smaller budget than the original (20 mil vs 50 mil).

2) Jump scares. The original had none because of the great story/plot which gave the entire film a terrifying & unnerving feel. This sequel is so cheesy and pretentious that in order to call itself a horror film there needs to be long quiet pauses followed by doors slamming or monsters making loud noises causing the audience jump.

3) "3D"... throw in some scenes where swords thrust out toward the audience even though this kind of gimmicky nonsense breaks any feel of authenticity the movie might have had, even when watching it without the 3D glasses.

4) Flavor of the week actor(s)... Kit Harrington from the popular HBO series "Game of Thrones" is supposedly a high school student along with the main character, but unfortunately he looks (and is) 26 years old... he just feels out of place throughout the film.

I really enjoyed the original (as well as the games) and wanted this one to be good as well. Unfortunately Silent Hill: Revelation sets out to do two things: A) Continue the story SOMEWHAT from the first film to satisfy Silent Hill fans while having characters reveal story lines piece by piece in "plot dumps" that seem forced and out of place. B) Try to make as much money as the original, but with a terrible script, less money, and MUCH less passion.
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Very Disappointed
dorshez20 January 2013
I'll first of all point out that I am quite the Silent Hill fan before explaining that this director did not get the point of Silent Hill.

The games and indeed some aspects of the last film provoked fear through the unknown, the fact that the characters were totally lost and on their own in a place where anything could happen. The creatures were scary and the less we knew about them, the scarier they were. In the last film the acting was great and there was plenty of suspense, and a decent director and art team running the project.

This one had some great visuals, the environments were great to look at. The CGI effects however, were not. Neither was the poor use of the actors talent, and the over use of extra human characters and monsters. These combined with a terrible attempt to almost follow the 3rd game TOO closely whilst remaining loyal to the first film, makes for a bad experience. It's nice to see that the director here tried to make a nice little tie in with both the games and the film, but the last film wandered into it's own little story, which luckily turned out well. he should have stuck to following the games, or the last film instead of both. Then he needed to write up some less cliché' lines for the actors.
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Oh Dear....
younglevine26 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It has been 6 years since the release of the first Silent Hill movie and fans have been eagerly waiting for a sequel. Now, we finally have one, and boy is it a let down. First off, this movie isn't so terrible as I'm making it seem. Heather Mason's cosplay was pretty accurate and they got close with Claudia Wolfe. It did have "some" good acting in it. It also started off good. However, the spoiling of what would have been a good twist to those who have not played Silent Hill 3 could have been easily done without especially since it was made in the first 15 minutes. The character Vincent was introduced well, but he said a lot of really bold things to Heather Mason for someone that just met her such as "I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Once the characters made their way into Silent Hill, the story just started to get really messy. Heather started coming out of character, there were pop out scare tactics so cheesy even William Castle would have thought were corny, and when Heather enters a room of mannequins, we all start to think "Oh, looks like we're actually gonna see Pyramid Head rape some mannequins!" Instead, we get more cheesy scare tactics and a character written in only to be killed off almost instantaneously. Also, our big climax was a poorly edited fight scene between Pyramid Head and the antagonist and our protagonist just watching. Yeah. The dorky hugging that only last a few minutes was not good enough to be the climax of the story? And to top it off, they presented an ending that was bland to those not fans of the game, and hysterical to those who are. If you wanna see, be my guest. I think fans of the games would appreciate it. If you haven't played the games, you might want to sit this one out. It's one of those films you watch on Netflix with your friends just to make terrible puns all through the night.
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Stop... Please, just stop.
maxlegroom-513-16936327 October 2012
I'm going to forget for a second that I've played Silent Hill, I'm going to switch off my brain and look at this film as a standalone project, a generic horror film about a creepy town called Silent Hill.

And as somebody who has forgotten all knowledge of the game series that this film is based on, it would be nice if the film itself could fill me in on the situation a little, instead of throwing 3d effects at the screen and trying (Poorly) to relay a story that makes so little sense that it almost becomes funny.

Things happen for no reason and have little build-up or explanation, and it isn't too enjoyable thanks to the hokey acting from the majority of the cast, even stars like Sean Bean and Kit Harington turned in mediocre performances, though with the writing the way it was one can't exactly blame them.

Now as someone who has seen the first film, this "sequel" (With the most original sequel name ever might I add) has little to do with the first. Sure it is set in the same place and some situations are repeated but it doesn't continue the flow of the first, nor does it follow any of the momentum. The first ended in a bitter way that held no real place for a sequel to come in, so this whole film just seems tacked on for some extra cash.

But I'm sure the real problem here is the shameless butchering of source material.

If this film went under any other name or concept, it would be a badly acted straight to DVD movie that only plays on the Sci-fi channels, but because of the capitalisation on the name "Silent Hill" and the intellectual property of its creators, this film has been given a free pass, a pass which it did not use wisely.

Once again, without any spoilers, it is safe to say that this film does nothing in the ways of conveying the moods and feelings of any of the original games, nor does it try to follow any of their stories, which would be just fine if they didn't spend every other minute shoving fan- service in my face, as if to say "Look! Remember this from the game? So do we! Take a good long look at it!"

Worst of all, the little nods that it gives to the game series are such big parts of the plot that you cannot ignore the fact that they are being used completely out of context, and it gets avid gamers like me really mad.

All in all, newcomers to the series who like horror films will have a tough time understanding it, people who enjoyed the first film will probably lose interest fast, and anyone who has played the games will spend the entire film sitting in frustration. It is an unpleasant experience, and I would recommend that nobody watches this, not even to see how bad it is, because I don't think the Silent Hill community will be very pleased with another sequel.
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Should have been called Silent Snooze
saprater4 November 2012
I absolutely love the first Silent Hill film. The flashbacks (reminiscent of how one learns the back-story in a video game) were chilling and unveiled a haunting past for little Rose/Alessa. So I went into the sequel with anticipation and an open mind, but honestly...the best part of this movie was the opening credits, which did look pretty awesome in 3D. Everything after that was just boring as heck.

The storyline just seemed to move at a snail's pace. Plus the movie relied more on startle tactics instead of horror and gross out factor like the first. The new monsters did a lot of screaming and little else. The older ones we've previously seen were treated like domesticated livestock. And all I got of my favorite character (Rose) was a 10 second exchange with another character and dialog straight out of a 1.99 Harlequin Romance novel. Ugh! I actually had to wake myself up in the middle of this film. The only other time I've fallen asleep was back in the 90's with Blue Chips. It'd be a toss up as to which I'd be willing to sit through again. Oh, and the gal was NOT as good or creepy as the original Alessa/Sharon kid. Could they not afford to hire that one back again or something?

And I really think it was the wrong move to go with a film so dedicated to the video game. Tossing out things like magical totems and demon just didn't translate to film well. The first one made sense without having to have played the game. The plot for this one seemed too B-movie, especially if you weren't a player.
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I wanted to like it
silenthill093225 October 2012
I went into Silent Hill: Revelation hoping to be proved wrong. Sure, I knew the move was going to be a bit gimmicky (being shot in 3D and all), and the trailers hadn't looked too promising, but as a fan of the Silent Hill series, I thought that maybe I'd still enjoy the film. Unfortunately, this movie is riddled with so many flaws and defects that it completely falls flat.

The movie is based on the third silent hill game, following Heather Mason as she tries to learn more about her past but more importantly just survive as a series of nightmarish events draw to Silent Hill. The movie tries to follow the plot of the game, but deviates frequently in ways that make little sense. The game's plot was already somewhat muddled and disjointed, and its translation into a screenplay has only made the plot more nonsensical and difficult to follow. Events seem to occur at random, characters are left underdeveloped, and there is no logical progression to the story. The film flounders around for a bit before leaving viewers with an unsatisfactory climax which tapers off with an awkward closing scene.

The acting is pretty poor, and the screenplay isn't much better. Dialogue is stilted and awkward. Carrie-Anne Moss and Kit Harington in particularly do a very poor job of delivering their lines, and are completely unconvincing. To be fair, Sean Bean and Adelaide Clemens do a half-way decent job considering the lines they are given. But overall the acting and writing are both beneath what you would expect from your run-of-the-mill horror flick.

The special effects are pretty well done, and the 3D does make for some interesting moments. Silent Hill's iconic falling ash and dense fog in particular benefit from this treatment. Most of the time though, the 3D is just used to amplify the movies considerable gore. While the special effects are pretty solid, they just don't make up for the poor plot and dialogue which really are sub-par, even by horror movie standards.

I really wanted to like this movie, but even as a fan of the material I found myself unable to appreciate it. My advice is to save your money and rent it when it comes out on DVD.
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Too Short, Underdeveloped
jhelin043629 October 2012
The first half of the film was great. It was creepy, it was suspenseful, and it was almost scary (speaking as someone who considers most scary films to be dull and silly). The film did a good job of summarizing the first, and the 3D was generally well-done. So where did this film fail? Well first, the character relationships were extremely superficial, to the point where it felt like they were tacked-on or unrealistic. Some of the character motivations were also underdeveloped and made the characters come off as stupid or just hard to relate to, especially towards the end. The characters take a while to actually enter Silent Hill, and when they do the film quickly devolves from creepy moments to explaining the story, which is not particularly compelling. Obviously, the film makers had to work within the context of the original while trying to tie it into the third game, but so much of the film was devoted to characters explaining the plot that it made the film feel somewhat dull. Think of the old adage "show, don't tell". The film was overly short, and it seemed as though this was the central problem. 20 more minutes to SHOW the plot, interspersed with a few more creepy scenes, and this film could have easily surpassed the original. Alas, the director chose to keep the film succinct, and the result is that it feels rushed and the last ten or fifteen minutes feel more like a cheesy action movie than a horror film. As I said, with twenty more minutes of footage, the film could have easily been one of the scariest movies of the last 10 years, and could have had believable characters and a more expertly revealed plot. Instead, we're left with a decent movie with a few good scares.
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Didn't feel like watching a movie. I don't know what it is.
icanisa30 January 2013
Now I'm okay with movies that didn't follow exactly like the original plot from games, books, etc like the first Silent Hill movie, I think it is still fine. But this one is just BAD. I'm not sure what I was watching but I didn't feel like I was watching a full movie. It just lack of many things. Maybe it's too short, maybe Silent Hill 3 is just not suitable to be made into a movie because the story is all about Heather trying to find the truth about herself, and since we already knew that at the beginning, what is there to tell anymore? And we as an audience already knew how her father is doing, only Heather didn't know, again there's nothing to look forward too. We just merely watching Heather going from point A to B and nothing else. It is that dull and plain.

And the horror? the movie is trying too hard to be creepy. What's with all the pointless close up of meat cutting and bloody mouthful eating. I don't know it just didn't work for me.
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What's with all the 1 Star votes?
selfinflikted30 October 2012
Yea, so this movie wasn't exactly stellar, but I can't understand why there are so many 1 star votes for this film. I just got around to seeing this movie last night and it certainly wasn't the worst film I've ever seen, but reading some of the reviews around here (and on the critic sites) one would think this film is just a steaming pile of poop.

Well, it wasn't. The acting was decent, and I thought the lead was reasonably good. There were more "jump scares" than I would've expected, since the real horror of the games stems from atmosphere and a feeling of isolation. The monsters and CGI were passable - not great by certainly not bad by any means. The 3D was actually VERY good (maybe the best I've seen), though there were a couple of times that the use of the 3D was pretty cliché (think knives COMING RIGHT FOR YOU!!!). The only real gripe I had was with the scripting/story. I was impressed that the plot stayed as true to the games as it did, while still meshing well with the story from the first movie. I'm sure this was no easy task, but the amount of story they crammed into this film was too much considering the runtime of the movie. The exposition dialogue was REALLY cheesy at times, but I can understand the need for such when considering probably half of the target audience will have never played the games. I just would've hired a better writer.

TL;DR: Not as bad as the critics say, but certainly not the film I was hoping this to be. Worth the price of admission for 3D, as it's really well done.
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Gives Silent Hill a bad name. (spoilers).
seller_in_the_shadows20 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
DO NOT make another Silent Hill Movie Ever.... Revelations was so bad.... you are better off making movies that are not silent hill because you cant even begin to come close to what Silent Hill really is.... And DO NOT take Silent Hill 2's story and turn it into one of your piece of crap movies.... YOU ARE BUTCHERING THE SERIES!!! You have literally ruined one of my favorite video game series. And if you dare try to introduce Your Harry Mason character into the Silent Hill 2 Story as James Sunderland and make Harrys Non existent wife as Mary Sunderland You will literally upset every Silent Hill Fan in the World... You had to have seen what happened when they Made the HD remake of Silent Hill 2 and screwed up the voice acting.... The Fans will be on your case. Also don't connect Travis Grady to a story that he doesn't even belong to. Also one more thing... If Murphy Pendleton is on that Prisoner Escort Bus.... I will literally flip out...

Sincerely from one of Silent Hills greatest Fans

Michael Harbin
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Some things fall short, but overall I loved it. Sorry not Sorry
alexhenderson-1171121 December 2019
While this doesn't exactly answer my questions about the 2006 film, this serves as a pretty fun Sequal/stand alone film. I bought the Blu-ray to watch it, and was genuinely happy. The tone and effects were disturbing, and while some of the 3D effects weren't great (mannequin spider) I can look past them and enjoy the disturbing scenery. Overall, 7.6/10 from me. Worth checking out. This won't answer many questions you may have after the 2006 film, but it will leave you satisfied at the end.
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lukem-5276013 July 2019
This sequel, Revelation is a good stylistic,dark & very moody fantasy Horror, there's a very dark mood & very creepy atmosphere as well as lots of very gothic style nightmarish production design. Revelation is more exciting than the first film, which i also loved by the way, but this sequel is equally as good except it's running time, this is under an hr & a half & should be longer as it's so entertaining!!!

This is a very impressive sequel & Horror movie, the atmosphere is thick with dread & accompanied by a very eerie, almost depressing & sad music score but it's great. At times it felt like a cool mix of A Nightmare on Elm street & Hellraiser, that's cool because this film gives us such a creepy nightmare/dream world & some excellent gothic creatures!!! We even get a twisted old carnival sequence that's like a dark nightmare come to life, fantastic Horror on show here. Revelation has become a favourite of mine from the Horror genre & i think it's definitely one of the best Horror movies in a long time. This sequel has some excellent scenes of pure "Horror" such as the terrifying Mannequin spider & creepy old carnival bits so there is some great stuff in here for Horror fans. The first film had a fantastic performance from Radha Mitchell & she drove the movie & gave it depth & desperation & a good strong character to follow into silent hill & now we have here daughter who is turning 18 & is tortured by Nightmarish visions of the dark & evil world of Silent Hill, a very good tough & troubled performance by Adelaide Clemens & also a solid moody performance from Kit Harrington (Game of Thrones) & a solid serious part for the always good Sean Bean. The creatures are amazing & the gore is great, Revelation is great Horror fun & is a simple easy follow up to a cult classic & still has some cool creatures, a very moody score & excellent nightmare world production design all around, so yeah a really good Horror movie.

Silent Hill:Revelation is the easy watching type of Horror film you stick on at night over the Halloween period it has that feel it & it's pretty scary at times!!!
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A Truly Dreadful Waste of Time ... Don;t waste your time even for free
boydwalters21 January 2013
No Story No Style No Atmosphere No Suspense Awful Effects Edited with a hatchet by the looks of it Directed and written ( ? ) by someones with no talent who should go work in Walmart The first Silent Hill was made by someone with talent and imagination ... It created a unique and visually stylish world This thing lacks all of that ... In fact it lacks most things needed to make something a film This looks like some random scenes thrown together by the syfy channel as a trailer for some film that someone else should have made Absolutely atrocious ... I want the 90 minutes of my life back that I wasted watching this nonevent Burn Hollywood ... Burn
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Nothing like the games
slashudeath28 October 2012
The only way the movie resembles the game is that it just reuses some of the monsters from the original game, and even adds new ones, which isn't anything worth talking about.

The plot from the original game was butchered, and the movie was made into an action film, it was as if i was watching a Resident Evil movie.

Anyone who's played the SH series, know that the actors playing the characters don't even come close to their original counterparts,

example: Heather's "Go To Hell!!" quote is just so cheesy and Claudia's response. LOL pretty lame and cheesy.

Final Thoughts If you are a Silent Hill fan from way back you're going to HATE(not dislike) this movie, because it is almost as bad as the Dragon Ball Evolution reproduction.

If you are new to Silent Hill, then you're just wasting your money watching a lame, cheesy movie filled with predictable characters and plot, in 3D. Honestly, there are MUCH better movies out than this crap.
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This is NOT Silent Hill
mekanykal28 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid Silent Hill fan, I was extremely excited for a sequel to Christophe Gans' 2006 film. The 2006 original was exactly what it should be - a movie DEDICATED to fans of the video games! And that movie was amazing - with great performances and a movie that really evoked a sense of dread in the terrifying nightmare.

So I was extremely disappointed that this 2012 sequel is not even close to achieving that same type of caliber. The movie is filled with cheap scare tactics, cheesy acting, and characters randomly thrown in so that it could be called a Silent Hill movie. Whereas Christophe's original was paced so that you could identify with the main characters and their plight, you don't get that opportunity with this cast. When characters drop off in this rushed sequel, you just don't care.

In Christophe's original film, the atmosphere was undeniably that of Silent Hill's. That isn't the case here. It feels more like a cheap "Crow" movie. Am I supposed to be scared of headless skulls whose eyes suddenly pop open when the camera pans over? Am I supposed to think the clown in the mall is frightening? Am I supposed to believe that a guy you just met is somehow now in love with you after knowing you for only one day? NO – it screams cheese! And why would you neuter one of the greatest villains ever created by turning him into a hero? He's supposed to be terrifying – not a guardian angel!

I really wanted to like this movie and thought other reviewers were just trolling because it wasn't a scene-by-scene version of the SH3 video game. I knew off-the-bat that the critics wouldn't like it but if other SH fans enjoyed it, then I knew I would. So I went in with low expectations. Unfortunately, the movie really IS bad.

It's not Silent Hill anymore - it's now just a clone of the equally bad Resident Evil movies. And those people praising the film are most likely the same "fans" who enjoy those lame RE flicks. Movies that just borrow elements from their source with no concern for the fan base. I'm sure if they had brought Christophe back onto direct, it would have been a worthy sequel and not this straight-to-DVD crap.
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I walked out
Ciaran_begley27 October 2012
This film is an embarrassment to the Silent Hill franchise and to Sean Bean and Radha Mitchell's career. It was messy, so messy I had to leave the theater. The acting was atrocious and Mr Beans accent was as fake as the laughable CGI. The plot was predictable and you could tell the clichés where coming a mile off. Its a shame too because I really wanted this to be a strong follow up to the 2006 entry which did the genre and franchise justice. Silent Hill, as a setting, has the potential to show the audience a truly disturbing world; a world where we do not want to go however I'd actually rather go to Silent Hill myself than sit through this muck. 1/10
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Not As Good As the First One....WE NEED A THIRD!
damianphelps9 January 2021
This Silent Hill feels a little more like a Marilyn Manson video, somewhere it has lost the power and tension that the first movie generated so well.

The ending is little meh but not bad enough to spoil the entire movie.

The greatest aspect of the movie is the use of Red Pyramid. I could watch him swing that blade all day!!

Good enough for sure to enjoy and I would love to see a third where they really pack a punch and bring the trilogy to an awesome end :).
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a bit of the same as the original
trashgang16 April 2013
Six years gamers had to wait to see another entry in the Silent Hill story. And the producers were glad to bring back some of the original cast, Sean Bean as the father and Radha Mitchell as the mother. And in comes a cult classic Malcolm McDowell. The story itself takes you of course back to Silent Hill in 3D.

On part of the 3D I was a bit disappointed. It didn't offer that much. I have seen better. The flick itself was a bit of the same as the original and by that I don't want to sound negative because that means they staid close to the creatures of the game. Sharon is know called Heather (Adelaide Clemens), the reason is explained in the flick itself. She's always changing places to life with her father to stay out of trouble and they always are changing their names. But the dreams do come back about Silent Hill. On her 18th birthday she had the most terrifying dream ever and also thinks her father disappeared. Waking up the revelation starts and she will get to know that she isn't what she think she is.

This time Sharon/Heather is a grown-up and of course the love story had to enter this flick. The forbidden love, you know what I mean. That part I didn't like because by doing so it's clear that they made it for the youth watching this kind of flicks. Still, there are a few gory moments and even a small part of nudity. You even don't have to watch the original because there's a summarization throughout the whole flick about the past. And does Revelation delivers something new. To be honest it doesn't. It's a bit of the same and this time it isn't that scary after all. The effects are sublime, like the spider made of manikins, but that doesn't make a flick like this. Did I enjoy it. I've seen it but it will be forgotten soon in my memory. Of course it's not all that bad but still, there's nothing new here...

Gore 2,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 4/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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time wasting movie
edwinlim131127 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
spoiler alert . well about this movie , well I can only think of 'I've just wasted my rm15 (which is 5usd) for this movie' . This is the crappiest movie I've seen this year , I don't really know what's good in this movie , there's no developing , no frighten moment (unless u call those 'butchers and don't know what moving dolls' are frightening , no action , and most importantly no story line .

I just don't get it , firstly ,the order decides to send a boy , someone without experience to bring the girl back (such an important task), well maybe they want to test the boy . OK fine . then when the girl reach silent hill the order should know about this and the decided not to catch her first instead let her wandering around to scared the hell out of that girl , OK maybe that's the order's hobby , and again , fine . then the girl met the master of the order . I'm thinking OK , that should be powerful and hard to kill . then within 5 minutes that guy was dead I mean turned to ashes by the mortal . OK then I think maybe that guy is like Ironman he has to live with the medallion if so then don't make a hole at your body !!

well the girl finally meet Alessa , the super girl then I'm kinda blank at this moment , the evil Alessa just vanish without anything . just don't get this scene . then the girl met the leader of the order , turns out she's some kind of an eyeless monster or something then that creep came not even a boss or anything just some back ground monster , then the epic battle starts . well within 2 minutes ends , the so called leader of the order lose to a back ground monster ...

then it ends , well that's an hour something of that crap just finish in just these few lines ..unbelievable . this is brainless sorry if i've offended anyone , I just cant stand watching a crap movie. sorry .

by the way , overall of the movie is bored but there's something I notice is that the actor of Alessa , Adelaide Clemens , she's a good actor and she really knows how to act , but having her in this movie is just a waste of a talent , just hope that she'll be in some other better movie in the future
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Couldn't it have been longer?
bearfaceproductions25 October 2012
I mean come on this movie was thrilling from the beginning to the end. non-stop horror thrill ride. I am a fan of the games and I gotta say I was really surprised with this installment based on the fact that Gans didn't direct this one. Though my only complain is the run time of the film. It felt that the script was so rushed and it was trying to cover up many story lines from the game and the first film that could leave many non-silent hill video game fans very confused, but the fan will know exactly what's going on. It was tied up nicely to the first film but left many loose ends, but it's not something a third movie couldn't fix.

For video game fans: It's just as faithful to the game as the first movie was faithful to the first game (think about it). The movie ran in the same order as it did in the video game, and contains so many references for the third game installment. As for the atmosphere it was a bit tame compared to the games, but still chilling.

The acting was pretty decent and the special effects were amazing. It's thrills it's what mostly stands out from the film, it has its scary moments and a horrifying atmosphere. It's bloodier than the first one. Though I was kinda left out with a feeling wanting for more, I wasn't satisfied enough, which is why I'm desperately calling out for another installment, I mean this franchise can be just as successful as Resident Evil.

If you liked the first one, you'll like this one too, especially if your a fan of the game. If you're not a fan of the games, then I don't think you'll get quite as much thrills as I got.
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Creepy but far too short
BigWhiskers25 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't played SH3 in years but knew the storyline enough to follow along. The actress playing Heather looks very much like her video counterpart and carries her role well. The creepy effects deliver some nice shocks and feelings of uneasy creepy unknown. The darkness transformation is always cool and the addition of some new monsters fits right in with the theme. Silent Hill looks great and the creepy hallways and spooky sound effects make it suspenseful. That being said ,it's far too short which is one of the drawbacks, not exploring the characters enough especially Alessa who is barely in the movie even though she is central to the games plot. We also have Claudia and Leonard , played by Carrie Ann Moss and Malcolm McDowell, game actors but their parts are terribly small and underwritten. While McDowell does get to ham it up as a psycho locked in an asylum, Moss basically has 10 minutes of screen time and has nothing to work with here.

The ending of the movie is also weak .Not only is it abrupt but it changes everything about the way the game ended including the final fight. It turns into a battle between Pyramid Head and Claudia in her dark form , where as in the game Heather swallows a substance within a pendant that her father had given her, Heather vomits out the deity in fetus form. Claudia swallows the fetus and dies after birthing the deity; Heather then fights and defeats the god. I don't know why they changed the ending and cut short the film. One can only imagine what was left on the cutting room floor and of course the final scene is a hint to Silent Hill:Downpour with police cars and a prison transport vehicle heading into Silent Hill as the ash starts falling again when it had previously stopped with the death of Alessa and Claudia. If they do make a sequel they need to make it longer and really write it better.
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A disappointment
cde29830 November 2012
I'm a fan of the first movie, even though I never played one of the games. And I was disappointed by Silent Hill 3D, mainly due to the weak plot, gratuitous violence, and bad dialog. Finally there is a pink bunny that shows up seemingly every ten minutes throughout the movie, for no reason at all. Why? The script writer generally added horror elements that have no connection to the general plot, and those elements are really cliché to the extreme (an Indian cemetery? so lame).

The amounts of gore are much higher than the original movie, but the lack of a mystery and no connection to the plot whatsoever leaves a feeling of emptiness. The actors go through their lines in a very unconvincing way, and the ending, well, is underwhelming to say the least.

In the end, Silent Hill 3D is a mediocre horror movie with violence that would fit more in a Saw movie, and really undeserving of the "Siling Hill" moniker. The only two good points that I can see (pun intended) are 1. the 3D and the visual effect and 2. the scene with the clown, quite chilling and well done.
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I want my money back
marciano36-518-8825802 November 2012
this movie is so offensive and it needs to stop, its like a rape to all the silent hill franchise, really. i've seen better acting in porno. I want my money back. oh god, they just destroyed the (beep) game, the characters, Claudia Wolf looks so boring and stupid as the one of the deepest characters in the sh3 game. thank god they didn't touch SH2. i don't know what to expect from video game movies now. by the way , overall of the movie is bored but there's something I notice is that the actor of Alessa , Adelaide Clemens , she's a good actor and she really knows how to act , but having her in this movie is just a waste of a talent , just hope that she'll be in some other better movie in the future. I don't want my money back, if anything I'd pay triple just to have a future me time travel back and explain what a huge steaming pile this movie really was.
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Snoring Hill
Me_Ki_Ail14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Silent Hill: Revelation is a pointless film. The title not only gives off nothing to the film because they spend a small portion of the film actually in Silent Hill. For the time this movie was made, 3-D entertainment was very popular in cinemas. However, fast forward to a time where 3-D movies aren't as much as a spectical they used to be and remove the glasses and the 3-D, you're left with cheap, awkward, and forced perspective that was made for the 3-D viewing experience back in 2012 in the cinemas. The first Film's unsettling ambience, dark and mysteries tone, and we'll crafted set design is absent in this one. During the beginning I was trying to piece together who is who from a continuation of the first film. The story does not pick up from the first one as one would assume. A lot of missed opportunity in the writing to advance the story from the first one. The Cinematography is the equivalent to a car wreck, you want to look away but you have to because money was wasted to watch this. Silent Hill: Revelations is a film with a diluted storyline and vile Cinematography.
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Creepy, crunchy, faceless asylum nurse vixens
vandeman-scott13 June 2020
SILENT HILL: REVELATION reminds me of the old Halloween haunted mazes we used to pay $2 for, complete with gags.

The pit of heads was interesting and the mannequin-body-parts spider was a belly buster, but you haven't lived until you've seen the creepy, crunchy, faceless asylum nurse vixens! The filmmakers clearly thought scary nurses were good, but scary nurses with boobage, and low-cut uniforms with super-high hemlines were even better.

As for the most over-the-top, unintentionally funny performance, Carrie Ann Moss gets the nod. Moss has left her days of blockbuster feature films in the dust bin. She plays her character like a high school drama student wearing a bad wig and stirring the cauldron in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Set decoration is another highlight. Who doesn't love encrusted grime and peeling paint in quantities that would put Motel (Pick a Number) to shame?

Fold in twenty-somethings playing teenagers, a weird trip to the amusement park, and a visit to the Mall of Cannibalism food court, and you have a modern classic in the making.

Smoke 'em if ya' got 'em, grab some popcorn, and get ready to laugh your toenails off. This one's a hoot.
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