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Boy who? Oh!
baltimoreboy21 October 2010
I must admit: I'm a huge fan of thrillers…the only problem is I'm often disappointed by the weak story plots and cliché endings that plague most of the new suspense films that are being dished out by Hollywood fools lately. That being said, I didn't expect much when I went to see Boy Wonder at the Thrill Spy Fest in D.C. Michael Morrissey's Boy Wonder sets itself apart from the senseless crap out there today. It keeps you guessing the whole way through, and just when you think you figured out the ending, you're proved wrong. The film is a classic man vs. man revenge plot, with enough twists and turns to keep you interested. For an indie film, I was pretty surprised by the writing and acting. This director is definitely going places. The lead guy who played Caleb was awesome too. He definitely has that troubled method actor type quality to him. Expect to see him around in the future. Not sure whether or not this is going straight to DVD or if it will stay in the festival circuit for awhile, but if you have the opportunity to see Boy Wonder, you won't be disappointed.
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Dark psychological thriller worth a watch
bandw27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Sean (Caleb Steinmeyer) witnessed the murder of his mother by a carjacker when he was a kid and, now a high school student, he obsesses about it. He scans mug shots at a local police precinct searching for his mother's killer. His early trauma has produced in him an anger that surfaces in acts of vigilantism against perpetrators of abuse and cruelty.

This movie is pretty much carried by Steinmeyer who in most respects appears as quiet and studious, but he skillfully gives evidence to Sean's underlying hostility. It is not too easy to pull that off I think. Thus, Sean's acts of sudden violence do not come as a big surprise. While it does not fly to have people taking the law into their own hands, Sean's acts will probably not meet with your total disapproval, appealing as they do to the vigilante in our dark sides. Much of the action is filmed at night, suitably dark to match the subject matter.

The supporting cast is uniformly good. Sean's life is complicated by his having a recovering alcoholic father (Bill Sage) who used to abuse his wife. The conflict between father and son is well played.

While Sean's background and response to it resemble Batman's, the movie is played pretty straight. However, in many of the altercations Sean gets badly beaten, but miraculously he seems to recover rather quickly and completely. Sean can get carried away in dispensing his personal justice. In one scene he has to be restrained from murder in response to a minor slight. The violence is overplayed in my opinion.

The ending is cleverly plotted and left me conflicted about what I felt about Sean.
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Couldn't help myself
crazyjerry25 March 2011
I am something of a film festival nerd. I saw Boy Wonder screen at the Sedona Film festival and was impressed with the film there. I knew there was something to be said for the crazy fight scenes and realistic nature of it all. I was in Chicago visiting friends this past weekend and they wanted to go to the C2E2 thing there for the day...and of course knowing it was going on while I was in town meant that we were for sure gonna go. I stumbled upon the Boy Wonder booth and realized that I was going not only get to see the movie again but that I could give my friends the pleasure of seeing it as well. Being in the comic book environment almost gave this film a whole new meaning. The audience was just as impressed with the realness of the film as I was. I've been waiting for someone to do a film like this for a long that stays true to what comic books are really about. While I didn't get into Teresa Ames too much the character of Sean blew me away even the second time around. This movie is legit and not legit like Hollywood put a bunch of money into something and marketed the hell out of it..its legit like had a low budget made a good looking film and has quality story and characters. If you get a chance see this movie when it comes near you your time wont be wasted..even if you are one of those only see movies with major players in it kind of should go anyway..expand your horizons. Anyway I usually don't take the time to write reviews but when a good indie film comes around and I think people should know about it...I give up some of my time for the cause.
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Good movie with a great plot but could have been executed better.
beans042014 December 2011
This is a good movie with a solid plot but I can't help but feel that it could have been so much more. I looked to see how far through the movie I was and was surprised that it was almost over when it really hadn't built up any climax for the ending. It's a cool, gritty movie and certainly worth the watch but there wasn't much of a progressive story and the timing seemed a little undesirable. The acting was pretty good, the action scenes were exciting but didn't last long. I'm disappointed that there was really no 'boss fight', I feel that the last 20-30 minutes could have been really thrilling if the ending was written better. Although if you treat this as a drama rather than a crime thriller the actual end scenes were pretty cool and clever.

Overall I'd give this movie a 7 out of 10, it's above average but not exactly on the end of your seat thrilling or something you'd want to watch over and over again.
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Looks like they've been hitting back.....
FlashCallahan3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sean Donovan witnesses the murder of his Mother at a young age. Driven by a notion of guilt or redemption for being unable to find her murderer, Sean moonlights as a vigilante, taking his anger out on pimps and gang bangers in Brooklyn, New York.

However, with the emergence of a hot-shot detective, and her high-profile case with a convicted killer with connections, Sean's driven even further with his obsession for the truth......

Not knowing anything about this film, not even a trailer, I went in blind, because I'm in the mindset that there are golden nuggets of film that I'm potentially missing out on. And I do trudge through some awfulness to get to these little nuggets.

And this is one of those little nuggets. And while it's no masterpiece, and has several flaws, it's a good enough revenge thriller, that takes reference from other, much better films.

The first is Death Wish. Sean spends parts of the film lurking in the shadows, wearing some pretty garish face paint, and taken his vengeance on ne'er do wells that talk to ladies in an abhorrent manner, or people with mental health problems that like to get loose on a subway. That last part I whole heartedly disagree with though, mental health is pretty serious. He may as well beat a person with diabetes to a pulp.

Then we get a little bit of First Blood thrown into the mix. Sean is desperately suffering with PTSD, and his home life isn't helping him that much, and once he becomes the greatest cage fighter in the world, he comes immediately invincible and can take anyone down, and run off.

But it's a really well made film. There's a little sub-plot regarding the murder of his mother, and how his father could be in the mix with it.

Worth checking out.
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6.9/10. Recommended
athanasiosze18 May 2023
This is a good drama/crime/thriller movie, better than i expected. It's dark and bleak but not unbearably dark, neither overdramatic. Still enjoyable and entertaining. Many satisfying scenes throughout the movie, even though its thematic core is sad. I didn't recognize any actor, they are all unknown to me, however they were good, each one of them. Leading actor, Caleb Steinmeyer, was almost impressive. This is his last movie, seems strange to me that he quit acting.

Ending was very good, i didn't see it coming. I won't say much in order for not spoiling it.

It's a low budget movie, so, don't expect a masterpiece, and you will enjoy it, too.
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great indie thriller
tomluterno4 July 2010
I went to screening of Boy Wonder and was expecting nothing good. I was really surprised, this film is shot beautifully and they got some great performances, the kid playing Sean, Caleb something, was great. This movie is a puzzle and the way the story is told keeps you thinking all the way through. THE ENDING IS AWESOME!!!! This is not really an action movie but there are some great fight scenes. The fights are really quick and brutal and realistic in my opinion. I was approached to screen the film because I work in a comic book store and the director is into comic books. The movie does have a graphic novel feel to it. Like old school Frank Miller/ Klaus Jansen Daredevil. Not a hokey superhero story but more dark avenger, flawed hero (really flawed). It's not about Dick Grayson by the way.
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Worth a Watch
cantlon-jack15 August 2012
This movie is certainly worth a watch, especially if you have Netflix being as that it is available to stream instantly to your computer or game console. Though it does not exactly possess a first-rate script, you cannot ask for much more out of an indie crime drama than what this film has to offer. Steinmeyer is solid and pretty realistic as the driven and confused protagonist while Bill Sage is effective as his conflicted and multi-dimensional father; however, the real driving force behind this film is the plot. Rather than falling into general climactic and ending sequences, Boy Wonder provides a twisted plot while remaining clear in the minds of viewers. That being said, this movie is far from perfect. Some of the supporting roles such as the other officers at the police station besides Ames are unconvincing, some of the dialogue is choppy and unappealing, and certain parts of the story seem slightly unbelievable in an otherwise credible and realistic world. All in all, this movie deserves more praise than it seems to receive. The directing and editing were great despite the uninspiring script. Had this film been produced by a Hollywood cast and crew, it certainly would have received plenty of attention for its originality and daring nature for which, if nothing else, it is worth watching.
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Psychological Thriller or Revenge Flick
comicsagogo21 April 2013
We're not sure where we ended up. We wanted a simple, cotton candy Punisher-esque movie and ended up with a Donnie Darko Lite meets Lucky Number Sleven, except it wasn't funny at all and because the film was only 93 minutes long, the story and characters were a bit thin. Don't get us wrong. We enjoyed it. Revenge films may be indulgent and it doesn't take much to make them passably satisfying (like most horror films), and Boy Wonder has some strong moments. Still, it wouldn't have hurt to take out a few more criminals along the way. Well, it wouldn't have hurt us anyway. The criminals, yes. But that's the point.

The characters trended towards the typical clichés in these types of movies. Doting mother brutally slaughtered. Young sexy detective with a tough exterior and a heart of gold (that can, amazingly, drink a dude twice her size under the table). A older, world-weary detective that turns a blind eye to vigilante justice. A bumbling cop partner. Etc. That's common in a run-of-the-mill thriller, so we expected that, but we always keep our hopes up that one of these types of movies will surprise us with fantastic characters like the relentless Creasy in Man on Fire or the black hearted but penitent Will Munny in Unforgiven.
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Must see!
guythechef18 August 2010
It's no surprise Boy Wonder won Best Editing at the Rhode Island Film Festival. Being a resident of Providence, I always try to make my way to the fest each year. And while every film at the fest is most definitely a hit or miss, I can honestly say I haven't seen such a stellar film as this fest in a long time as good as Boy Wonder. Not only was the editing intensely good (hence the award), but the cinematography was gorgeous and the story was strong. Expect to see Caleb Steinmeyer in the near future. There's no way some up-and-coming director won't want to hire this kid. What a great performance. His intensity and method acting was incredible in this film. And and all, if you have a chance to see this film, I highly suggest you do. You won't be disappointed.
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Great writing/lousy acting/worth a watch
Geepeedee21 April 2015
I don't review a lot of movies. Mostly, I take what I get. This one was different. It was so well thought out and written that it is a shame that it loses points for bad acting. Had this. It been the case, this flick certainly would have earned a 9+.

Even with the ridiculously bad acting of Zulay Heneo and some serious detail misses e.g. The cup and saucer grip of a supposedly experienced police officer, this movie is written so well and makes a solid statement. I liked it!

It's a solid psychological view of a young man with a plan. Very believable and very reasonable.

Revenge movies are generally pretty predictable and this one is no real exception, other than some nice twists on how the revenge is exacted.
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What a fantastic movie!
dpestana19 December 2012
I don't usually write reviews, and I don't usually give tens to just any movie, but this one, my God, this one deserves a ten. The whole movie is fantastic, solid, amazing. The actors, specially Caleb are above amazing. Truly fantastic performances. The script is fantastic, and the end, the end is in one word: EPIC! Definitely you must see this one. I really loved the movie and it's a shame this director hasn't had more chances to do any more movies. Congratulations to the all team who did this piece of art. Fantastic. Amazing! Brutal! Go see it! It's a hell of a joyride. When I saw the cover I thought: "a rip-off of The Crow!" Boy, was I wrong!
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Good movie with spotty acting
Darkbulb8 December 2011
The movie was surprisingly entertaining and had a good plot and characters in it. The acting of Zulay Henao was the only low-point in the was so bad I was cringing every time she uttered another flat line. She's pretty hot but oh man...that lack of acting skills killed it for me. The story held up well throughout the movie and had a rather interesting ending that, if nothing else, you may want to hold out for.

All in all I give the movie a 6. Had Zulay Henao not been in it (or kept quiet the entire movie) I think it may had been a 7.

Overall it's worth a couple of hours on a lazy Sunday evening to see it.
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Interesting but....
jean_darcc20 November 2020
Would the ending have been different the story would have made sense
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Pretty good
Seth_Rogue_One3 September 2016
Pretty good take on the vigilante genre but not for everyone.

The movie doesn't give you all the answers and it can be confusing at times, especially when the flashback scenes starts coming from nowhere.

Those scenes does not in any way, shape or form look any different from any of the present time scenes, so where as most movies would add a filter or make the flashbacks black and white this movie does not.

The backdrop of the main character reminded me of Peter Parker/Spiderman and it has a slight comic book feel to it (and the name alone hints of that) but it's very far from a buttkicking superhero flick so don't expect it to be that too much.

In tone (and some events) it's more reminiscent of the Jodie Foster movie 'THE BRAVE ONE (2007)' but I find this movie to be slightly more entertaining than that tbh.

The acting is good enough, feels like it might have been slightly rushed while filming (due to budget reasons mainly) though but yeah overall a pretty solid independent drama-thriller that's worth watching.
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Deathwish Jr.
SnoopyStyle13 February 2019
Sean Donovan is a quiet high school student who witnesses injustices everyday at his school and on the streets of New York. As a child, he suffered under an alcoholic father and witnessed the brutal killing of his mother during a carjacking. He confronts two thugs one night and shots one in self-defence. He is mentoring under detective Bill Baldwin in NYPD Homicide. He secretly trains hard and uses the police database. Single mom Teresa Ames is the aggressive new detective at the division.

Sean is Deathwish Jr. I want the movie to concentrate harder on that. I don't mind Teresa Ames by herself but I don't like much of her other interactions. I don't really buy the mentorship unless Baldwin is fully involved in the vigilantism. I want more scenes of Sean hunting down criminals although I question the subway crazy. The man is not evil as much as disturbed. I also can't see how he gets away with beating the school bully with so many witnesses. I really like the Deathwish Jr. premise. This is trying to do more with varying success.
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Not your average hero
trev-268-15569815 January 2020
I know what you're thinking, but no capes and masks were used in this movie. I came across this browsing for something new and was intrigued by the storyline. You could say this is a sort of superhero film, in that it explores weakness standing up to strength and power. To me, the most interesting element that Boy Wonder explores, is the dubious moral lines which are drawn by comic book heroes. I have always struggled with the vigilante nature of these characters, able to injure or kill with "right" on thier side. For a change, this presents more of an insight into motivations for a chosen path and leaves you to decide whether this is how judgement should be served. Of note is the young lead, Caleb Steinmeyer who never overplays his hand and an assured performance from Zulay Henao, bringing a calm presence to the table as a career police officer, whilst still getting the better of her clumsy inappropriate sidekick. Not a big budget, but it is lit and shot as confidently as any feature. At the close, it almost becomes a bit too clever for itself. Although this is not a "I'll never get that hour and a half of my life back" film, it did leave me searching for answers as to what it was leaving me with.
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Definitely one to own.
djsneakypeaky8 December 2011
The film is about a young boy from Brooklyn witnessing the murder of his mother and becoming obsessed with finding her killer.

So let's start with the cast, a group of talented, relatively unknown actors.

The lead character 'Sean Donovan' is played by Caleb Steinmeyer who you might of glimpsed as a young John Locke in an episode from the Lost TV series.

Zulay Henao stars as 'Detective Teresa Ames' a high achieving police officer who has just made the transfer to Brooklyn.

The other main character 'Terry Donovan', Sean's father, is played by Bill Sage.

Before watching this film I actually checked out the review on IMDb and the low 6.6 stars that it is rated do not do the film justice at all. Although it would appear only a couple of hundred people have cast their vote. Making this relatively unknown film a delight to stumble upon.

The film starts 10 years after Sean witnesses his mother being gunned down in what appears to be a simple car jacking. He has an estranged relationship with his father Terry a former alcoholic who used beat him as a child. A quiet hard working lad at school Sean has a secret life that nobody knows about. Owing to his mother's death he feels the need to make up for when the justice system fails and criminals get away with murder.

As the film progresses Detective Teresa Ames takes an interest in Sean and finds out that her latest high profile case is linked with the death of his Mother. I could go into more detail but feel it would spoil the viewing experience.

The unknown actors perform to a good standard and the storyline is written very well. A healthy dose of action helps glue the whole film together.

Boy Wonder is out now to rent or buy on DVD/Blu Ray and I highly recommend it, not one to be missed!
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Fairly good overall, but it's let down slightly by a somewhat disjointed narrative and there are also parts that will require you to 'suspend your disbelief'
jimbo-53-1865116 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Boy Wonder begins with young Sean (Jake Randazzo) and his mother chatting together on a bench. The film then abruptly changes pace and the next scene shows his mother Mary Donovan (Tracy Middendorf) being killed in front of young Sean's eyes as a result of a car jacking. The film then abruptly cuts to Sean being a teenager.

This was a problem for me as I felt that all this happened far too quickly. There are snippets of their life together before she died, but with these snippets coming at various stages in the film, for me it did make it feel somewhat disjointed. I think a slightly longer introduction between Sean & Mary would have been better and certainly would have made the film flow a lot better.

I found that Sean's transition from shy teenager to a kick ass vigilante type also came out of nowhere. His incredible fighting skills are also questionable - I realise he's fairly accomplished as a boxer, but where did he learn his other skills? It also stretches credibility for us to expect to believe that of all the languages in the world that he chooses to learn would be Chinese which is one of the most difficult languages to learn. I also found it hard to believe that police chief Bill Baldwin (Chuck Cooper) would allow Sean to have access to police computers for over 10 years and allow him to look at mugshots etc. Yes he lets him do it at first because he's a messed up kid following his mother's murder, but to allow him to look at mugshots for 10 years and allow him the possibility to access sensitive data. Come on..... It's just impossible to believe that this would happen. Boy Wonder seems to have a lot of loose threads, but seemingly with no-one there to tie them together.

I've brought up some negatives to Boy Wonder, but it also has a lot of good points; for a start, it is compelling viewing and is never boring. It has a gritty, hard edge about it which will certainly hold your interest. The fight choreography is fairly good. I was also particularly impressed with the ending of the film and thought that it was really clever. It's thought provoking and will certainly make you 'think before you act'.

Despite my reservations, I still enjoyed Boy Wonder and would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of vigilante films. For me, I just felt the narrative could have been a bit more cohesive and parts of the plot are a bit ridiculous, but it's still an enjoyable film that is well worth a look.
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A Complex and Well Developed Story of Revenge
claudio_carvalho18 May 2014
The teenager Sean Donovan (Caleb Steinmeyer) is a brilliant but shy student that lives with his father Terry Donovan (Bill Sage) in Brooklyn. Sean has a trauma since he has witnessed the murder of his mother in a carjack nine years ago. Sean frequently goes to the precinct to see criminal photos expecting to identify the killer of his mother and he is an amateurish boxer. During the night, Sean secretly is a vigilante, seeking out brutal criminals based on the police files to eliminate them.

The efficient police lieutenant Teresa Ames (Zulay Henao) has been just promoted after capturing the notorious gangster Larry Childs (James Russo) and transferred to work in the Homicide Department in the precinct where Sean uses to go. When Sean helps Teresa to change her flat tire, she befriends Sean and leans his traumatic story. But when she notes that Sean was searching in the computer of the police department the pimp that was murdered, she suspects that the troubled teenager might be the vigilante that is killing in New York City.

The unknown "Wonder Boy" is a dramatic thriller with a complex and well developed story of revenge. The characters are perfectly developed and Caleb Steinmeyer and Zulay Henao have great performances. The awesome conclusion shocks and shows how dangerous it to judge based on suppositions. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Garoto Prodígio" ("Boy Prodigy")
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If revenge were a slice of cake, this one would be gooey chocolate.
TxMike20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was a Netflix recommendation for me, based on how I rated various movies I had seen, I watched it on streaming movies.

There was a TV series last season called "Revenge". The protagonist is a young woman out to avenge her dad's false imprisonment and eventual murder. This movie, "Boy Wonder", has a similar allure. The boy is in high school, but spends a good bit of after-school time at the police station, looking online at photos, ostensibly to identify the man who killed his mom in their car one day when he was about 8.

The actor who plays the boy, Caleb Steinmeyer as Sean Donovan, is interesting in his own right. Not much on IMDb about him, he has a brooding look about him, and in many ways his face reminds me of Conan O'Brien. He is just about perfect for this role.

I planned to watch maybe half of it before bedtime but it is so engrossing that I watched it straight through, very interestingly made movie.

MAJOR SPOILERS follow: Some of Sean's first targets are petty crooks, a drug dealer here, a pimp there. With his fighting training he handles himself pretty well but ends up shooting them. A new cop in the office begins to suspect Sean, who also studies Chemistry on his own, and speaks several languages. In the end Sean gets back at his mother's killer with a chemical that causes the membranes to swell and the person dies, unable to breathe. He does this by sending a letter to the jail cell, with the request "If it is yes, send it back with the black stamp, if no the red stamp." But the stamps have the chemical, he dies shortly after he licks the stamp and gives the envelope to the guard. Sean gets the one with the red stamp, meaning "No, your dad was not part of your mother's murder plot." But Sean had already killed his father, certain that he had been responsible. Sean was now firmly on the "dark side" as the movie ends.
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Fine for a rainy afternoon
dave-snyder-601-2097065 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Boy Wonder knowing absolutely nothing about the movie other than the brief description Netflix provides. The first half of the film is fairly slow and gives little indication of what the story is about. All we know is Sean is a nerdy outcast, saw his mother killed when he was a boy, and trains in a boxing gym.

It's not until 45 minutes into the movie before we're given a clue Sean's worldview might not reflect reality. (The scene on the sidewalk where the mother is scolding her child is shown twice; first as Sean's interpretation and then as what really happened.) But if Sean is seeing a skewed reality, how much of the first 45 minutes can we believe? Viewers aren't given any clues to the answer.

The key to movies with a good twist is to set up the story in a way that leads viewers to believe they understand the worldview presented in the film, then reveal information that invalidates that worldview but allows the entire film to be interpreted through a different worldview. (i.e. Mulholland Drive, Primer, etc.) While I admit the ending surprised me, Boy Wonder didn't present a cohesive enough story early on in the movie for me to establish an original worldview. Furthermore, after the reveal at the end of the movie many of the character's actions still don't make sense.

Why is Sean seeking out these criminals? He tried to avoid the fight with the dealer and the shooting appeared accidental. If he didn't want to fight, why did he go there in the first place? For the second fight, he purposely lured the pimp out of the house and immediately got the upper hand, but fought purely defensively until the pimp told Sean he was going to beat the girl. His indecisiveness makes it hard for viewers to understand why he is doing these things.

The crux of the movie rests on the question of whether or not Sean's father paid Larry Childs to kill his mother. Viewers don't really know if he did or didn't--neither explanation holds up very well in light of all the other actions taken in the movie.

Sean believes his father did, based on what he heard outside the car that night. ("Time's up Rock.") Deducing a contract killing from that statement is a stretch. If Sean's father wanted to call it off (as he appeared to want to do in that scene) there's no reason Larry wouldn't agree and just keep the money. A more plausible explanation is Sean's father was late on a debt of some sort.

At the very end of the movie Larry Childs tells Sean his father was not part of the killing. If that's true then Sean made a mistake killing his father. However, detective Ames helps him cover it up by throwing the gun in the river. Why would she do that? We're not given any insight into her motivation.

In the end many of the character's actions seem random rather than based on whatever principles they value most, and that makes it hard to understand or empathize with them.
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Excuse me? 6.4/10?!
jacobmounter7 December 2011
I have no idea why this film has a 6.4 out of 10. It is truly great. If you enjoy revenge films then this is perfect for you.

The acting is very good and the editing was fantastic and clearly done very carefully.

I don't like telling people too much when i recommend a film as this dents the experience but rest assured you won't know what direction this film will take you. That is the great thing about it.

Also i kind of felt like I was reading a superhero comic. And it does reference batman at times. So for fans, look out for that!

Just sit back and let it pull you in. Go see it!
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Not bad for a wet afternoon
rawiri4220 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It is cold and wet so I decided to watch a DVD this afternoon. I have a few discs that I picked up in the bargain bin at the local video store for just such a day as this and the first one I pulled out of the box was Boy Wonder. Needless to say that immediately made me think of Batman's sidekick, Robin and, being out of the bargain bin, I guessed it might be some third-rate semi-superhero attempt at elevating Dick Grayson to some sort of solo role in the same vein as Batman. How wrong THAT was! It was WAY better than anything that would have been!

At first it was a bit hard to know what was going on (but that was probably me more than the movie! LOL) However as the story unfolded, I was increasingly reminded of the TV series, "Arrow." A quiet young man who witnessed his mother's murder has dedicated his young adulthood to finding the truth and avenging her. As often happens in such plots, along the way, Sean (the boy) runs into other low-life characters who like to throw their weight about on women and, since he's right on the spot, he deals with them - in no uncertain terms!

Quiet as Sean may be, he has spent a lot of time working on self- discipline and martial arts and fitness and so he is a lot more effective that one might, at first, expect. This results in some quite satisfying "rough justice" sequences that I found particularly enjoyable. This could have something to do with the very topical situation here in Australia where there have been (at least) a couple of nasty crimes in which rapists and pedophiles have been "treated humanely" (THAT'S a bloody joke!!!) by the judiciary prompted by bleeding-heart wowsers" and, after pathetically inadequate jail sentences, immediately on parole release, re-offended with young wives walking home from work have been murdered. We need a Boy Wonder here! (Actually, we need the reinstatement of the death penalty!)

I don't want to add any spoilers here but suffice to say that Sean has also educated himself and has a "special" little trick up his sleeve which he uses to great effect in the climax. I loved it!!

Zulay Henau as the leading actress was very endearing in a difficult situation as a new cop on her watch. I really hope we see more of her. If anyone, she reminded me a little of Eva Mendes. And, with a bit more experience, Caleb Steinmeyer (Sean) could easily become a big name star in the Bruce Willis-type roles.

Not a blockbuster by any means, Boy Wonder was an enjoyable way to spend a dreary winter afternoon.
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Mediocre at best
jonathonem29 June 2020
Over used plot line.. Below average acting. Bad casting I did watch the entire thing, moslty due to the relatively high rating of 6.8 out of 10. Sorry, but unless you have low standard for movies, and it's all good if you do... that'd be my mom, don't watch. Had to FORCE myself to finish the movie.
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