The Man in the High Castle (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster

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I actually thought the ending was fitting and I'll tell you why
nathanchow-1111923 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think this show deserves the amount of hate it gets. The last season was definitely flawed and there were things I didn't like about it, but if you see the vision the producers had for the show you'd realize it was quite meaningful what they did. Given the amount of time they had to tell the rest of the story, I thought they did what they had to.

The last season focused on how John Smith got to his position and how his story ends. Whatever path he was going to choose, he wanted to do the best he could for his family. Either choice was bad. Whether he decided to escape and hide out in the neutral zone forever or join the Nazis, neither were ideal. The scene where baby Thomas is crying because he had nothing to eat showed a sense of urgency. John didn't have time to "sleep on it" and think through what their family was going to do. He had to make a choice fast. He didn't conform with the ideas of Nazism at the time but decided he'd try to do it for a while until he found a better option. One thing lead to another, as life does and he ended staying there longer than intended. He found great success working in the Nazi Reich and could provide for his family more than he ever could've at the expense of his humanity. When he goes to the alternate reality where Thomas was alive, we can't help but feel emotional because we see John genuinely is a loving father. He tries to stop Thomas from joining the military and not making the same mistakes he did and we question whether he's changed by the experience but no, he kills Himmler and becomes Reichfuhrer and is irredeemable. There were a lot of obstacles in his way that were life and death situations but he triumphed time and time again to gain more and more power. He was a survivor and a really good one. He gained so much momentum he didn't know how to stop, as demonstrated in the final episode and them being on a high speed rail as a metaphor. The only way he could be stopped was by a 3rd party (Resistance) and his wife he trusted with his life betraying him so his train would be "derailed".

I don't think it was any coincidence that his name was "John Smith". John Smith is a generic name that's typically used as examples for anybody. The significance of the story is to demonstrate to the viewer that anybody could've been "John Smith" and committed the same atrocities he did in the name of family. It all began with a "way out" to help his family, but in the end it became so much more and consumed him. After all that had happened with his wife and son dying and the realization of what he had become, the only way he could find peace was through death and he killed himself. In real life, death is like that. There usually isn't a dramatic grand speech. It's the weight of all his sins in one moment and the realization that after all that he sacrificed, it couldn't save the thing he tried to set out and save. So the choice he made and the journey he embarked on was all for nil. Despite him thinking that sacrificing his humanity for the greatest opportunity for his family being the best choice. He was wrong. He became the worst version of him of all the alternate realities. There was no way to undo all the evil he'd done. It was a little anticlimactic but it was real. In the real world, most of us are not gonna have the power to commit the evils that John did, but we can certainly make mistakes in our own life in the name of family. Even if it seems like it's gonna be something temporary, it can spiral out of control. We can all relate to John Smith in some way. Which is why he's one of the greatest antagonists in TV history and also why I thought this ending was appropriate.
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Even masterpieces have flaws
Cragsidebarry25 August 2020
This is outstanding drama in so many ways. The end may not be what many people wanted, including me, but hopefully the end they wanted happened in another reality. Helen really shone. And we can all learn from this. Remember ... Never again. Congratulations to the cast and crew of this amazing series.
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Great start but the quality diminishes as the series progresses
grantss24 May 2019
(Updated after Season 4).

It is the year 1962. Having lost World War 2, the United States is now occupied by Germany and Japan. Germany occupies the eastern states and Japan the western, with the Neutral Zone in between. When her sister is killed by the Japanese, Juliana Crain is sucked into the covert, dangerous world of the American Resistance. Opposing her and her comrades are the most ruthless forces the Nazis and Japanese have to offer, lead by Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith of the SS and Chief Inspector Kido of the Kempeitai. The Resistance's greatest hope appears to lie in films which show an alternate reality, a world where the US and its allies won WW2. While largely viewed as propaganda, these films could be more than that. At the centre of the manufacture and distribution of these films is one man, a figurehead in the Resistance: The Man in the High Castle.

Great, but not consistently so. Based on a novel by Philip K Dick (writer of the novels and short stories on which movies such as Blade Runner, Minority Report, A Scanner Darkly, Total Recall and Paycheck were based) and produced by Ridley Scott, the series had massive potential and initially lives up to it.

The central plot, an alternate history where the US loses WW2 and is occupied by the Germans and Japanese, is a very intriguing one and is very well done. The events that took place to reach the alternative reality and how the world and society now look and function all make sense. As a student of history, especially military history, I kept expecting something to not add up, or not fit in with history's possible paths, but it all fits in perfectly.

It became an enjoyable intellectual exercise for me, figuring out when the alternate history started deviating from the actual, and the events that took place, and didn't take place, for this to happen. As far as I can tell, the earliest deviation is in Dec 1941-Feb 1942 when the Japanese manage to invade and occupy Hawaii.

This alternate world provides some great plot developments and backgrounds for many intrigues: the American Resistance vs the Japanese and Germans; the friction between the Germans and Japanese and how they try to undermine each other, even potentially destroy each other, all while carrying on like loyal allies; the factional in-fighting within the Nazi Party and the Roman-style politics involved.

All the series needed was solid performances and no superfluous or hole-filled sub-plots and it would have been perfect. Easy enough to ask, right?

Yes, but alas, difficult to achieve.

After creating this great platform for drama and reimagining history and society, sub-plots are certainly not free of holes or contrivances. It is usually small things, but they are enough to undermine the credibility of the plot, e.g. 50 Japanese soldiers barge into a club to catch a fugitive, they all go in the front door, leaving other exits unguarded, fugitive escapes through the back door; man meets Yakuza boss, he's carrying a gun but henchmen don't frisk him, gun gets him out of a sticky situation.

Then there's the sci fi aspect involving the films. Admittedly, this is written by Philip K Dick so you should expect a sci fi angle, but I would have preferred the series to just concentrate on alternate history, and the drama stemming from that, rather than introduce the sci fi drama. It just seemed like an unnecessary add-on and a distraction.

Furthermore, performances are far from consistently solid. Alexa Davalos imbues Julianna Crain with a wimpy, anaemic, unengaging quality, far from what you'd want the main "good guy" in a series to be. Luke Kleintank makes Joe Blake boring and unlikeable. DJ Qualls is one of the more irritating actors in showbiz and generally the harbinger of a C-grade movie. Here he lives up to that reputation. I kept hoping the Japanese would shoot him and put me out of my misery. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is so boring as Trade Minister Tagomi it feels like every scene he is in takes an hour. Admittedly his character is drawn that way too, so some fault has to lie with the writers.

On the flipside there is Rufus Sewell as John Smith. Sewell's performance stands like a mountain among knolls: he absolutely dominates the series, putting in the perfect performance as the ice cold, calculating, ruthless yet family-orientated Nazi. If it wasn't for Sewell and how well-constructed Smith's character was, the series would have fallen apart.

After three seasons it was all set up for a great finale. While the initial intrigue had worn off and the plot started to get more and more padded (largely by the multiple universes stuff) it still had heaps of potential. In addition, achieving the potential didn't seem difficult: explore the intrigues between Japan and Germany, with the resistance adding a bit of spice, and build up to a massive all-in conflict.

Sadly, however, Season 4 turns out to be easily the worst season of the series. The intrigues and battles are few and far between. The multiple universes aspect gets centre stage and there are heaps of sub-plots which don't really add anything. The ending is rather tame and unsatisfying.

Ditch the multiple universes, concentrate on the alternate history and the Germany vs Japan vs resistance struggle (throughout the series), create some engaging "good guy" characters, played by good actors and actresses, and you'll have a masterpiece. Instead, while still on the whole very good, this feels like a massive missed opportunity.
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An immaculate, terrifying alternate history
tarekali-199096 October 2020
An immaculate, terrifying alternate history that is accurate down to the buttons. I love period pieces, and this scary projection of a post WW2 hegemony ruled by the Japanese and German empires certainly fits the bill. Every costume, building, landscape, vehicle, street and interior room is accurate down to the woodwork and spoons - such a delight to watch. It's interesting in itself to see the crushed American psyche in the face of utter defeat, humiliation and occupation by mortal enemies. This alternate history makes the American century seem a fantasy, certainly it took tremendous courage to make this series. It's also nerve wracking watching the razor thin tightrope walked by the various protagonists on the winning side, as they try to navigate the internal dangers of their own ruthless regimes. The suffering of the common Americans reminds me of the brutal oppression we have witnessed around the world by autocratic regimes over the last 100 years - that in itself is a rich irony. The series is also a study on what it takes to bring down oppressive empires. Each of our dear protagonists - Joe, Juliana and Frank - are guided by their positive moralities on a destiny of greatness. It's particularly interesting to see how the entire arc of history can be rewritten by a single good or bad deed, by a single done or undone action. The machinations of Obergruppenfuhrer Smith, Trade Minister Togumi and Chief Inspector Kodi-Tai are particularly interesting. Both men stand on mountains of corpses built by their empires, and out of a deep sense of duty and honor, they maneuver to preserve their nations from further bloodshed and destruction, working always in the shadows. The searing images of enflamed Americans chanting Blood and soil do not seem so distant from our current epoque, nor do they seem alien and impossible. We are indeed witnessing history, with so-called freedom loving Americans flirting with fascism. It is heartening to see the universe is in balance, with the terrible personal price paid by men of previous principle, who sold their soul for survival at all costs. The arc of history does indeed bend toward justice. Ultimately this is a series about the Power of ideas to revive a forgotten dream, to restore hope and courage to the absolutely downtrodden and conquered. Symbolism is the most powerful motif, present endlessly across all domains of the various powers. Images and the ideas attached to them move people to action. It is quite interesting to see the underlying Metaphysics and laws of the universe being respected in this multiverse spanning series. As a fan of Fringe and other SciFi benders, it is nice to see a return to alternate timelines and realities, and how they interplay with each other according to 'rules'. I appreciate the 4th season in particular as it highlights the tremendous racial atrocities that these regimes are capable of, and the personal horrors of the victims. Oftentimes minorities are under-represented in such shows, and it is welcome to see the producers avoid that mistake. The humanization of minority victims was detailed and appreciated. The 4th season also does a great job of reinforcing the belief that we are who we are, even in the multiverse. There were some loose ends left that did not completely tie up the threads, especially around the multiverse. I guess I need to watch and read some analysis from smarter folks. It's normal that cerebral series like this leave some ideas for interpretation. The series finale was amazing, Hollywood level production values, astounding special effects. I am truly impressed by Amazon studios. Their offerings give HBO a run for their money.
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Incredible show despite a confusing last couple minutes
Nightmarelogic23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The last couple minutes are a little confusing like the writers suddenly remembered they had a whole story about alternate universes they needed to connect to the overall story so they did it in the strangest way possible. That being said it is not nearly enough to ruin the show even a little. If you like alternate history shows I would HIGHLY recommend this one. It is four seasons long and has a respectable ending in all but that one way stated above. The main characters all have their moments and they all play their parts especially well. I really enjoyed from start to tragic end the Smith Family who from the beginning navigated their way through the Reich with ease until like Helen said to her increasingly questioning daughter the Reich came for them. Which of course sent them all off in wildly different directions and the final season is watching those directions unfold. The others stories were of different degrees of interest. I really liked watching Juliana Crane come into her own as a freedom fighter and although the Japanese storylines were often the least interesting to me the final season had the storyline go off in interesting directions. How long do you occupy a country that does not want you there?

This is a top notch science fiction alternate history story that I would highly recommened.
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Man in the High Castle is the sort of smart, well acted show with really adult themes
robfollower3 November 2019
I finished Season 1...A+...the production values are incredible...this must have an insanely huge budget...the characters, setting and story are also very well done...I hear people complaining that the series is too slow but I don't see it that me it has a deliberate pace where the big moments have more meaning because it was slowly built up...the sequence with Hitler and Wegener in the S1 finale was a nail biter...the alternate timeline sci-fi aspect is a slow burn but presented in a really interesting way

and that opening credit sequence fits the show perfectly...creepy rendition of 'Edelweiss' from The Sound of Music...on to Season 2!

I finished up Season 2...this might make my All-Time Top 10 show list after all is said and done...absolutely amazing series...I read that this is Amazon's most watched series so I don't understand why it appears to not be getting the attention and accolades it deserves...very intelligent story...Season 2 was pretty much a direct continuation of the first can tell that they plotted out the story in advance and aren't just making things up as they go...the world building and production values are second to none...a lot of great additions to the cast in S2- Tate Donovan, Bella Heathcote, Stephen Root, Sebastian Roche etc...the show also seems to have a lot of Battlestar Galactica vets (Michael Hogan, Callum Keith Rennie, Rick Worthy)

the HDR is no doubt the best implementation out of all the streaming shows I've watched across any platform...reference quality in pretty much every scene...this is the streaming show to show off your TV's HDR capability...stunning...every little detail from the shiny floors, costumes, furniture, facial detail, lighting looks amazing...I don't have an issue with the pacing but maybe that's because I'm watching all 3 seasons seems they plotted out the entire story from the beginning and are taking the time they need to get there...the final few episodes of Season 2 were epic (S2 finale was a slight letdown)...some of the character motivations and constantly switching allegiances are a little confusing but overall this is Amazon's best original series.

I don't know if they cut the budget for S3 but it didn't look quite as amazing as the earlier seasons in terms of still looked great but a slight step down...the Dolby Vision also lacked the consistent pop it previously the first 2 seasons almost every scene had amazing depth and pop...S3 had its moments but wasn't as consistently gorgeous (but the dystopian world building is still first rate)...I'm hoping that Nicole Dormer returns for Season 4 (Himmler sent her back to Berlin in the S3 finale for re-education training due to her 'perversions' aka they caught her in that lesbian club)...Bella Heathcote is very sexy and has great charisma on-screen...I'm guessing Joseph Goebbels will play a bigger role in S4 which will bring Nicole back into the story

overall I find this to be Amazon's best original series
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Nevertheless, it was a great show and I recommend watching it for everyone.
rheinheart-4265727 November 2019
I watched the fourth season with sheer pleasure. I was afraid that the ending of the whole thing could outgrow the creators, as in the case of GoT and ... unfortunately, it was like a blow with a rusty knife right through my guts. Sigh. I gave 8/10 for the whole series, and the last episode promised to be strong 9/10, but in the last minutes, it fell apart into a dishonorable 3/10.
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i'm conflicted.. loved seasons 1 and 2..
andre7319 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm conflicted.. loved seasons 1 and 2.. i would have given this a 10 but season3 was mediocre and season4 absolutely ruined the show...

BCR? really? no mention as far as i remember before s.4 yet the BCR can do miracles and overthrow governments....

people walking through the portal into the naziverse? they can't.. if there's a double they should have died yet hundreds were pouring through.. how did they get to the opening? where were the nazis to defend the most important "weapon" they had? please... lazy script writing - should have stuck with the original story.
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Hope this goes to series
mark-klobas-115 January 2015
As a longtime fan of Philip K. Dick's novel, I was definitely interested when I read that Amazon had ordered a pilot. Now that I've seen it, I have to say it exceeded my expectations. The acting is good and the production values are excellent, as the crew did a superb job of bringing to life an alternate 1962 America. But perhaps Frank Spotnitz's greatest success is in his management of the source material, as his script remains pretty faithful to PKD's novel within the parameters of a 1-hour pilot. I would love to see Amazon make this a series, not only to see how Spotnitz and his team adapt the rest of the novel, but also to see where they might take it in seasons to come.
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Great Series, Lame Ending
IPyaarCinema9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 - 9/10

Strong 1st season had me hooked all the way trough! The actors do an incredible job paired with the good writing,directing and you have yourself a banger of a show.

Season 2 - 10/10

Much more character nuance than the first season complemented with superb acting. The stakes escalate higher and it's impossible to not give credit to the surprising climactic finale and all the interwoven ways it tackles the overall topic of the season. Smith,Juliana and Frank threads are very interesting. This show deserves more recognition.

Season 3 - 9/10

Season three was enjoyable and pretty much in line in terms of quality with the previous two. By the time you get to the end you do feel like maybe they could have covered more ground. As per usual the season ends on a cliff-hanger, with several major events taking place, and that will surely keep you hooked. This season was a bit faster paced and there is a bit more action.

Season 4 - 3/10

Seasons 1-3 were very strong seasons then came season 4, what can i say it was disappointing, really rushed and not a satisfying ending. They killed or written off most of the main characters, and the few that remained, except for Smith, were put in the background, while this new group of "black communist" appear out of nowhere and save the day somehow. There was no leadup how the BCR just overcame the Japanese so quickly, no buildup of their group compared to the resistance who had a storyline and progressed to defeating their occupiers while the BCR didn't have so much development throughout the series.
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Season 3 has strayed from the main plot
ice_on_fire-201317 November 2018
After amazing 2 exciting season with brilliant acting and strong plot..season 3 went down hill by inserting story-lines that try hard to explore some gender orientation which were performed poorly and did not serve the plot or story line at any point..The thrill of those series were centered on the tapes and how they affect the future of Reich or Japan. instead the writers chose to replace it with Homosexual story lines that did not make any sense or relate to the series main actors..I never wrote a review before but because I am a big fan of the series I found season 3 as a slap on the face to the first 2 seasons, those 2 seasons in my opinion were top notch and one of the few series that had a good plot and good performance..Do not ruin it..
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An amazing adaptation of the novel!
howhandy29 January 2015
The pilot episode was exceptional. It held my attention and made me believe in such an alternate history.

I have read the book, and although it is different, it is an incredible adaptation. If the book was turned into a show without any edits, it would be far too complicated and very hard to enjoy (although the book is incredible).

The acting, story, and visuals are spot on and only intensified what I had imagined when I read the book. When I first read the book, I had hoped for a movie to be made from it, but a show will be a much better pace for such an though-provoking and intelligent story.

I want more episodes!!
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Fantastic 1st season. Decent 2nd season. Cliched 3rd season.
chrismireya15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show was very interesting right out of the gate in the first season. It continued this through the second season -- despite feeling a bit slow and weighty in terms of plot direction.

I would give the first two seasons a 7.5 out of 10.

The third season is something of an enigma. The underlying plot outline is very interesting. The qualify of visual effects and filming is very good. Yet, some of the acting and subplots are a bit annoying.

I would give the third season a 3 out of 10.

The third season picks up shortly after the end of the second. A major subplot involves how American Nazi John Smith's son turns himself in because of his genetic defect. This makes him a Nazi hero -- someone who places the party ideology over self and even family.

This happens just as John Smith is enjoying the repercussions of his acts at the end of Season 2. Meanwhile, Mrs. Smith is trying to come to grip with her deep sorrow of having her son do something that, deep inside, she probably feels was unnecessary.

The West Coast subplot involves Juliana's discovery of her "sister" -- alive and well -- at the very end of Season 2. The West Coast seems to drag on the longest as it seems like a slow-burn rehash of the first season but without the suspense.

The other characters -- new and old -- suffer from meandering in subplot purgatory. So, some characters are stuffed with tired and somewhat ridiculous cliches. For instance, the third season offers two different over-the-top gay subplots that just feel...forced.

Other characters are introduced simply to be killed off within a few episodes. Some subplots are so over-the-top that they seem straight out of an old soap opera.

I feel a bit let down by Season 3. Whereas there are some fantastic story elements in this third season, the unnecessary elements and drawn-out subplots seem to muddy the overall feel of the third season.

The science fiction aspect is probably the best part of the third season -- but it isn't fully amalgamated into the series as cleanly as it should be. It is perplexing when people see the inter-dimensional "traveler" subplot only to quickly (and mostly) go on with life as usual.

There was a lot of missed opportunity in the third season. The acting isn't really the problem. It is the writing that makes this feel a bit long and drawn out with little (or no) payoff.

Rufus Sewell is fantastic as John Smith. Joel De La Fuente is very good in his role as the leader of the Japanese Kempeitai in San Francisco. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa is also very good as the Japanese Trade Minister who comes to know the interdimensional "travel" himself. Brennan Brown (as antique dealer Robert Childan) is a standout in every scene.

In the end, however, I am not left cheering for anyone on the show. None of the characters have caused me to feel any sympathy for them (which was a novel part of the first season and, to a lesser extent, the second season). I suppose that the only guy that you come to really sympathize with is poor antique dealer Robert Childan (played by Brennan Brown).

The show certainly sets up a fourth season. I just hope that they learn from their mistakes in writing from this third season. Otherwise, I just don't know who will want to keep watching.
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One of the quickest falls for a promising series
Nathanthomas9720 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First and second seasons are interesting and build intriguing story structures. The third season veers from the main story, and tries it's best to murder its own characters without resolutions but for the most part is still watchable.

Do not even bother with the fourth season. This show couldn't keep main actors salaries. So they killed many characters off screen or just abandoned them without a second mention. To make up for this they hired a new slew of actors and started a brand new revolution that they try to force the viewer to care about via racial politics. It may work for some viewers but in the end the dialogue is still sloppy, rushed and overall stereotypical. A series that once praised the freedom America has brought by showing what the world would look like under a truly evil rule decides to bash America instead. Maybe solely because it's trendy in today's television and they needed to secure viewership for the forth and final season.

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beyond impress, stayed up until 2 am on a week day...
gaants23 November 2015
I'm a TV show lover, but never! ever! has a series made me want to write a review. It was a cold Sunday evening... I was waiting for Sunday night football around 645pm. I decided to squeeze in the pilot. Needless to say, 7 episodes later I was still watching. The story line is incredible. The acting is great. The emotions that it brought out of me was real and raw. It made me appreciate and think differently about the word/idea/concept that we all throw around "FREEDOM." Yes, it's fictional, and yes it's just a TV-show, but boy! they hit on something, at least in me. I'm beyond impress! Monday morning, coffee to the rescue!
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Excellent pilot, wonderful atmosphere, high quality production
jackatAU8 February 2015
Judge by the episode alone, without comparing the detail of the book it base on, it can be said that this show is of top quality, the grim, rusting, stressed and 60s styling photography, the camera angles and choice of equipment used at the time all looked extremely authentic.

That super sonic liner sequence was wonderful, it doesn't feel overly CGI for a TV show at all, then the nazi reception room sequence also shows the production quality in fine details.

It is a spy, psychological story with surreal elements and the show managed to capture that so far.

Any one with know a thing or two about ww2 history or a scifi fan would appreciate the effort spent here to make the world as authentic as possible in a TV budget.

If it was granted more episodes and the production quality remains, then it would easily be short list for the best mini series of 2015!

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A fantastic series
muamba_eats_toast3 April 2020
Enjoyed it from the first minute to last even the worst episodes were above average in my opinion. Rufus Sewell arguably carries a lot of the series and is a real standout! I would have preferred a more complete ending but honestly I don't think it is anywhere near as bad as people made out the majority of questions are answered the only question really raised by the last 60 seconds which was admittedly unneeded. A series done well!
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Excellent - it's far the most promising pilot of all pitched for 2015
szlevi-116 January 2015
I'm a big PKD as well as Ridley Scott fan so I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it on my Prime home page... and the pilot has vastly exceeded my expectations! It is visually impeccable, great cinematography and CG and art direction, script is pretty close to the original book, excellent pacing, very good acting... characters at this point are not too deep but this is a one-hour pilot, it supposed to tease us, not reveal everything, let alone (correctly) focusing on story development right now, not character development (which inherently requires a few episodes.) Excellent job, this MUST be continued, Amazon! =)
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I love this show... but hate Juliana crain
BruceWayne317 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The concept of the show is super interesting - if the us didn't win the war against Nazis what would the world look like today? Have you ever thought of that? Well this show gives you a glimpse of what it could of been like. I'm very fascinated by the plots, the only problem I have is Juliana Crain is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to dumb. Her bf should of broke up with her mid way through season 1, really bad writing on their part to have her so undecisive and just put her bf and friends in bad situations over and over again, after a while it's like ok, we get, stop letting her make decisions for everyone because she's really bad at it. Other than that I love the show.
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A must watch, absolutely amazing!
kieran-sturgess15 January 2015
This programme has great promise, It could easily become one of the largest shows on TV. Nothing has ever been made to the scale of this show, that depicts what the world would be like (in the 60's) if the Nazis would have won WW2. It is high budget, story and visually driven, combining visuals that rival those of modern films, and a plot which we can only guess at. (unless you have read the book(s)). The acting is very good- for those who don't know the lead actress was in The Chronicles of Riddick, and one of the men "we" meet is from Supernatural. If you like Hunger Games, GoT, Legends, Vikings or any of these shows, you will like this. I highly recommend watching this, to everyone. Watch it!
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Watch season 1 and 2, then stop before it's too late
riccardoscalet27 April 2019
The first two season are great, worthy of 8 or maybe even 9/10! The plot idea is simple but effective, most characters are interesting and acted well (with some exceptions), and the plot twists are very good! Some of the characters's choices are terribly stupid and annoying, but the rest is so good that you can almost forgive them.

That is, the first two seasons. Season 3 is a total mess. Few interesting moments, but for the most part it became a serie that has no idea what it is and where it wants to go, with bunch of useless story lines that start nowhere and go nowhere.

Watch the first two seasons, they are worth it! But then stop there.
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Astonishingly good
errantknight28 February 2015
This may well be the most suspenseful, riveting, horrifying hour of television I've ever watched. Quietly terrifying with moments that are genuinely difficult to watch. I can't believe how good it is. I can honestly say I was taken by surprise.

Part if the horror is that it's simply inconceivable to us that we could have lost world war 2, but it goes well beyond that. The acting is superb. Everything about this pilot is entirely realistic to the point that the inconceivable becomes all too conceivable. The sense of the characters being one step away from utter disaster is constant and overwhelming.

It's not an easy watch. There's no alleviation from the tension that builds throughout, but you shouldn't let that put you off. It's brilliant. Not only that, it illustrates, more than anything I've seen, just what our grandparents were fighting to prevent. I've never actually bothered to write a review here before, but this is so good, it simply must be seen.
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A great series done in by a lame ending.
mhorg201825 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What was Frank Spotnitz thinking? The show was excellent through 3 seasons and 9 episodes. Perhaps if the finale was two hours long it might have been more coherent? The last time I was this disappointed in a finale was The American's. All this build-up and a totally incomprehensible, illogical ending. They should have simply blown up the portal, or an American army should have come through. Even having those on the other side sending a nuclear weapon through would have been better. Very, very disappointing.
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The Train Wreck
mcdanielattorney17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Whether through lazy writing or executive meddling, they turned one of their most interesting and thought-provoking series into a farce.

Seasons 1-3 had some issues, pacing being probably the most glaring, but they still revolved around character development and how individuals can impact the world, etc.

Enter Season 4. Not only is the best (arguably) character in the show unceremoniously killed-off, but we are introduced to a ridiculous "new" resistance group, the BCR. Now, given that this is an alternative history story, I suppose that the communists of the MITHC universe probably weren't responsible for the deaths of around a hundred million people, but they certainly are in our universe.

Shameful woke pandering aside, the finale is just an utter disaster. This show was about character development. It was focused on how normal people behave and what motivates them. Aside, maybe (?), for Kido, the audience is left with absolutely no closure or sense of pay-off. This isn't some deep thought piece, it's lazy storytelling.

In the end, this is a frustrating and wasted opportunity. If you haven't started, don't and if you have, just walk away.
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Spoiler Free Review: Three Cheers for Planned Endings!
dementedoracle18 May 2020
As of this writing, out of around 800 ratings, I can still count the number of my 10-star fiction television shows on my fingers. This one deserves it, to me, because it gets so, so much right.

It's not everyone's cup of tea, I'm sure, and that's fair enough. There's a glitch between the third and fourth season where a major character is killed off...strangely. It's handled well, but you get the feeling they couldn't sign the actor back on for the new season and had to find a way to work it out. They managed it skillfully, but it stands out as the one point when you get the feeling the writers weren't in complete control. If you simply don't like the genre, well, that can't be helped and again that's perfectly fair. Despite maintaining a good balance of action with drama, the pacing feels glacial at times, and while I personally found the story to be so well told that it turned into more of a feature than a bug, it's easy to see how some could find it hard to digest. So, take this review with the understanding that, like all reviews, I write it through a very subjective lens.

First off, this is one of the few instances, in my opinion, that a novel-to-film adaptation not only faithfully translates the source material, but also significantly improves upon it. I read the novel when I was a teenager, and in my mind filed it away with all those other 60's era dystopian stories, with their bleak, hopeless, cynical messages of warning and nihilistic endings. This series exhausts the novel by the end of season one, however, and I was delighted to find that the writers managed to continue the story in fine fashion, fleshing out and deepening the characters, adding dimensions (hahahah...oh, me...), and maintaining and raising the quality of the storytelling throughout.

There are major twists and turns in the plot, more than enough to keep me yearning to know what would happen next. Main characters aren't safe at all, but you never get that nihilistic feeling that they're all doomed, either, so it's okay to let yourself care about them. The story is driven by promise after promise of a major payoff to come, much like other heavy-hitting, high profile series such as Game of Thrones and LOST. The notable difference that sets MitHC above those titles, however, is the expertly planned ending. I can't emphasize the importance of this enough. While those other shows' creators, in the end, were not up to the challenge of adequately delivering on the promises they made, this show does. The ending resolves all the remaining characters' stories with a level of satisfaction that left me and my wife shouting at the screen, pining for all the shows we wished had ended this well that failed to do so. It left us both looking forward to a complete re-watch to catch everything we missed. For that reason, this deserves its 10 stars, because it's a shining example of an ambitious television series that boldly promises an epic beginning, middle, and end, and then proceeds to actually deliver the complete package with complete authority.

This is one of those rare shows, like GoT and LOST, that reach higher than they have any right to. It's like they manage to blow open the lid on their respective Pandora's boxes. When all was said and done, however, and all that destructive, dramatic, mysterious, explosive magic had been released, MitHC's showrunners demonstrated the rare gift of knowing how to close the lid back again.
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