As Above, So Below (2014) Poster

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Unique, enjoyable, somehow
Sleepin_Dragon17 March 2019
I wasn't expecting much to be honest, as the whole found footage genre seems to have died a death, but this is surprisingly good. It begins in dramatic fashion, and for the most part doesn't let up, anyone that suffers with claustrophobia or a feeling of being trapped will appreciate the efforts of the film, or not. Some creepy scenes, I liked the part where the phone was ringing, that was atmospheric, as well as the push deeper into the cave. Perdita Weeks was excellent in the role.

This was rather good. 7/10
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Pretty good. Much better than expected.
spiral_nemesis31 August 2014
First of all, there aren't a ton of good Horrors out there that are truly original. I'm not saying this movie is one of them, but that lack of originality shouldn't be the reason to give any movie a lower score. Bringing fresh ideas to the Horror genre is difficult, mostly because it's difficult to find new ways to scare people. There aren't a ton of moments that make you jump, but I think the genre isn't really about making people jump anymore. Audiences have gotten good at predicting when these moments happen.

Where this movie does well, along with the rest of my favorite horror movies, is atmosphere. For me, having a dark, creepy atmosphere is far more important to success in this genre than getting people to leap out of their seats. The shaky-cam, found-footage style isn't that much of an issue for me either. Actually, I think still does a good job portraying realism, despite being a bit disorienting and annoying.

Story-wise, I'd say it's pretty unique. How many other horrors involving descent into the earth to find historical relics can you think of off the top of your head? One, two maybe... How many horrors can you think of off the top of your head involving a haunted house, a possessed child or doll, exorcism, a guy with a mask, or a cabin in the woods? 100? Not to say this is bad, but I'll gladly welcome anything outside traditional horror settings and scenarios. It does dip into the realm of ridiculousness as some points, but nothing too over-the-top and far-fetched for the situation. The acting is good and the characters are believable for the most part. I would have cleaned up the final act a little bit more, but it was good enough to keep me satisfied.

Not sure what the critics are bashing it for. If there is anything to really complain about it's not this movie, but the genre itself. That being said, lower your expectations and you might like it. I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10.
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An Admirable Horror
stephenlovelette30 August 2014
Horror movies are rarely called 'great.'

When was the last critically acclaimed horror movie released? You'd be hard-pressed to find anything since The Ring in 2002.

I haven't seen The Conjuring, Mama or Oculus but people say they've got potential. I thought Drag Me to Hell was pretty good from 2009.

But the last great one I caught in theaters was Devil from 2010.

Which is also directed by John Dowdle. He wrote Quarantine (2008), as well – another solid semi- recent horror.

As Above/So Below is the best horror movie I've seen in a long time.

First of all, it's shot on-location in Paris, which is a delight for any fan of that city. Favorite sights like Notre Dame and Sacre-Coeur are featured throughout.

The filmmakers use almost every shooting style. AA/SB is a mockumentary about Scarlett (played by Perdita Weeks) a young archaeologist searching for the philosopher's stone. Therefore much of the footage is first-person, shot via headlamp GoPro cams.

Although I'm sick of 'found footage' it works better here. For obvious reasons, the budget can't be massive, so this filmmaking style is particularly suited to horror.

The story is also good, co-written by the director and his brother, Drew.

There's more nuance than usual. The main characters use deductive reasoning and historical analysis in order to solve riddles and navigate the labyrinthine catacombs.

There's a lot of rebirth imagery, but I wonder just how far the metaphor goes. Are the ribbed tunnels supposed to be reminiscent of a vaginal lining?

Dichotomies drawn between light and dark, and up and down, are intriguing and thought provoking.

The cast of unknowns delivers strong performances. It's tough to get through a whole scary movie without poor acting or cheesy moments.

Apparently I'm in the minority because AA/SB is getting 13% amongst top critics and 57% amongst the users on Rotten Tomatoes.

But I would encourage an open mind, because it's a cut above the rest.

If you're looking for a decent flick this weekend, especially if you dig horror, you can do a lot worse than As Above/So Below.
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Watch it first and then read the trivia section, you won't be disappointed.
Edeards4 October 2020
I knew very little going into this movie and it did not disappoint. Originally I gave this movie 6/10 but upon hitting up the Trivia section and realising some subtle intricacies I'd missed and just how much detail was in the movie I bumped up to an 8/10.

One of the best finds I've found in a while
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Raiders of the Philosopher's Stone
drownsoda9029 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"As Above, So Below" centers on two archaeologists and a group of urban spelunkers who break into the catacombs below Paris. However, unlike most naive tourists, they have quite the reason: they are in search of an arcane philosopher's stone that purportedly holds the powers of eternal life. Unfortunately, the group becomes trapped in a labyrinth of caves that lead them deeper and deeper into the earth... and closer and closer toward the gates of hell.

Directed and co-written by John Erick Dowdle, who was behind "Devil" and the apocryphally unreleased "Poughkeepsie Tapes," "As Above, So Below" is, at its roots, an action-packed adventure flick melded with the makings of found-footage horror, and, although at times ridiculous, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't wildly entertaining. The central crux of the plot hinges on a mystical stone whose existence has been buried (literally and metaphorically) by history, and the protagonist, Scarlett (Perdita Weeks), the daughter of an archaeologist and alchemy student, makes it her life goal to finish her deceased father's work and find it. While this is admittedly fantastical and no doubt requires a slight stretching of the imagination, the historical and mythological aspects of the film still manage to be compelling none the less.

That said, the real hook of the film lies in its setting: les Catacombes de Paris. To date, I only know of one other film that takes place in the ghoulish setting— the slightly underwhelming "Catacombs" (2007). While both films are very different in plot, they both share the same pull due to their unusually extraordinary setting. "As Above, So Below" also admittedly borrows elements from Neil Marshall's "The Descent," but those who call this film a "found footage rip-off" are way off base. Both films take place underground, yes, and "As Above, So Below" does appear to borrow a couple of sequential elements from Marshall's film, but they are complete tonal opposites. There are plenty of wild and fun elements in this film, including secret passages, trapdoors, tunnels circling in on themselves, and ringing telephones 500 feet under the earth, but all of it is done in good taste and manages to evoke some solid scares and an oppressive atmosphere. The hand-held camera-work accentuates the explorers' sense of disorientation, and one gets the increasing sense of desperation as they venture deeper and deeper into the belly of the beast.

The most obvious issue with the film is that it suffers from a half-baked subplot surrounding the individuals' reliving/re-facing demons of their past, which appears to have been an overarching, perhaps even singular theme, but it fails to really ever take hold, crumbling under the film's dynamic subterranean locale; quite literally under the weight of the earth. I felt like this entire subplot(?) could have been completely stripped from the script, and we still would have had a solid, effective film here. I don't want to say that it juggles too many themes as a result, because it really doesn't, but the incorporation of this with the mythology of the film comes off as a little bit harebrained. There is already enough Indiana Jones whimsy to be had here as it is, so these sequences of characters facing past demons are ultimately ineffective among the rest of the film's funhouse attractions.

Even still, I found this to be a wildly entertaining thriller and a good, claustrophobic two hours at the cinema. It is not a great film, but it is a well made film, and is especially a delight for anyone who is as fascinated by the Paris catacombs as I am, or just subterranean depths in general. It's claustrophobic, fast-paced, and at times genuinely spooky; at other times, it's absolutely silly and edges into Indiana Jones territory, but at the end of the day, I thought this was a solid concoction of fantasy, adventure-thriller, and supernatural horror elements. Take it for what it is, and it's rightfully enjoyable. 6/10.
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Follow the heard while setting a trend
rm-072549 June 2016
This movie does an outstanding job at doing what others have done time and time again, yet does it in a way that captivates you. It will either have you on the edge of your seat, or off to take a bathroom brake without pausing.

The opening scene of this movie is full of good intent but left me feeling confused. And not in the good way, but more in the way that makes you think that this movie is going to be just as bad as you expected.

The rest of the first half of this movie is extremely basic setup. It does absolutely nothing to innovate, captivate, or even make you care about who, what, when, why, where or how. Meet the characters, make them seem young and hip, and as always, convey that they are way out of their league.

All of this made me want to turn off my TV and call it a day. But i decided to stay and it was well worth my patience.

As soon as the characters enter the tombs, the movie picks right up. Making me feel like i'm stuck down there with them and all of their fears being exploited left me as a paranoid wreck through the rest of the film.

The movie isn't that scary, but more intense than anything.

The ending was well thought out and not cliché. It also left me wanting more movies that are written with this much thought.
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Decent but no prize for originality
mattie8821 August 2014
As I'm currently living in Paris and actually visited the Catacombes a few days earlier, I had high hopes for this film. The setup of the movie is promising as well, because the Catacombes can be quite scary. Therefore, a lot of ingredients for a good scary movie.

Alas, it turned out to be nothing of the sort. A very far-fetched plot, predictable scares, and the overly shaky hand-cam which is past its prime were the culprits of my disappointment. Add to that some flimsy romantic love story, and you got a mediocre film at best.

However, I do not want to give the impression that this movie was all bad. There were some pretty decent scares despite their lack of originality. I'm sure that if this movie would have come out ten years ago, it could have been a major hit. But after Blair Witch Project, Rec, and Paranormal Activity, it is difficult to insert a new angle into the whole hand-cam-genre.

So if you just want a decent scary movie for 90 minutes while keeping your expectations limited, Catacombes would be a decent choice.
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Found-footage Horror 101 - Other movies, take notes.
lnvicta4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one I was excited for. The found-footage genre has been on life support for a while now but this one had a cool premise in a great setting - the catacombs. Seriously, that alone makes the movie worth a watch if you're a horror fan. The unsettling atmosphere, the claustrophobia, the creepy imagery, all while delving deeper and deeper into the Earth.

I feel like this is a no brainer but if you're not a found-footage horror fan then you won't like this one. You've seen it all before and this is no different. All the usual plot devices and tropes that come along with the genre are here - it's just executed with finesse. The setting has a lot to do with it: It sets up the tone of the movie and keeps that ominous vibe present throughout. There aren't many surprises to be found here. It's a found-footage movie so it takes a little while to get going, but once it hits its stride it becomes a truly exciting adventure to be on. You really get the first person feel in this movie. They don't need excuses to be documenting this - they're explorers. We're just watching what they saw. That little sense of believability goes a long way in helping the movie's credibility and effectiveness.

There are few actual scares in As Above So Below. It has an atmosphere similar to The Descent and keeps the slow eerie pace throughout the first two acts of the film. That in my opinion is the greatest strength of this film, and any others of its ilk - the focus on atmosphere rather than shock horror or jump scares. In the third act, sh*t starts to go down, and it goes down big time. It's not anything spectacular, none of the film is honestly, but I was satisfied at the end of this movie and that's more than I can say about a lot of the found-footage movies I've seen recently.

A pleasant surprise in horror is good acting, and this movie thrives on it. Even though it takes a while for the movie to kick off, it's fun being introduced to these characters and starting this adventure with them because they are convincing in their roles and they actually have personality. You can identify with the two leads - one is the ambitious adventurer, the other is the neurotic realist. Then there's the eccentric and unreliable "tour guide" that introduces them on this hellish quest. It's just a lot of fun to be a part of this journey because none of us know what will be waiting for us on the other side.

Overall this is just a well made found-footage movie. It has the chills, it has the thrills, and the added bonuses of good acting and an excellent premise. Horror fans will certainly get a kick out of it, and even if you're just looking for a midnight creep movie then As Above, So Below will not disappoint.
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This one is different, in a good way.
Ghost3319 June 2017
If you're into horror movies, you already know that a modern, moderately unknown horror movie receiving over a 6 on IMDb is a good sign. As usual, with the films I like, I think it deserves better.

This movie is different than others in this genre. It's well done and the subject matter is perfect for a horror movie. Oh sure, there's things you can pick apart if you're into dissecting every plot hole or unbelievable character action. But if you just sit back and enjoy the ride, I guarantee you'll find a movie that surpasses many in this genre in sheer plot alone. The acting is good and the movie builds and builds to a satisfying ending.

I've re-watched it over three times. Half the horror movies nowadays, I turn off in 10 minutes.

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Not really scary, but wasn't all that boring either
KineticSeoul6 January 2015
This is a average found footage movie that has some interesting mechanics and turns. But it just doesn't bring anything new to the found footage movies. It's still a alright popcorn flick and is worth a watch, when you have nothing else to do. If your a audience member that likes found footage movie, than this movie is actually worth checking out. Some parts of the story is predictable and other parts I actually didn't see coming, although very few. Watching this flick was like watching one of those adventure movies like "National Treasure" with some horror elements. The dialogue between the characters has "National Treasure" written all over it. Well at least until they start going underground. It isn't really scary or gripping and some parts does get nauseating. The story is about couple of people looking for the Philosopher Stone which can grant immortality a infinite gold. Which is from what they know located underground Paris. I just didn't care about what was at stake of any of the characters. Which actually gets rid of the tension. It's a watchable movie that did at least got me paying attention from beginning to end, but nothing special. Not worth seeing it in theaters, but worth a rental.

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Laakbaar14 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm afraid I didn't enjoy this movie. I thought it started well enough (with some reservations), but it became disjointed and confusing in the second half.

The Scarlett character was interesting (a teenage frenetic Indiana Jones on speed), but by the second half it was annoying me that she was solving these complex puzzles under intense pressure in just seconds.

The George character: someone in his 20s who is an Aramaic expert and can fix medieval church clocks? GMAFB. What really annoyed me was when -- on the spot and under great pressure -- he translated a difficult to read text from Aramaic (?) into English, and it came out like a 19th century poem, rhyming and with words like "twixt". WTF?

I thought I was following it all well enough but then the "worst fear materialised" theme arose. Yikes. That came out of nowhere. Even when the movie is over, it's not clear why that was added to the film. That idea has been around an awfully long time, but it was just unexpected and out of place here.

The various alchemical, mythological and religious references were all a jumbled mess. The sunken cavern, the mass deaths, the gate to hell, the sound distortion, the treasure room, the philosopher's stone, the strange chanting women, the monk-like creatures, La Taupe, and so on. There were quite a few other unanswered points. They were introducing frightening elements for no reason other than to be frightening.

I didn't find it that frightening. I looked at my watch several times during the movie. I groaned audibly a few times.

I didn't really like the shaky cam and the found-footage concept. It's difficult to maintain that for very long. For those who died far underground, how did their footage survive? Who was filming them at the very end?

It annoyed me that the characters were vocalizing so much. Yes, I know we needed that for dramatic reasons. I hated it. People don't do that in real life.

I'd give this movie about a 5 or a 5.5. I've toured the Paris Catacombs, so I really wanted to like this movie. Sorry.
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Vastly Underrated.
adamsamsung9 June 2019
This movie is just what you expect. A Blair Witch Project/ Tomb Raider crossover. And does that sound good on paper? No, but it actually ends up being pretty good. If you like Horror/ Action Films (and enjoy found footage) then this movie delivers.
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Don't understand the hate for this movie
brotenreese-4831731 January 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. A cool and different idea for a found footage movie involving a real place that is creepy as hell. Just a good movie that combines multiple elements to scare the audience. Solid flick.
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Do horror writers not know how to write characters?
boombapopotumus30 August 2019
Halfway through and unbelievably frustrated with the stupidity of it. The ONLY character that might continue going after all this is the lead chick- nobody else has any motivation to continue, and with each freaky thing that happens its more and more ridiculous that they would continue. I hate horror like this. Where the entirety of the story rests on poor writing. Instead of coming up with a reason why they dont say screw this im out- lets just make them continue on. People are not like that. Especially when there is nothing driving them. Treasure? Randomly promised by some stranger? Any commentary on human fears, weaknesses or faults is made utterly pointless because the humans in the story are just shallow, poorly written/developed characters. There's no relatability, there's no "hitting home". And i find myself rooting for these idiots to die out of the frustration of their stupidity
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Descent into mediocrity
stingray_b524 August 2014
AASB starts off interestingly enough but looses itself shortly after it enters the Parisian catacombs. The "R" rating is meant to attract teenagers, not to tell adults this creation is targeted at them.

As this film progresses you will repeatedly swap incomprehension with boredom. What little acting there is holds barely in one hand due to the flagrant inexperience of the cast (which could be forgiven and I wish them luck). You will spend more time asking yourself how the makers thought they would get away with recycling the sets over and over with hardly any decent special or sound effects considering the subject matter or horror genre. This third rate movie was made on a shoestring budget and it shows. AASB is unfortunately not worth seeing at full ticket price. You might make better use of the money by having a cocktail or lunch somewhere.

When the end credits roll right after the expected unsatisfying ending, you will head for the exit wondering with incredulity what you've just seen and cry over the 93 minutes of your life you will never get back. My date suggested we should ask for our money back… it was that bad, consider yourself warned. (We didn't ask for our money back, we were that generous in these difficult times.)
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Under Appreciated, But I Think I Know Why...
thecreatedvoid7 May 2022
I went into this movie out of boredom and just wanted to watch something and hope it wasn't horrible. What I got was something better than I expected.

It is a found footage film so I totally understand why this would be a huge turnoff for some. Believe me, I'm not a fan of this genre. However, I think they actually did a really good job with this one.

I will say, if you aren't into occult and theological symbology.... you aren't going to get much out of this film. There was a lot I noticed on the first watch and even more to find and appreciate on the second watch. If you are, I totally recommend giving it a shot.
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A very neat idea that was ruined by the jump-scares that never seemed to fit.
cosmo_tiger1 December 2014
"As above, so below as I believe the world to be, so it is." Scarlett (Weeks) is searching for the philosopher's stone and thinks she has finally found the resting place of it. She puts together a crew and heads to the catacombs beneath the streets of Paris. What they end up finding is something no one is prepared for. This is a difficult movie to review. The idea of a type of horror Indiana Jones/National Treasure is great. This starts off very strong and the fact that they actually filmed in the catacombs beneath Paris gave this "found footage" more of a reality based feel. The real downfall and problem with the movie is the horror aspect. The horror of the movie is really nothing more than jump scare after jump scare. Normally that isn't a terrible thing but in this movie it just doesn't make sense. You watch the interesting aspect of the explorers trying to figure out the symbols they find and then from out of nowhere someone jumps at the camera, then the exploring continues. The horror would have been better if it was done more suspenseful like The Cave rather than having it feel like an afterthought. Overall, a very neat idea that was ruined by the jump- scares that never seemed to fit. I give this a B.
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wait until half the flick before it becomes rough
trashgang24 November 2014
A lot is said about this flick. Coming from the man (John Erick Dowdle) behind the Quarantine remake franchise and directed Devil (2010). Been shot actually in the catacombs under Paris it do gives it a special feeling. But known his earlier flicks you know that this is going to be another shaky camera flick. So I started with mixed feelings. Do I want to see another so-called mockumentary. It was all original when the genre started but nowadays they are mostly a big yawn.

Must say that this one do offer some good moments even as it is a slow starter after half the flick the creepy atmosphere do enters. And from that moment the effects come in some pure CGI like with the burning car and some on-camera. We do have the falling bodies like in REC (2007) which worked well and was nasty but of course by know we have seen it a lot, but I admit that it still works.

I didn't had any problem with the CGI used for the car because it do gives you some creeps. BUt it's the "Mol" that will do offer some goosebumps. The way he do attack and the result is pure gore. And that's what makes this worth picking up. There's really some red stuff to see and well done. Naturally the story isn't that strong after all, seen it a thousand times with mummies and when they are entering 'hell' you know you're in for a treat.

It isn't made for all horror buffs wandering this planet but if you like shaky camera's then you must pick this up. Some where between the jump moments of Paranormal Activity (2007) and the red stuff of REC (2007) or Quarantine (2008).

Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Utter rubbish
swadwolf19 October 2020
Well what a pointless load of garbage a load of people running around a sewer with bad camera work spend your time doing something else
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Incredibly original in comparison to every horror movie coming out lately.
moglindnone30 August 2014
"As Above, So Below"

I pondered this film for some time now. I've been trying to understand why it's done so poorly for the critics (not that that affects my opinion about a film). But I just didn't understand how we could have such stark differences in opinions about this film. I've heard it called, chiched, forced, just like all the other found footage films in this "saturated genre". And I thought none of those were true about this film. Save maybe "forced" in some moments.

Where to begin with this convoluted breakdown. The film clearly had some absurd qualities. First and foremost is the painfully contrived female protagonist. A mid-twenties girl who is fluent in 4 languages and 2 dead languages and 2 PhD's. Oh and a black belt in Krav Maga. She was beautiful, adventurous, intelligent, brave. Really? Too much. Waaay too much. HOWEVER. I know why they did it. For the sake of the story they needed a character who could do all of those things. The solution to this would've been simply to cast an older person. But that wouldn't cater to the targeted audience. They needed a full cast of young 20 somethings. There were other small things that were a little far fetched. Like "oh they conveniently had enough cameras for everyone and they never broke or got water damage." Of course. For the sake of a film in this type of genre to continue that had to be the case.

First I would like to debunk the myth that the "found footage" genre is saturated and overdone. Let me think of a couple memorable found footage films: "The Blair Witch Project".... "Paranormal Activities".... ummmm..... "Cloverfield"? I mean that's really all that stands out to me, but I'm not an avid horror fan. Maybe "Quarantine". The point is if you wanna complain about over done genres maybe you should look more in the direction of "If I stay", or "The Maze Runner" and movies alike. Or Exorcism movies. Oh. My. Gosh. Talk about overdone.

No other movie has beautifully meshed these two genres together. Historical-Mystery- Adventure and Horror. Maybe "The Mummy" but even that wasn't really going for HORROR. And maybe that's why I particularly enjoyed this film so much. I love the Historical adventures such as "Indiana Jones", "Laura Croft", "National Treasure". And they painted an idea that I don't think has been done a lot or very well. I've never seen a film that has painted Hell like they did. And I'm gonna be real, I was very creeped/stressed/scared. I think it's strongest point was it's middle act. It's build up to the finale was very well done. I continually had a sharp pain in my chest until the end. Also "George" was a pretty good actor. And the french people. Change the main girl and you've got a great movie.

In the end my reasons for why I liked it so much was that it was a fresh horror, unlike.. oh... I dunno... the thousands of possession and exorcism movies that come out every freaking year. And the concept was really intriguing.

As far as horror movies go? 9/10
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Mystery, adventure, horror. Done better than most found footage flicks.
jamnique20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This review might contain mild spoilers for the first 15 minutes of the movie or so.

I'll try to keep this short. If you're totally allergic to "found footage", shaky cam films, this probably isn't for you.

That said, it isn't your typical shaky cam flick either. It uses elements of found footage films, but it does so effectively and without relying on clichés. Sure, if you pick it apart piece by piece you will find a fair deal of the typical found footage tropes in some form or another, but they serve their purpose and aren't detracting attention from the story. Also the movie is, IMHO, shot very well and the cam isn't THAT shaky.

The thing I loved the most about this movie is the buildup, pacing, adventure and mystery. The main character is a Lara Croft-esque, light- hearted archaeologist who enjoys living on the edge, and, following in her deceased father's footsteps, is on the verge of discovering a hidden Philosopher's Stone. That's what the movie focuses on. There are scares, but it tries to rely on building tension and developing the story rather than cheap tricks and running around screaming.

At this point I have to say I was really unimpressed by Descent. It was a mediocre movie to me, focusing on jumps scares, grotesque and violence, and neglecting to tell any meaningful story. This movie, is the other way around. So, if you really loved Descent, and expect this to be like it, you might be disappointed (fewer direct "nerve-wrecking" action moments). On the other hand, if you like Indiana Jones and found footage / horror you should enjoy this as much as i have.
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Unbelievable Characters
jackstupidjack23 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Could have been a fair film, however the characters are so unbelievable they destroy the film. Are we to believe the Scarlett character, who can't be much more than 25 years of age has 3 Phds and more academic qualifications than most Oxbridge fellows combined as well as hang ups over her dead father who was an archaeologist supreme, plus a martial arts expert to boot, then we have the preposterous George character who we meet repairing a medieval church clock while also being an expert on Aramaic language, able to translate by just glancing at a tablet of Aramaic without even having to refer to a dictionary and finding the word 'twixt' from an ancient language....and an globetrotting adventurer while appearing not to be a day over 22...

Utterly ludicrous and destroyed a decent premise....
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It's a great movie, especially if you know EXACTLY what's going on...
joshuabush-346206 January 2020
Absolutely love this movie! It's a breath of fresh air from other found footage horror movies, especially with the whole archeological adventure spin on it. I loved that! It felt like Tomb Raider horror film about hell! Wicked cool! And to understand completely what's going on, you need to read Dante's inferno\ Divine Comedy. It will fill in all the gaps of the film, especially the confusing parts and ending... Awesome film... very scary.
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Creepy and Interesting
us_22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As Above, So Below is not too scary of a film, especially for those who are accustomed to all-out fright fests. It's more of an adventure movie at first, with the history of the philosopher's stone and Paris catacombs. It felt like DaVinci's Code for the first half of the movie.

The second half is where it gets creepy. Just the idea of being underground in a claustrophobic tunnel with no way out is enough to bring some into panic mode. And, don't forget to throw in the real- life skeletons of the dead. Or, the strange cult people with their eerie chant.

There were a few moments that made you jump, and some suspense, especially the room with the dead Knight Templar. Towards the end of the movie, the scares seemed to be forced, though. Not sure what the cloaked figure was or what he was doing, aside from just hanging out. From the camera angle, you know something is going to happen with the statues in the wall.

Loved the part where Scarlett comes back through the statue room and punches one in the face, instead of being "oh no, I'm so scared." Liked the ending where everything was flipped, too.

Wish they included more back story with the neurosis of the characters and why they were being haunted by their past. It was as if they forgot half of the story line.

Overall, it wasn't that bad of a movie. It's a horror flick that you can watch with someone who hates scary movies. And, the subject matter is intriguing enough to look up more about it on the internet.

As Above, So Below : So Within, So Without
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Awful Camera, Silly Story
claudio_carvalho13 November 2015
The archaeologist Scarlett Marlowe (Perdita Weeks) searches the Nicholas Flame's alchemical philosopher's stone and finds a rose key in Iran in Aramaic that would help her to find the stone. She meets her former boyfriend George (Ben Feldman) in Paris with her cameraman Benji (Edwin Hodge) and they conclude that the stone is below the Parisian Catacombs. They team up with the guide Papillon (François Civil); his girlfriend Souxie (Marion Lambert); and their friend Zed (Ali Marhyar) to find the spot. When they find the stone, Scarlett removes it and soon they discover that they are trapped in hell with visions of their sins and she concludes that she must return the stone to the place where it belongs.

"As Above, So Below" is another irritating low-budget found footage horror movie. The dreadful camera work is tiresome making the viewer dizzy and destroys any expectation that the viewer may have. It is hilarious to see the translation from Aramaic producing a rhyme in English. It is laughable to see the curriculum vitae of a twenty and something years old with so many specialization including in martial arts. Her stubbornness risking the lives of her team including hers is ridiculous. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Assim na Terra Como no Inferno" ("On Earth as It Is in Hell")
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