The Chalk Line (2022) Poster

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For an awesome climax!
soundaryadilli27 October 2022
Yes, it might test your patience in the beginning. It seems like a slow paced movie,where you don't even feel like doing your guess work. I also have read some reviews on acting of lead roles,but I found them good enough. It might not be a seat edge movie, but gives you that satisfaction of watching a good suspense thriller. Spanish movies has good number of thrillers, sure you won't get disappointed, Dispite being a slow paced movie, if you wait until pre climax it will surprise you enough. It gives you that required plot twist and you'll love the movie once you finish watching it. So I suggest you to go for it!
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Keep watching, it gets better
catrine-488452 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out a bit slow but , the second half gets much better. For those of you who are confused, the man was a psychopath and held Ingrid in captivity in which he raped and impregnated her. Clara was the Result of the rape. The police went back to the house because Simon noticed all the handprints from chalk on the front door , after reporting his wife missing. I was surprised that Eduardo's wife did not try and help the girl at the end. I did not know this was based on a true story although the real story was much more graphic and had more abuse. I did not expect much from this movie but there was nothing else to watch. Like I said the beginning is slow but hang in there because it will get better. Good movie to watch on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
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6.2/10. Watchable
athanasiosze2 November 2022
This is a mystery/drama movie which becomes a thriller movie in the second half. It's watchable and entertaining. There are no pace problems, it's not boring, it keeps your interest, there are some (not great, not bad) twists which i didn't see them coming. If you are in the mood for a movie as it was described, you will enjoy it.

However, it's flawed. I couldn't believe the things that happened, don't look for plausibility here. The ending is satisfying but it doesn't make much sense. The movie is creating a good atmosphere in the first half but, in the second half, it is losing steam. It's still watchable and kinda intense, but it could have been better.

Overall, this is not a MUST SEE movie and there are many better movies to recommend, but i didn't regret for watching this. It's slightly above mediocrity, enjoyable and not dumb.
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A good thriller with some minor flaws
gabriel_sanchez29 October 2022
Jaula surprises with a mysterious and engaging plot, but fails in the end because it becomes too convenient. Considering the character development, the final events feel more Ex-Machina than natural.

Paula and Simón are returning to their home via the highway. Things are not going well between them. In the middle of the highway, they find a lost girl. The scene itself is overblown just for entertainment and unnecessary tension.

The girl, whom they call Clara, is malnourished and has serious physical and mental problems. Through a plot mechanism, Paula decides that they should stay with her until the Authorities find Clara's parents, or at least find out what's going on.

The plot focuses on the relationship between Paula and Clara, evolving into adverse situations that hurt our conception of Clara. She has post-traumatic disorders that make us doubt her sanctity.

The plot is good, until we find out what's going on. Then things get a little bad. In a long and tedious scene, we have a formal explanation of every plot detail so far, showing us how each event played out from another point of view. Until then, we only had Paula's point of view; adding another point of view in the middle of the movie broke the imagination a little bit for me.

From this point on, things are just too convenient. I don't want to go into details that spoil the film, but I'll just say that everything, while plausible, is a little silly. I'll talk about this topic later, with spoilers.

In the end, the movie is good, satisfying, but these plot flaws force a 7 out of 10. With a little adjustment, I'd say the movie would be a near-perfect thriller, probably the fruit of a novel. In the end, we were left with just one good thriller film, recommendable, but flawed.

**WARNING: Additional notes with SPOILERS**

Paula resolves to confront the villain, unable to recognize the danger she finds herself in. I understand that she is carried away by maternal feelings, but she knows what the villain is capable of after evaluating a suspicious case; at the very least, she should be alert.

The villain, aware that Paula discovered him, does not kill her. I tolerate that, because his motive is plausible, but later not killing Paula is just plot convenience, a ruse so that everything ends well.

These events, added to the lengthy scene that explains the details of how the villain covered it all, lowered the film's rating for me.
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Creative - Like a well written/acted indie movie
gunn-wrights2 November 2022
If you're looking for high-action, big-explosive Hollywood - this movie is not for you. If you're looking for an interesting story, with a few twist, where you might have to use your brain a bit (it's not crazy difficult to figure out) than I think you'll enjoy this one.

Written in Spanish, with some small amounts of French mixed in, they've done a great job at translating it over for us English only speakers. It's actually dubbed over!! If I wanted to read an entire movie, I'd just read a book.. right?

RECOMMEND: Definitely give it a try. You're not going to find much else out there better than this. Not really a horror movie (a little bit of torture) mostly thriller, edge-of-your-seat kind of stuff. Enjoy!
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SPAIN ( A+ Movie) My Ratings 7.5/10
This type of case, the route he ends up taking is not the most unthinkable or satisfactory, but the truth is that the script achieves what it wants, and it would be a mistake to underestimate its ability to maintain suspense and ambiguity. We can think that the film is about a malevolent girl, about a sinister invisible sect, an alien abduction, the paranoia of a frustrated woman who thinks she sees things... all the possibilities are open at some point .those you don't want anyone to spoil but you forget in a week, though it takes dark twists until it reaches a climax straight out of a horror.
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Nice and original idea
ianuadrip2 November 2022
I'll be honest, this movie is nothing special.

The only two great things I would like to point out are:
  • The plot idea on which the film is based, which is remarkably original, although it is surrounded by events that are anything but original, sometimes almost cliché. Nothing astonishing, but it does his job, and that's enough.

  • The direction, which manages to keep the viewer on their toes when necessary. Climax moments are well sustained.

Everything else here is mediocre. Some sequences are literally facepalm, while others flow well, and take you to the end of the movie. Some things remain unexplained, and that creates some plot holes. The ending is a bit hasty, though.
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Poor Buma!
chand-suhas29 October 2022
This slow Psychological thriller involving a couple fostering a little girl with selective mutism. The girl believes drawing a chalk line and not getting out of it or else the boogeyman would come after her. How the couple trying to mend their own relationship by fostering this child and will they be able to truly help this child forms rest of the story.

The pace is slow throughout and the main reveal felt quite underwhelming. The whole third act was too pedestrian and ended on a dull note. Largely depending on the performances, the atmosphere and the tone set early on felt effective but the whole narrative just wasn't immersive enough.
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sthiruma0016 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good thriller like many have said. But the ending is incomplete. There are so many questions left unanswered.

Why the bad guy does what he does. Why the chalk line. How did the police come back and check the house ? Did the bad guys wife give a complaint ? Too many plots left unanswered.

What was the need to call Paula from her own phone ?

Wish these answers were given. Would have been movie, if we had seen the answers behind this. But it's a good thriller with good suspense. Makes the viewer intrigued. It started out like a horror movie but totally took a different turn.

Good suspense, slow burner.
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Otte129 October 2022
For once...the child actress was great. She really played her part extremely well. The rest of the movie....conflicted.

If you cut off your brain(or love reality shows) then this will come across as a taut thriller mystery. And it does keep you interested for about 40 minutes....then it falls off the rails..big time. It is very obvious that the director had another ending planned then either changed course(or was forced by studio) to do a different ending as the scenes in the later half of the movie did not match the beginning. The movie tries to pretend it is an unexpected twist, but in reality they were unable to write the scene correctly.

In short, the ending does not match or even makes sense and is physically, logistically impossible with the rest of the story. To top things off, the final scene is an insult to audience intelligence. I have a very strong suspicision that this movie had a different ending in Spain and Netflix had them record something different for US audience...yes the ending is just that badly written.
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To the reviewers that didn't get the ending.
luiselizondo-854317 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The police came back because of the chalk marks left in the door when she was getting pulled back inside by the antagonist's wife. Simon noticed the marks from his window and made the call. When the police are coming in again the camera points at the door marks.

I think it was a great thriller, good acting and good story development. The girl had a trauma with a safety zone being defined by the chalk and in the end that helped to solve the whole mystery, in my opinion there were no missing pieces left to connect or plot holes.

Highly recommend it for a weekend, it doesn't happen too often to find this level of quality thrillers in Netflix lately.
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Great thriller movie I recommend
mrandrewreeves7 December 2022
Great cast and acting. That adorable little actress was great also. She did a fantastic job, drawing me into that movie. Well done with the plot of this movie. It was also well written, and directed.! Great details went into the movie I don't think I've ever seen a movie with this cast because it was foreign language for me, but there was voice over and subtitles, and it was worth it. At first, I looked at the ratings and thought that I'll just start watching part of it and see if I like it. I ended up watching the whole thing because it kept me entertained and wanting to continue watching. I like a movie when I can't figure out what's to come.
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Not compelling
killercharm9 January 2023
This story from Spain based on Josef Fritzl should be more compelling than it is. The acting and setting are great but the burn is so slow it becomes tedium. Every little thing isn't important or even interesting. The conceits work to a point. A couple find a little girl in the middle of the road. She crumples after she doesn't get hit by a motorcycle. When brought to the hospital they find she won't talk or leave the confines of the chalk squares she draws on the floor. The couple then take her home to live with them at the request of the staff because she responds to them, especially to the wife. We see that she is taking fertility shots while hiding them from her husband. She must want a child, yes, but she wants to do everything herself and only then present the finished product to her husband. The ending is especially lacking; leaving out the scene where the coin drops is like forgetting to make the point, and it needs to be made. The aftermath, i.e., the cops doing their scene investigation is nothing compared to that.
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Interesting concept with some unanswered questions.
levi-6985218 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I did enjoy this movie, but maybe because I like the subject matter very much. It always interests me to see how normal looking people can have very dark secrets, and the creep of this story is not an exception.

The story was an interesting concept, but I think it could have been fleshed out much more then it was. A lot of questions which you might have about motives, actions etc... are remaining unanswered.

One of the major questions is whether MAJOR SPOILER Eduardo made it somehow happen that the little girl would be found by his very neighbors? Chances of such a thing happening be chance are so remote that it it becomes unrealistic.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed watching this movie, so for entertainment rating I awarded it a 7 out of 10.
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The film is beautiful, but ....
gsco300019 November 2022
The film is beautiful, but without many details. The author did not bother to mention the details. The film is suspenseful, but there are spaces in the story. We did not know the killer why he kills and kidnaps and since when? And did his wife know? What happened to the killer after he and his wife were arrested? And why does the girl use chalk? Why don't you speak? How did she live and was all this time in the basement? How did you escape!! Unfortunately, some writers do not think and write anything. A film that could have been more beautiful, but some film writers shorten necessary things in the plot of the film.
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Dodgy start but finds its way and becomes a very good film
jtindahouse12 December 2022
I'm always cautious when I see horror based around children. In my experience it is either a very safe movie, or a very annoying experience. 'The Chalk Line' had me thinking it was going to be both of those things in the early going. But thankfully by the end of the film I was having a really good time.

The film makes you think it is going to be one thing and then cleverly becomes something else entirely. There's good and bad with that. The good is the relief at what it becomes and how much you ultimately enjoy it. The bad is that when you think it's something else initially you find yourself kind of hating it, and it can be hard to come back from that sometimes.

I recently reviewed a film where I described it as starting great and then getting worse and worse the longer it went on. 'The Chalk Line' is almost the complete opposite of that. The longer it goes the better it becomes. So if you are not having a great time with it initially, push through. You might just find yourself watching a very good film half an hour later. 7/10.
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The Chalk Line (2022)
nebohr2 December 2022
Well -it's not a totally awful screenplay; but if you're anything like either my wife or myself (and have watched any kind of cinema based on formula fiction) you probably will only be slightly drawn into these characters and their situations.

What is it with European directors and their seeming infatuation with closeups of people eating? Complete with close-miking the actors so that the audience can hear the food being chewed and swallowed?

Good acting for the most part. Good directing, also for the most part.

Writing is lack-luster with a few glaring plot holes and a few not so noticeable.
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I admire the little girl
olcayozfirat10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is a Spanish-origin, Netflix-produced thriller-horror movie made in 2022. It's an intriguing and at times tense movie. The little girl who was taken into the house did not remind me of the movies "orphan" or "case 39". The lonely girl is making a great game. In the movie, a married couple is driving their car on a deserted road at night, and a girl comes in front of them. That's enough information on the subject. Considering that Spanish cinema is an expert on thrillers, it is a watchable film.

But wasn't that ending too simple for this movie? In other words, while the man is mad with anger, his wife continues and dominates. It's a bit like throwing away 1 hour and 40 minutes. Then, if you have both of them, what will you do, will you feed them?

There is no sex or nudity in the movie.
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Ridiculously over-dramatic acting and stupidly scripted scenes in general.
connorundrumme25 October 2022
A stranded, wandering kid is taken in by total strangers at the prompting of a hospital official-they're Not Fostering, though... ? And somehow "We Don't Have Time" (to treat or counsel her-it's so hard) makes it sensible or reasonable, since no one knows her name, or family, nor are there any missing girls she matches, etc. Seriously?

Are these random strangers some kind of family counselors?, experts in child psychology?, known to the hospital as prior fosters?, private investigators?, journalists? Nope, none of that. They're nobodies that it isn't demonstrated have made any type of quick, deep connection with the kid. They've only shown their concern towards her in non-verbal ways, and then it's like, fill out the paperwork, 'She's Doing Well Because Of You, So You Must Take Her.' How bizarre and irresponsible?!

It includes some extended scenes of female abuse and violence fetishism, which is super-disturbing, and there wasn't a strong enough warning about that in the streaming service description. The whole production is peppered with inexplicably nasty attitudes toward women and girls.

Sinister music at inappropriate times. Bad acting, directing, editing, etc., all around. The dubbing also went off the rails at times, like having a child who was both an abuse victim and was an abuser say, "You look great!" to an adult, when the young actress actually only said, "You, too."

When it gets only 12 mins in and they're showing someone getting pressured and whined at while they're in the bathroom, just for pointless tension and drama, you know it's L. A. M. E. Big house, but here's hubby, scratching at door like a dog with separation anxiety.

So, wouldn't you know, halfway through this takes a turn into showing us a really awful couple with horrific trust issues and emotionally abusive arguing for waaay too long to be tolerable. Ugh, that's not storytelling.
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a captivating thriller
LetsReviewThat264 November 2022
The chalk man, or in its native name jaula is a pretty well made spanish thriller. It captivated me the whole way through and i wanted to keep watching to find out what was going on. The whole plot revolves around this young girl called clara. Played in a great performance by eva tennear. She is found in the middle of the road one day by paula. Played by elena anaya who does a good performance. Her husband simon suspects shes up to something, he is pablo molinero and it has to be watched to really understand whats happening because really it has some great parts as well as the acting and its just overall a well made movie that is pretty thrilling.
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StellaGibson-197-60628528 October 2022
I thought this movie would have something to do with the supernatural and that is why I watched it.

It starts off slowly and stays this way for some time. The main character of the movie tries to solve the mysteries of a 6 year old girl she and hubby find one night standing in the middle of the road. Who is this girl? Where does she come from? And why won't she talk? And why won't she cross over the chalk lines?

Elena Anaya Gutiérrez is an excellent actress and in my opinion if it wasn't for her I would not have finished this movie. She plays Paula who is 42 years old and childless. She wants desperately to have a child; we are made aware of this via fertility treatments which we see her take via needle too many times to count. The entire movie is watching her solve the mysteries of this little girl without much support from those around her.

The Chalk Line tries too hard for its own good to be a thrilling mystery. It reminds me of a wannabe Harlan Coben thriller squished into 90 + minutes with a couple of extreme twists that actually go over the top.
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Another good Spanish movie
rshuckburgh24 October 2022
Well this was a pleasant surprise. Was flicking through Netflix and this movie came up. Went in not knowing anything about it. Kept me riveted and the storyline was pretty good & decently acted.

A couple driving home happen upon a young child stranded in the road. She's taken to hospital with kidney problems. No parents are located, the child isn't responsive and doesn't talk much. The couple foster her short term to aid her recovery and then little by little light is thrown upon her past & the mystery is uncovered largely by the foster mum.

It's rated horror but it's definitely thriller/suspense.
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Watch if you need a nap
d_penn1 November 2022
SKIP IT! While Ignacio Tatay makes a promising feature debut with The Chalk Line, the film never quite coheres as it should. He'll likely make a great thriller one day, but this can never quite fulfill all its ambitions or breakthrough beyond its (admittedly impressively crafted) atmosphere. But today is not that day. Horror thrillers need to be able to not just build suspense but to deliver on each build-up. Most of the time this means twisting its narrative in surprising ways or pushing your audience into situations that reward their mystery-solving skills. Netflix's The Chalk Link (Jaula) manages to fail all of this all perfectly.
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Underwhelming and slow
mohaniyer-6903215 December 2022
This is one hell of a slow movie with some very obvious plot-holes. And in my opinion, if you take away those plot-holes then the entire movie collapses.

If you are a woman and you realized that your creepy neighbour has been kidnapping girls and holding them hostage, would you wait for the cops to come and do their job or would you barge into his house and try to solve the mystery under his nose? Suppose the lead character had just waited in her house and directed the cops when they came, the movie would have ended without all that unnecessary drama.

And why do the cops leave without checking the neighbour's house even when the lead character has told them very specifically that he has been involved in kidnapping girls? Just in order to drag out the movie unnecessarily for half an hour more?

How does the wife of the kidnapper know that the small girl was held hostage by her husband and that too in the basement? Was she a mind-reader?

And just on the basis of some random hand-prints on the glass, the cops come to know at the end that the man is actually the kidnapper and they storm into his house in such an over-dramatic manner? Especially when the previous day, they left without even insisting on searching his house?

The kidnapped girl had some kidney related problems; but how did her daughter also have the same? And why did the kidnapper just turn her loose on the road?

The biggest plot-hole is that if the small girl was locked up in the basement since her birth, she would never be able to recognize the house from outside. Yet she recognizes it by looking at the window and she even draws it to indicate that it's where she was living.

Overall, a really underwhelming experience.
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Reading Between the Chalk Lines
lavatch13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film's focus was on the dedicated and courageous Paula, who was relentless in discovering the truth about a disturbed and lost child name Clara.

Unfortunately, the film was overly unpleasant with Paula's impatient husband and the incompetent authorities from child services. Paula steals the files, and almost instantly grasps both the identity of the child and the name of the perp!

But it was a foolhardy move on the part of Paula to proceed to the home of the monsters without waiting for the police. The film's ending was so choppy that reviewers on this website needed to explain the details just to figure out the plot!

There was also a clumsy flashback montage that awkwardly retold the story from a different perspective.

The filmmakers made it much too difficult for the viewer to read between the chalk lines in the film's climactic sequence. The three stars awarded for this film are due only to the fine performance of the actress playing Paula.
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